Hate you traducir español
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Those guys that usually hate you love this version.
A esos tipos que normalmente te odian les encanta esta versión.
And, unfortunately, people are going to hate you for a little while.
Y, desafortunadamente, las personas te odiarán por un rato.
I hate you.
Te odio.
I really hate you sometimes, Ray.
De verdad que algunas veces te odio, Ray.
Oh, my God, I hate you!
¡ Dios mío, te odio!
I won't hate you for that.
No te odiaré por eso.
I don't hate you.
Yo no te odio.
You must really hate your sister.
Debes detestar a tu hermana.
Like, you hate your birthday or you think surprise parties are horrible.
¿ Odias tu cumpleaños o crees que las fiestas sorpresa son horribles?
I don't want to hate you... angry in this way that I didn't know was possible...
No quiero odiarte... no sabía que era posible estar así de enfadado...
It ain't my fault you hate your life.
No es mi culpa que odia su vida.
I hate to bother you, but I could really use your help with a client. Can I borrow you for a quick minute?
Siento molestarte, pero necesito tu ayuda con un cliente. ¿ Me das un minuto?
We are gonna make you drink blood all day and night until you hate it- - even more than a normal person would.
Vamos a hacer que bebas sangre durante todo el día y la noche hasta que la odies... Incluso más que una persona normal.
I told you, I hate needles.
Te lo dije, no me gustan las agujas.
You guys hate each other.
Vosotras, chicas, os odiáis mutuamente.
You hate me, don't you?
Me odia, ¿ verdad?
- Do you hate the Florricks?
- ¿ Odia a los Florrick?
I'd hate to see you make the same mistake with yourself.
Odiaría verte cometer el mismo error contigo misma.
I hate to say it, but I think you might be right.
Odio decirlo, pero creo que tienes razón.
I hate to tell you this,
No me gusta digo esto,
And i hate to tell you, but you're nothing like cary grant.
Y no me gusta que le diga, pero eres nada como Cary Grant,
Oh! Did they figure out if those twin agents you hate died in that botched mission?
¿ Averiguaron si esos agentes gemelos que odias murieron en esa misión chapuza?
You're gonna hate me forever.
Vais a odiarme para siempre.
‐ I hate it when you put words in my mouth, okay?
‐ Odio cuando pone palabras en mi boca, ¿ de acuerdo?
You two hate everyone!
¡ Ustedes dos odian a todo el mundo!
Why do you refuse to hate the one person I fucking begged you two to hate? I begged ya!
¿ Por qué se niega a odiar a la única persona a quién les rogué que ustedes dos odiaras?
I really hate to bug you with this but I've been trying to find Caleb.
Lo siento. Odio molestarte con esto pero he estado intentando encontrar a Caleb.
So I hate to break it to you, girl but you're stuck with me.
Así que lamento decirtelo pero estás atrapada conmigo.
You know I hate goodbyes.
Sabes que odio las despedidas.
Hey, listen, look, I know you hate these meetings.
Hey, escuchen, miren, se que odian estas reuniones.
And I hate you.
Y yo te odio a ti.
- You guys, I hate that Sam's out there mad at me.
- Chicos, odio que Sam esté enfadado conmigo.
Your prison shrink noted that you had a giant hate-on for Zane.
Tu psiquiatra dijo que tenías mucho odio contra Zane.
I hate that you get away with it.
Odio que te salgas con la tuya.
And you have every right to hate me for what I did to you three years ago.
Y tienes todo el derecho de odiarme por lo que te hice hace tres años.
I'd hate for you to have gone through all this trouble, and we don't pass the inspection.
Odiaría haberte hecho pasar por todo este lío y que no pasemos la inspección.
Who do you hate?
¿ A quién odias?
You hate it.
Lo odias.
So you hate him.
Así que le odias.
Even when you hate them, you still love them.
Aún cuando los odias, los quieres.
Rough day, someone had feelings, which you hate...
Día difícil, alguien tuvo sentimientos, lo que odias...
- I hate you.
- Te odio.
You hate me.
Me odias.
You hate me.
Tú me odias.
Slander, defamation, hate crime if you want to bring race into it, and it all leads to your expulsion or worse... prison!
Calumnia, difamación, crimen de odio si quieres incluir el racismo en esto, y todo termina en expulsión o peor... ¡ la cárcel!
Do you just hate us all?
¿ Nos odias a todos?
You hate me that much?
¿ Tanto me odias?
Do you hate me that much?
¿ Tanto me odias?
- Why do you hate Barrès so much?
- ¿ Por qué odias tanto a Barrès?
Do you hate me as much as that?
¿ Tanto me odias?
I just hate the fact you think you can do whatever you want.
Es que odio el hecho de que usted piensa se puede hacer lo que quiera.
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
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you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16