Hand it to me traducir español
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Hand it to me.
- Her sister. - Hand it to me.
- La hermana.
- Why didn't you hand it to me?
- ¿ Por qué no me la diste?
Oh, here, hand it to me, I'll get some clean stuff.
Dámelo, voy a conseguir otro limpio.
Add my sign and hand it to me.
Añade mi firma y dámelo.
Lay out a solution of the campaign and hand it to me on a silver platter.
Salvar la campaña y servirme la solución en bandeja.
That's it, hand it to me, come on.
Eso es, tíramelo, venga.
It doesn't quite come to hand for me.
No es muy manejable para mí
I'll die sword in hand... to show the people I could fight if it were my master's will... and that I could kill the man who kills me if I choose.
Moriré con la espada en la mano. Para demostrar que podría luchar si fuera la voluntad de mi Señor. Y que podría matar al hombre que me mata.
Give me your hand, it's better not to turn the light on.
Dame la mano. Es mejor no encender la luz.
And when you asked to marry me it was like God sent somebody to take me by the hand.
Cuando me pediste casarme fue como si Dios me enviara a alguien.
I think it's a dirty trick he wasn't on hand to meet me when I came.
La verdad es que está fatal que no me haya recibido él.
I feared for a moment he was going to take my hand back to Texas with him, even though it isn't made of gold.
Por un momento temí que me fuera a coger la mano para llevársela a Texas, incluso aunque no sea de oro.
Give it to me in my hand.
Give it to me en mi mano.
Vicky, I'd only be too glad to have you look at this thing. It's in the bottom right-hand drawer.
Me encantaría enseñártelo pero...
I had to do it hastily, you know, sir, for if the party in question had seen this in my hand, the game would have been up good and proper.
Tuve que hacerlo aprisa y corriendo, ya que si la parte en cuestiòn hubiera visto esto, me habría pillado en el acto.
If he thinks I've talked to you, he'll know he can't lay a hand on me without proving it's true.
Si cree que hablamos no podrá tocarme sin demostrar que es cierto.
Miss Katsuyo is out, I'm afraid, but Miss Yoneko is in so maybe it would be better to hand the money to her rather than me
Me temo que la Srta. Katsuyo ha salido, pero la Srta. Yoneko sí que está, así que tal vez sería mejor entregarle el dinero a ella, antes que a mí.
Keep your back to me, take off your gun belt and hand it over.
Continue de espaldas hacia mí. Quítese el cinto y démelo.
Now look, I got me a good hand. You want to see it?
Tengo una buena mano. ¿ Quieres verla?
- I remember once, during an inspection like that, there were twenty buttons missing from my tunic and I got two weeks solitary confinement for it, and had to spend two days of it tied up, hand and foot.
Me acuerdo que una vez en uno de esos desfiles... me faltaban veinte botones del uniforme... y por ello me encerraron quince días. Estuve doce días con los grillos puestos, como Lázaro.
I was told you know the locomotive like the back of your hand, but you're lagging behind when it comes to saving on coal. Why?
Me dijeron que usted sabe que la locomotora como la palma de tu mano, pero estás quedando atrás cuando se trata de ahorrar en el carbón. ¿ Por qué?
Because two days later, after it was too late to stop you or call off the customs she came to my hotel room, where l was sitting half-drunk with a three-day beard on my face and she got down on her knees, and she kissed my hand. She told me she couldn ´ t go through with it with you.
Dos días después de marchar tú, cuando ya era tarde para remediar el hecho, ella vino a mi hotel, donde yo estaba medio borracho, con una barba de tres días se puso de rodillas, me besó la mano, y me dijo que no podía respetar la promesa que te había hecho.
All I have to do is to open it, dip me hand in and forever be a traitor to the name of O'Flaherty.
Sólo tengo que abrirla, meter la mano y traicionar para siempre al apellido O'Flaherty.
- Give me a hand unpacking? - It's nice to see you. And unexpected.
- Volver a verte ha sido agradable e inesperado.
~ It's either your jewelry or that, hand it over, give it to me.
- ¡ O tus alhajas o esto, quita, déjame!
Then she'd hand it over to me
Ella me las daría a mí.
Did you ever work it out brother? In 20 years'time you could be sitting in Hoylake's chair, and that's as high as you can go. and that means a 1.000 £ a year, a semi-detached downtown, a 2nd hand Austin, and a wife to match, if you know what I mean.
