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He'll kill him traducir español

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Easy there, talk like that to him and he'll kill you. I've never seen him like this before.
no se entiende no, hablar así que voy a matar en 25 años, que yo sepa, no he nunca me ha visto en esta situación
"If he mentions Julie's name again I'll kill him."
"Menciona otra vez el nombre de Julie y te mataré."
- If he comes here, I'll kill him!
- ¡ Si vuelve, le mato!
- Nayland, he'll kill him, I know!
- Nayland, lo matará, ¡ lo sé!
He'll kill him!
¡ Lo matará!
Tell that lawford if he cuts up any monkey shines I'll kill him even if he is my son-in-law.
Dile a ese listillo que si vuelve a las andadas, lo mataré, incluso si es mi yerno.
And if he quotes another Chinese proverb... I'll kill him!
¡ Y si vuelve a citar un proverbio chino Io mato!
You tell him, Doc. If we give Dream Prince a speedball today, he'll win the race, but it'll kill him.
Si hoy lo dopamos, ganará la carrera.
Father, he'll kill him.
Padre, va a matarlo.
Help me to prove he's responsible, I'll put him where he won't kill anybody.
Ayúdeme a probar su responsabilidad y haré que no pueda matar a nadie.
If he says another word to Chips, I'll kill him.
Si le dice a Chips algo más, le asesino.
If Krogh finds him, he'll kill him.
Si Krogh le encuentra, le matará.
If he tries to get in, I'll kill him.
Si intenta entrar, le mataré.
He'll never come back. They'll kill him.
No volverá, le matarán.
He'll kill me, don't let him kill me.
Te lo ruego, va a matarme.
If he gets intimate I'll kill him!
¡ Cómo se ponga íntimo, me lo cargo!
By this sword, he that makes the first thrust, I'll kill him.
Por mi espada que a quien dé el primer paso, lo mato.
- I'll kill him if he comes back.
- Lo mataré si vuelve.
Don't you worry Mr. Alastair, we'll soon have him in jail before he can kill anyone else.
- No se preocupe, Alastaire. Le meteremos en la cárcel, antes de que mate a nadie.
- No, but I wish I had, because if he ever does you any wrong, I'll track him down and kill him.
- No, ojalá, porque si te hace algo, le mataré.
He'll get your eyes if he can. Kill him and be done with it.
Te sacará los ojos si puede, mátale y así acabas antes.
- If you touch him. I'll kill you - Did I start?
- Si vuelves a tocarle, te mataré - ¿ He empezado yo?
If you kill him, he'll wring my neck.
Porque si Io jaIas a él, me van a tronar a mí.
I'll get him, the blighter, I will and when I get him, that blighter I'll kill, he shall die!
A ese apestoso pillaré a ese apestoso le mataré, y morirá!
- He shall die - I'll kill him
- Él morirá
- He shall die - I'll kill him dead
- Le mataré
This is where he sat. Sit down, John, and I'll show you how I made him kill his father!
Siéntate John, y te mostraré cómo un hombre puede matar a su padre.
If he tries to stop me, I'll kill him.
Y si intenta detenerme, le mataré.
Tell him about today's snafu and he'll kill Stitch for good.
Dile lo del desastre de hoy y acabará con "Costura" para siempre.
He'll kill him.
Lo va a matar.
He'll kill him, I know.
Lo va a matar, lo sé.
I know he'll kill him.
Sé que lo matará.
I'll kill him before he gets out of town.
Lo mataré antes de que salga de la ciudad.
I've even thought I'll kill him one day.
He llegado a pensar que algún día voy a matar a mi padre.
Don't forget, if you try to slug with him, he'll kill you!
No olvides que si tratas de golpearlo, te matará.
He'll kill me, he'll kill me, don't let him
Va a matarme, va a matarme, no le dejéis.
He'll tell them he's guilty. They'll kill him! Kill him for what I'VE done!
Diles que he sido yo, sino lo matarán.
He'll die. He's got to die, and you're going to kill him!
Morirá, tiene que morir gracias a usted.
But if Brent catches him, he'll kill him.
Pero si lo hace Brent, lo matará.
You'd better kill him on the first shot, he'll shoot back.
Sí, pero hay que estar seguro de pegarle el primer tiro si no, se pone a disparar también él.
If he fails tonight, it'll kill him.
Un fracaso hoy será su muerte.
If he doesn't marry you, I'll kill him!
¡ Si no se casa, lo mato!
I  s a fight, he'll kill him.
¡ Una pelea, se matarán!
You give him one good reason and he'll kill us.
Dale una buena razón y nos matará.
He'll kill all of us before you can reach him.
este hombre es un asesino demente.
I like Starrett too, but I'll kill him if I have to.
A mí Starrett también me cae bien, pero lo mataré si he de hacerlo.
- I'll kill him if I have to.
- Lo mataré si he de hacerlo.
- Mirellina, he'll kill him.
¡ Lo va a matar!
If he touches you, I'll kill him.
Si se atreve a tocarte, lo mato.
They'll kill him! You know Tony, he'll never talk!
Le conoces, Tony no dirá nada ¿ Le matarán!
He's a villain! - I'll kill him!
¡ Es un sinvergüenza!

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