Go for it traducir español
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Why don't you go for it?
¿ Por qué no vas a por él?
So if you really think you can do this job in Dallas, I say you go for it.
Así que si realmente cree que puede hacer esto trabajo en Dallas, digo que ir a por ello.
We want to teach our kids to go for it, but too much ambition can be dangerous.
Queremos enseñar a nuestros hijos a ir a por ello, pero el exceso de ambición puede ser peligroso.
Anyone but the one in green is mine, so, go for it. What do you think?
Cualquiera menos la de verde que es mía, así que, adelante.
- Why shouldn't we go for it?
¿ Por qué no debemos ir por ella?
- Never know till you go for it.
Nunca se sabe hasta que ir a por ello.
Putting all our cards on the table leaves us nowhere else to turn if the allies don't go for it.
Colocar todas nuestras cartas sobre la mesa nos deja sin nadie a quién recurrir si los aliados no están convencidos.
And, ah, if the mood strikes you to do a little laundry, then go for it.
Y... si estás de humor para hacer la colada, adelante.
Go for it.
Go for it.
Well... I told him he should just go for it.
Pues le dije que debería ir a por ello.
Just go for it.
A por ello.
I kept thinking if that was the next song that came on, I should go for it.
Pensaba que si esa era la siguiente canción que tocaban, debía ir por ello.
Wear clothes you don't mind losing, cover the gear so it's protected and go for it.
Ponte ropa que no te importe ensuciar, protege tus equipos y vívelo.
I want you to go for it.
Quiero que lo intentes.
- Yeah, go for it.
- Sí, adelante.
Let's go for it today.
Sí, bebamos hoy.
- I bet Arman would just go for it.
- Apuesto a que Arman iría al grano.
It seemed like he took Arman's advice to heart, so he'll probably go for it and show his passion for her.
Parece que él tomó en serio el consejo de Arman, así que probablemente se lance a demostrarle su pasión.
He just has to go for it.
Él tiene que atreverse.
So go for it.
Así que hazlo.
Mate, for what it's worth, if your relationship is sinking I'll be your mate, and I'll go down with the ship!
Colega, si vale de algo, si tu relación se hunde, seré tu colega, ¡ y me hundiré con el barco!
Hell, I'd go and make cheese sandwiches for minimum wage if it meant coming home to you every night.
El infierno, me gustaría ir y hacer sándwiches de queso por el salario mínimo si eso significaba volver a casa a ti cada noche.
It was all I could think of to make this mess go away once and for all.
Fue lo que se me ocurrió hacer para que este lío desapareciera de una vez por todas.
So all this time, I thought she was getting her post-bac so she could go to medical school, and I was paying for it because I thought it might make her happy, and it turns out it's all bullshit.
Todo este tiempo, pensé que ella estaba haciendo un postgrado y le pagaba la facultad de medicina para que pueda ir porque pensaba que eso la hacía feliz, y resulta que todo es una mierda.
It's the place he's been asking me to go to for a month.
Es el lugar al que me ha pedido por un mes que lo lleve.
I gotta go, all right, it's just best for everybody.
Tengo que irme, está bien, esto es lo mejor para todos.
Besides, it'd be bad form for Go to kill someone he just got into business with.
Además, sería de mala educación matar a alguien con quien tiene negocios en común.
Hot chicks never listen. It's time for you to go. Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Chicas monas nunca escuchan Es hora de que te vayas.
Okay.'Cause it's just I don't go for getting
Bien. Porque no me gusta que pongan
Suzy, when you and Doug go out for ice cream, you split a hot fudge sundae, do you get it with all the works, the whipped cream, the sprinkles?
Suzy, cuando tú y Doug ir a tomar un helado, dividir un helado con chocolate caliente, se puede conseguir que con todas las obras, la crema batida, los confites? ¿ Las nueces?
We're saved! Go for it!
¡ Buena suerte!
Just to be alongside them, as they're trying to work out which animal they're going to go for, they're swapping places, different animals taking the lead in the hunt. It's an amazing thing to see.
Sólo estar junto a ellos mientras deciden... qué animal seguir, cambiando de lugares... y cambiando la iniciativa de caza, es algo increíble de ver.
Dad... falls for Shelly... and... before you know it, a couple months go by, and she's moving in.
Papá... se enamora de Shelly... y... antes de que te des cuenta han pasado un par de meses y ella se ha mudado...
Dr. lorenson, it's time for you to go.
Dra. Lorenson, es tiempo de que salga.
Jesus, you don't go into a place and search it 18 times and keep looking for something unless...
No entras a un lugar, registras 18 veces y sigues buscando algo, al menos que...
But if... if I go to trial and that, he said it's gonna be hard for the jury, you know, to believe me if I tell the real, true story.
Pero si tengo que ir a juicio, dice que ve difícil que el jurado me crea si cuento la historia real.
Yes. And it tells you that if you go through these tests and the manipulation control is contaminated, that you are to report it as inconclusive for match purposes.
Y dice que si realiza estas pruebas y el control de manipulación es contaminado, deben reportarlo como no concluyente para propósitos de concordancia.
All we can do is hope for the best, but I got a hunch, anything, it'll have to go to appeals court.
Hay que tener esperanza, pero se me hace que habrá que ir al tribunal de apelaciones.
So I gotta go back for it.
Debo ir a buscarlo.
It sounds like they're gonna go for my proposal.
Creo que aceptarán mi propuesta.
Go home and wait for it.
Vete a casa a esperar.
It's like he'll go for Yuriko, but realize, "The barista was always by my side."
Él buscará a Yuriko, pero pensará : "La barista siempre estaba a mi lado".
I would have had to go back to Seattle and have the film processed, and now, moments after I've taken the shot and it's really important for my subjects to be involved with me so they see there's a reason
Tenía que regresar a Seattle y procesar la película. Ahora puedo hacerlo segundos después de haber tomado la fotografía. Es importante que mis sujetos se involucren en el proceso para que entiendan que hay una razón para someterlos a esta tortura.
It's a simple shot, you wouldn't think so much can go into one thing but for me, for my own sanity and my own soul... yeah it's just this fulfilment.
Es una toma simple. No parece que llevara tanto trabajo. Pero, para mí, para mi cordura y para mi alma...
- Go for it.
- Sí.
She has probably wanted to go for a long time, but it was too expensive.
Tal vez quería ir desde hace mucho tiempo, pero era muy costoso.
- Don't go back for it! No!
- ¡ No regreses!
Don't go back for it!
¡ No regreses!
You had much better go on horseback, for it seems likely to rain, and then you must stay all night.
Es mejor que vayas a caballo pues parece que va a llover. Y así tendrías que pasar la noche.
Go only with free spirits like Miranda... and if it is serious, I'm good way for a spa weekend.
Acompañada por espíritus libres como Miranda... Y cuando la cosa se ponga dura, nosotras seremos más fuertes este fin de semana.
go for a walk 26
go forward 50
go forth 35
go for barney 17
for it 119
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
go forward 50
go forth 35
go for barney 17
for it 119
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
itis 22
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
itis 22
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34