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Ever since then traducir español

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But killing my horse wasn't enough, because ever since then,
Pero matar a mi caballo no era suficiente, porque desde entonces,
And ever since then, Hamacher has been having a grand time.
Desde entonces, Hamacher se la ha pasado muy bien.
Ever since then, whenever you've gone away I've said :
Desde ese momento, cada vez que te ibas, me decía :
Ever since then, the cannon business has been left to an adopted foundling... named Andrew Undershaft.
Desde entonces, la fábrica de cañones se ha legado a un niño de hospicio... llamado Andrew Undershaft.
But ever since then, scientists have followed the same principle.
Pero los científicos han seguido los mismos principios.
Desde entonces, te has sentado y has dejado que yo haga el trabajo mientras tu te aclimatas
Well, ever since then... I'm no longer a moonlit creature in a moonlit life.
Desde entonces ya no soy una criatura noctámbula con una vida de noctámbulo.
He suffered an injury to his brain once, and ever since then.... lf you make me leave you to his quiet whims, I will never f orgive you.
Sufrió una lesión cerebral y desde entonces... Si me obliga a dejarle en sus manos, no se lo perdonaré jamás.
Ever since then, you're life's been a mess.
Desde entonces, tu vida va hacia abajo.
Ever since then I've had a hankering to be a fruit grower.
Desde entonces he deseado cultivar fruta.
But ever since then, I've done my duty.
Desde entonces siempre he cumplido con mi deber.
Ever since then in a hundred ways you've been proving different.
Desde entonces has cambiado mucho.
Ever since then, no, even before that
Desde tu carta... No, incluso antes...
Ever since then, they've bundled me out here as fast as possible.
Desde entonces, corren conmigo para acá lo más rápido posible.
Well, I used to be bad when I was a kid. But ever since then I've gone straight, as I can prove by my record - 33 arrests and no convictions.
Era malo cuando era niño... pero desde entonces me corregí... como puedo probar por mi expediente :
Ever since then when I feel like candy, I say to myself "Well, you can't complain, brother."
Desde entonces, cuando tengo ganas de comerme un dulce, me digo... no te puedes quejar.
Desde entonces intenta probar algo para sí mismo.
Ever since then, this is what you wanted, with those big innocent eyes!
Me la guardas desde aquel día. Con esos asquerosos ojos de vaca, ¡ no te quedarás con mi tienda!
Ever since then, I've been a sucker for girls in polo coats.
Desde entonces me encantan las chicas con chaquetas de sport.
Ever since then, we have been living here, in hiding.
Desde entonces vivimos aquí, escondidos.
Ever since then, numb, no feelings, like my heart was shotfull ofNovocain.
Y desde entonces... Nada. Sin sentimientos.
Ever since then I've had bad dreams, Uncle.
Desde entonces tengo pesadillas, tío.
Ever since then, Nicholas has been unable to live as other men.
Desde entonces, Nicholas no ha podido vivir como otros hombres.
Well, naturally... the Whitlocks didn't take very kindly to this, and ever since then... they're supposed to have made the destruction of the Laniers... - the main item of business at their sabbats. - [Glass Breaks]
A los Whitlock no les hizo mucha gracia, y desde entonces... su agenda principal en los aquelarres es la destrucción de los Lanier.
Ever since then, she's been furtive, suspicious, imagining all kinds of terrible things.
Desde entonces, lleva... furtiva, sospechosa, imaginándose todo tipo de cosas horribles.
But ever since then, if I go a day without seeing her or talking to her -
Pero si un día no la veo o no la llamo por teléfono...
We've been watching you ever since then.
Te hemos estado buscando desde entonces.
And ever since then he doesn't want to sleep with his wife.
Y desde entonces no quiso dormir con su esposa.
Y desde entonces, ella cree que estoy delicada.
Ever since then he had felt extremely awkward and hesitant about approaching females sexually and every rebuff was excruciating.
Desde entonces se sintió torpe y dubitativo al acercarse sexualmente a una mujer, cada rechazo era insoportable.
Ever since then he seems to have grown steadily worse.
Desde entonces, parece ir de mal en peor.
Ever since then, people say his ghost haunts the house.
Desde entonces, la gente dice que su fantasma acecha la casa.
I think that I've been saying, "It'h pothibIe" ever since then.
Creo que se me pegó esa expresión desde que la dijo Tatum.
The shutters have been closed ever since then perhaps an heir will come one day and the shutters will be opened and I'II have some company
El postigo ha estado cerrado desde entonces. Algún día tal vez vendrá un heredero, los postigos se abrirán y yo tendré un poco de compañía.
First of all, I don't think that a modern young girl suits me at all... and then in this special case... ever since the first day... we've been fighting a sort of duel... with hidden weapons.
En primer lugar, no creo que una chica moderna pegue conmigo en absoluto... y después, en este caso en concreto... y desde el primer día... se ha producido un duelo entre nosotros... con armas escondidas.
Ever since then I've had a yen to go to Italy.
Desde entonces.
Then he went daffy, and he's been here ever since.
Luego se volvió chalado y está aquí desde entonces.
And then Bruhl double crossed his client and has been making Lingle pay ever since. - Yes.
Bruhl traicionó a su cliente y obligó a Lingle a pagar desde entonces.
Since then, head of the most insidious international spy ring that ever existed. You're wrong.
Y desde entonces jefe de la red de espionaje más peligrosa del mundo.
Well, the ether's been working perfectly ever since I started, then this morning I gave some to a patient and he jumped out the window.
Bien, el éter ha funcionado perfectamente desde que empecé a usarlo, hasta esta mañana en que se lo dí a un paciente y saltó por la ventana.
Ever since them gamblers took over the River Queen, we ain't been doin'nothin but serving'em drinks... and then serving'em coffee to sober'em up.
Desde que esos jugadores se apoderaron de este barco... no hacemos más que servirles tragos... y después servirles café para despejarlos.
But Phra Palat did not recognize me, not then or ever... not even though he had known me since he was a boy.
Pero Phra Palat no me reconoció, ni entonces ni nunca, ni siquiera a pesar de que me conocía desde la niñez.
Estella has been part of my existence ever since I first came here the common boy whose heart she wounded even then.
Estella forma parte de mi vida desde que llegué aquí, un chico vulgar al que hirió ya entonces.
It's been happening now and then, ever since the war.
Me pasa de vez en cuando, desde la guerra.
Ever since Amelia's time the Elphberg face has cropped out on one of us every now and then.
Desde la época de Amelia... el rostro de los Elphberg ha resurgido en uno de nosotros de vez en cuando.
And since I hardly ever come to your office, with its foul stench of tanin, since you like strong odors and Madame Flament smells bad, and she's an excellent secretary, completely at your disposal, then you should keep her.
Como nunca entro en tu oficina, con esa peste a tanino, y te gustan los olores fuertes, y la Sra. Flament huele mal, y es una excelente secretaria, tienes que quedarte con ella.
No woman has ever looked at me like that since then.
Ninguna mujer me ha vuelto a mirar así desde entonces.
But since then no man has ever reached me.
Pero desde entonces, ningún hombre logró acercarse a mí.
Then she married her lover, and ever since, has led a model life.
A continuación, se casó con su amante, y desde entonces, ha llevado una vida modelo.
How many strange things seem and then are ever since we got on this planet?
¿ Cuántas cosas parecen ser lo que no son desde que llegamos a este planeta?
And then--so she's been jumping in front of buses ever since.
Desde entonces no hace otra cosa que saltar frente autobuses.

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