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He'll kill you traducir español

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Easy there, talk like that to him and he'll kill you. I've never seen him like this before.
no se entiende no, hablar así que voy a matar en 25 años, que yo sepa, no he nunca me ha visto en esta situación
He'll kill you.
¡ Que te mata!
He'll kill you too.
- No. - Te matará también.
If he's gone mad, too, they'll kill you.
Si se ha vuelto loco también, te matarán.
He'll kill you, kill you all, and then take the keys and come to me.
Les matará a todos ustedes, cogerá las llaves y vendrá a por mí.
He'll kill you.
Si te encuentra, te matará.
You tell him, Doc. If we give Dream Prince a speedball today, he'll win the race, but it'll kill him.
Si hoy lo dopamos, ganará la carrera.
Don't do it, he'll kill you.
No lo hagas, te matará.
He'll kill you.
Te matará.
He'll kill you, Joe.
Ya me cuidaré de eso.
If you don't open the gate, he'll kill me.
Si no abre la puerta, me matará.
You made a nervous wreck out of me, you tortured me, you took my pride away, my self-respect and I stood for it, but if you try to tell me that he just came here to bring a handbag, I'll kill you.
Me hiciste poner nervioso, me torturaste, me quitaste mi orgullo y mi autoestima y lo soporté, pero si intentas decirme que sólo vino a traerte una cartera, te mataré.
I realised I've shirked my duties but I've got something to make up for it. A folk song for the concert, it'll kill you.
He olvidado mis obligaciones, pero lo compensaré... una canción tradicional para el concierto.
If he finds you here, he'll kill you.
Si te encuentra aquí, te mata.
She said as soon as you leave they'll kill me so I called for help. I didn't want you to leave me to be murdered.
Ha dicho que en cuanto se fueran iban a matarme... por eso he pedido socorro. No quería que me asesinaran.
- He'll probably want to kill you!
- ¡ Él va a querer matarle!
He'll kill you!
¡ Te matará!
If Moriarity hears a shot he'll kill Holmes. You keep an eye on the boat.
Si Moriarty oye un tiro, matará a Holmes.
- Do what he says! He'll kill you!
- Haga lo que dice o le matará.
When he comes down here to kill you, you'll know right away that he killed Kaufman. - And then he'll kill you because you know that he killed Kaufman, and then I'll know he killed you, so he'll kill me. - Yes.
Cuando baje a matarte, sabrás quien mató a Kaufman.
Read it, and you'll know he's not the kind of man that could steal or kill.
Léela y verás que no es la clase de hombre que robaría o mataría.
He'll kill you. I saw it in his eyes.
Te matará. Lo vi en sus ojos.
Come back, you fool. He'll kill you.
- Vuelve, loco, ¡ te matará!
He'll kill you, Stephen!
Te matará, Stephen.
Don't you worry Mr. Alastair, we'll soon have him in jail before he can kill anyone else.
- No se preocupe, Alastaire. Le meteremos en la cárcel, antes de que mate a nadie.
He'll kill me! Not if you keep quiet.
No si no hace ruido.
- No, but I wish I had, because if he ever does you any wrong, I'll track him down and kill him.
- No, ojalá, porque si te hace algo, le mataré.
- If you touch him. I'll kill you - Did I start?
- Si vuelves a tocarle, te mataré - ¿ He empezado yo?
If you kill him, he'll wring my neck.
Porque si Io jaIas a él, me van a tronar a mí.
This is where he sat. Sit down, John, and I'll show you how I made him kill his father!
Siéntate John, y te mostraré cómo un hombre puede matar a su padre.
He said : " Dave, I'll kill you.
Dijo : " Dave, te mataré.
"He said : 'Lf you go near my wife again, "'I'll kill you!
"Le dijo : si le vuelvo a ver cerca de mi mujer de nuevo, le mataré."
He'll kill you! What kill?
Te matará.
He won't quit till he's got me and he'll kill you both to do it.
No abandonará hasta que me coja, y os matará para conseguirlo.
I've never had to kill a man in my life... but I'll get you, Rome.
Nunca he tenido que matar un hombre en mi vida... pero te mataré, Rome.
If he finds you, he'll kill you.
Si te encuentra, te matará.
You realize, of course, that he's a dangerous man. He'll kill someday.
¿ Se da cuenta de que es un hombre peligroso?
He'll kill you.
Te matará. Tiene recursos.
If you kill a man's sense of personal value, he'll submit.
Si matas el sentido de valor personal de un hombre, él se someterá.
- He'll kill you.
Te matará.
He'll kill you!
¡ Ven!
Silvano he'll kill you.
Silvano... hijo... Te va a matar.
Don't forget, if you try to slug with him, he'll kill you!
No olvides que si tratas de golpearlo, te matará.
He'd say, "Give me the money, you can have her, then I'll kill you."
Diría "Dame los 300 millones ahora y mi mujer es tuya"...
- He'll kill you first.
- ÉI te mataría antes.
He'll kill you!
¡ Pero ese te matará!
He's a four-time loser. He'll kill you.
Es reincidente cuádruplo.
He'll die. He's got to die, and you're going to kill him!
Morirá, tiene que morir gracias a usted.
You'd better kill him on the first shot, he'll shoot back.
Sí, pero hay que estar seguro de pegarle el primer tiro si no, se pone a disparar también él.
"Save yourselves, he'll kill you!"
"¡ Sálvate, sálvate, que te va a matar!".
If he doesn't marry you, I'll kill him!
¡ Si no se casa, lo mato!

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