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He'll never know traducir español

531 traducción paralela
You'll never know how deeply I was hurt He's got it, he's got it, he's got it
- La tiene, la tiene, la tiene. - Creí haber perdido mi camisa.
Gosh, you'll never know what an awful week I've spent without you.
Cielos, no puedes ni imaginarte qué semana tan horrible he pasado sin ti.
He'll never know you did it.
Él no saldrá nunca.
Now, Norwood don't know nothing. He'll never know nothing.
Norwood no sabe nada ni lo sabrá nunca.
He'll never know you were here.
Nunca sabrá que has venido.
Because then he'll want love. Love is one thing you don't know anything about and never will!
Entonces él querrá amor y eso es algo de lo que tú no sabes nada y de lo que no sabrás.
You'll never know how I suffered!
¡ Jamás sabrás cuánto he sufrido!
He'll never know who done it.
Nunca sabrá quién lo hizo.
Leastwise he'll never know what struck him.
Al menos, nunca sabrá qué le pasó.
- he'll never know you're in here.
- no sabrá que están aquí.
he isn't our father not yet but tomorrow, he'll be no Never never never you know what I mean but you shouldn't say it that he's our father alright, step-father but that's no reason to get so upset
¡ No es nuestro padre! Ahora aún no... pero mañana... ¡ No, nunca, nunca, nunca!
And pretty soon Mr. Jim Lane Will be working on the ground, And he'll never know How he got there.
Dentro de poco el Sr. Jim Lane estará trabajando en tierra sin saber cómo ha llegado hasta allí.
If I know Ramsey, he'll never let himself be absorbed by anybody.
Si conozco a Ramsey, nunca permitirá que nadie le absorba.
# He'll never know #
Él nunca sabrá
I'll be starting now but he must never know... what I had been before
Pero él no debe saber nunca... lo que he sido antes.
He'll die and I'll never know for sure.
Morirá, y nunca lo sabré.
If I never see Roy again... would you promise me he'll never know?
Si no vuelvo a ver a Roy otra vez... ¿ Me promete que él nunca lo sabrá?
By what kind fate he got a job today I'll never know. And how long will the store keep him? And what will become of him when they let him out?
Nunca sabré por qué extraña suerte consiguió hoy este trabajo... y cuánto tiempo durará en él... y lo que será de él cuando le echen?
Don't worry, he'll never know.
Descuide, no sabrá nada. Sí, papá.
Nunca lo sabrá.
That's good. But you know Sloss, he'll never stand up.
Eso está bien, pero Sloss no se presentará como testigo.
But he'll never be able to go back and do the kind of work... you know, darling I don't think I understand what kind of work he was doing.
Pero el nunca podra volver a hacer la clase de trabajo... Sabes querida creo que no entiendo la clase de trabajo que hacia.
Nunca contará lo que sabemos.
He'll never know how sweet she is.
Y él nunca sabrá lo dulce que es.
It's better. At least she'll never know what I've done.
Es lo mejor, así nunca sabrá lo que he hecho.
Now we'll never know what he wanted to tell us.
Ahora nunca sabremos lo que nos quería decir.
- He'll never know.
- Nunca lo sabrá.
Now, I'll never be sure what he was thinking just then... I know there was only one thought in MY mind... I was thinkin'about Cromwell!
Nunca sabré lo que estaba pensando... pero yo solo pensaba en una cosa :
Why he ever started this cheap penny-ante Building and Loan l'll never know. But neither you nor anybody else can say anything against his character, because his whole life was...
Nunca podré comprender qué le impulsó a fundar esta empresa, pero ni usted ni nadie pueden decir nada en contra de él porque durante toda su vida fue...
He'll know that love never lasts.
Se dará cuenta de que el amor no dura para siempre.
Though why he liked me J'll never know.
Nunca sabré por qué le simpatizaba.
You never know with him... He'll tell us.
con él nunca se sabe... ya nos lo dirá.
He'll never know we're there.
Vive atrás. No se enterará que estamos allí.
I'll never know how he feels about Georgia Garrett.
Nunca sabrá lo que siente por Georgia Garrett.
You'll never know who he is.
Jamás sabrán quienes fueron.
Just like Kelly... You never know what he'll do next.
Al igual que Kelly nunca sabes qué hará a continuación.
You never know what he'll come up with when he starts knocking on that brandy bottle.
Nunca se sabe qué dirá cuando comienza a beber brandy.
You know how men are in my house. Rocco is so proud, he'll never yield.
Mi hermano jamás lo consentirá, ya sabes como son los hombres de mi familia.
Well I'm afraid that you'll never know why it was so important that he speak to you.
Me temo que nunca sabrás qué era eso tan importante.
He'll never know.
Él jamás lo sabrá.
He'll never know.
Él nunca lo sabrá.
Then I'll let him go and he'll never know how I feel about him.
Dejaré que se vaya y nunca sabrá lo que siento por él.
I don't think it, I know he'll never forgive us.
No lo creo, estoy segura de que no nos lo perdonará jamás.
Well, he'll never know what he missed.
Pues no sabe lo que se pierde.
He'll never know.
Jamás lo sabrá.
Why he ever went for her, I'll never know.
Nunca entenderé por qué anda con ella.
He'll be sore at the delay, but he'll never know.
Le molestará que tardemos, pero nunca lo sabrá.
My only regret... is that he'll never know that I killed him.
Mi única queja... es que él nunca sabrá que yo le maté.
They'll kill him! You know Tony, he'll never talk!
Le conoces, Tony no dirá nada ¿ Le matarán!
But he'll never know.
Pero mis besos siguen frescos y fragantes...
But he'll never know because I stay kissing-sweet the new Dazzledent way.
Pero mis besos siguen... ... dulces y fragantes gracias al nuevo DazzIedent compacto.

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