Si trabajas duro, puede que dentro de 20 años llegues al despacho de Hoylake, y eso serían mil al año, una casa adosada, un coche de segunda mano y una mujer a juego, ¿ me sigues?
I told him I didn't want to swim in it but he just grabbed my hand and dragged me into the water all the way in and I came out looking naked.
Le dije que no quería bañarme con él pero tomó mi mano y me arrastró al agua me sumergió y al salir fue como si estuviera desnuda.
Cuando llego por la noche y trato de tomar un periódico ella me lo quita.
Offers me his hand, expects me to kiss it!
Me ofrece la mano para que se la bese.
Well, you lay one hand on me and I'll report you to the child labor board. It is? I'm leaving and that's final.
Si me pone un dedo encima, la denuncio.
My master told me to put it only in Sir Robert's hand.
Mi amo me dijo que la pusiera sólo en las manos de Sir Robert.
Give it to me, I'll show you how to hand it over.
Tráela, verás como yo sí se la entrego.
I spend my life seeking immortality on one hand and seeking to destroy it on the other.
Paradójico, ¿ no? Me paso la vida buscando la inmortalidad por un lado, y tratando de destruirla por otro.
On the other hand, with me in command... it would take a great deal more than, ha, trango peeray to turn us back.
Por otro lado, si yo estoy al mando hace falta más que trangko peeray para que abandonemos la misión.
Whoever lays a hand on me, regrets it. I don't care to be madean exhibition of!
Quien me ponga la mano encima, se arrepentirá ¡ No me importan los escándalos!
I knew it, Rosa. You didn't believe me... but it was the hand of God led me to the Devil.
Yo sabía, Rosa... tu no quisiste creer... pero fue la mano de Dios que me llevó por mal camino.
You're a fine sea dog, captain, but it seems to me that the Battledore could well do with a woman's hand at the helm.
Es usted un buen lobo de mar, pero creo que al Battledore le vendría bien un toque femenino al timón.
But when he was standing there with a gun in his hand your burning passion for me vamoosed, and you can't wait to vamoose after it.
Pero al ver que él también empuñaba un revólver, tu ardiente pasión se ha esfumado y tú tienes prisa por esfumarte como ella.
And when the time comes for me to hand in the story well, I'm not gonna go through with it, huh?
Y cuando llegue el momento de entregar la historia ¿ no me atreveré a publicarla, no?
But as you know, we have preserved his hand so if you decide that he must be killed after all the harm he has done we will bow to the inevitable and will not try to prevent it.
Pero conseguimos salvar su mano. Por lo menos tengo eso para mi investigacion. Pero me doy cuenta de que probablemente sera destruido.
To hear her little hand knocking on the door... And you... or you, Sir Count or me, going to open it and finding her there, our Silvana.
Oír su manita... tocando a la puerta... y usted... o usted, Sr. conde... o yo... ir a abrir... y encontrarla ahí...
By this hand, I say too very scurvy, and I begin to find myself fobbed in it.
Esto me huele a burla y a que me consideras un estúpido.
It's nice of you to give me a hand.
Eres amable al echarme una mano.
They had to crank it by hand.
Me sacaron con la manivela.
Yes, it flew out of his hand just as he was about to give it to me, a gold pen.
Si, salió volando de su mano justo cuando estaba a punto de darme una pluma de oro.
I realise, of course, that I am no match for the Daleks so if I hand it over, will you help me and my friends to get away from this planet?
Soy consciente, por supuesto, que no soy rival para los Dalek así que si se lo entrego, usted me ayudará y a mis amigos a salir de este planeta?
Shall I give it to you or would you prefer me to hand it to you in your ship, hmm?
Se la doy a usted o prefiere que se lo lleve a su nave, ¿ eh?
I distinctly saw the stalk of one of the roses bend close to me, as if an invisible hand had bent it, and then break, as if that hand had picked it!
Vi claramente el tallo de una de las rosas doblada cerca de mí, como si una mano invisible lo hubiera doblado, y luego se quebró, como si esa mano lo hubiera agarrado!
Well, old boy, I've got to hand it to you.
Lo ha descubierto y eliminado rápidamente. Eso me gusta.
hand it over 300
to meet you 22
to mexico 17
to me 1767
to meet 21
hand man 144
hand corner 30
hand to god 58
hand side 81
hand in hand 35
to meet you 22
to mexico 17
to me 1767
to meet 21
hand man 144
hand corner 30
hand to god 58
hand side 81
hand in hand 35