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Sara had Jax go and recover what he could find.
Sara ha hecho que Jax fuera y recuperara lo que pudiera encontrar.
He could just go back and change history himself. But not reality.
Podría... volver y cambiar la historia.
He could not touch the love that your mom and dad gave you, that you still have it in you, that you still have in here.
No pudo tocar el amor que su madre y padre le dieron, ese aún está en usted, aún lo tiene aquí.
I got to see the father that he could have been but he'll...
Tuve que ver al padre que él podría haber sido pero nunca...
There have been juniors that were allowed to start their senior project early, and if he builds the tree house in a park or playground, he could apply for some of ABCC's community outreach budget and he can fund raise through the school.
Ha habido estudiantes de secundaria que comenzaron antes su proyecto de grado, y si construye la casa del árbol en un parque o área de juego, podrían darle la extensión económica de la comunidad de ABCC y levantar fondos por medio de la escuela.
- Wow. - He could probably hook you up with a record deal or something.
Él podría engancharte con un contrato discográfico o algo.
He could still crack Troy's alibi.
Aún puede ayudarnos a tumbar la coartada de Troy.
Callie asked if she could go to LA for the weekend with Aaron, and Jesus wants to know if he can have sex.
Callie preguntó si puede ir a Los Ángeles con Aaron el fin de semana y Jesus quiere saber si puede tener sexo.
I just wish there were a way that he could stay in town.
Desearía que hubiera una manera de que se quedara en la ciudad.
Well, he could have just said that.
Pues, hubiera podido decirlo.
He was hoping he could work something out.
Ojalá pudiera hacer que funcione.
So he could like...
¿ Entonces el puede como...
You're the reason he could have hurt everyone in this school!
¡ Usted es la razón por la que casi mata a alguien de esta escuela!
So he could walk into city hall.
Así que podía recorrer el ayuntamiento.
If Chase wanted you here for some reason, he could have been more specific about which floor.
Si Chase te quería aquí por alguna razón, debería haber sido más específico con la planta.
Because he could hide his scales, he became part of the life of the town.
Como podía esconder sus escamas, se integró a la vida del pueblo.
If he was Luke's accomplice, he could have been orchestrating the secret transfer all along.
Si era el cómplice de Luke, podría haber orquestado el traslado en secreto durante todo este tiempo.
If you combine it with the other two Mortal Instruments the cup and the mirror he could use it to raise the Angel Raziel.
Si la combina con los otros dos instrumentos mortales la copa y el espejo podría usarlos para invocar al ángel Raziel.
As a warlock, he could protect it better than anyone, right?
Como brujo, podía protegerlo mejor que nadie, ¿ no?
He could be under Valentine's influence.
Podría estar bajo la influencia de Valentine.
He could be playing you.
Podría estar jugando contigo.
If Miller can get in there, close, with that warhead, he could kill it.
Si Miller puede entrar allí, cerca, con esa ojiva, podría eliminarla.
He could re-direct our missiles at Mars.
Podría redirigir nuestros misiles a Marte.
Maybe he could stay but just poop at home instead of here?
Tal vez podría quedarse, pero... ¿ Podría ir a hacer caca en su casa?
An indentured servant could not marry, so how could he think to torment an ill-starred transportee girl, she could not fathom.
Una sirvienta no remunerada no podía casarse, así que ¿ cómo se le ocurría atormentar a una desafortunada chica desterrada? Ella no lo podía entender.
I mean, a weasel he most definitely is, but if what he says is true, she could go to jail.
Es decir, una comadreja que es lo más definitivamente, pero si lo que dice es cierto, ella podría ir a la cárcel.
Gordon took down Nygma before he could find out the truth about the Court.
Gordon se llevó a Nygma antes de que pudiera averiguar la verdad sobre La Corte.
So far, he hasn't laid out a single hoop you could keep yourself from jumping through.
Hasta ahora, no ha lanzado un solo anzuelo que no hayas podido evitar morder.
I wanted him to see I was grown up and I had my shit together and maybe, maybe he would just treat me differently. And we could have a decent day for once.
Quería mostrarle que crecí, que me las arreglo, para que, quizá, así me tratara diferente y, por una vez, pasáramos un día normal.
He could be like... the architect.
Podría ser... el arquitecto.
But maybe I could go check on the ex, see what he has to say?
Pero tal vez yo podría ir donde el ex y ver qué tiene que decir.
Oh, yeah, um, he was dropping the car so I could run errands later.
Oh, sí, estaba dejando el coche para yo poder hacer recados luego.
One of the last things my dad said to me when he gave me the rags was that they hold a power most people could never even imagine and that I needed to respect and guard that power, not abuse it.
Una de las últimas cosas que me dijo mi padre cuando me dio los trapos fue que albergaban un poder que la mayoría de la gente no podía ni imaginar y que necesitaba respetar y guardar ese poder, no abusar de él.
We literally had to reroute the electro-optical digital imaging from every reconnaissance satellite I could gain access to.
Literalmente hemos tenido que redirigir la imagen electro-óptica digital de cada satélite de reconocimiento al que he podido tener acceso.
If he got in, every NOC agent we have could be at risk.
Si hubiera entrado, cada agente encubierto hubiera podido estar en riesgo.
Before he was taken, Cayden was working on a biometric tracker that could recognize a heartbeat anywhere in the world.
Antes de que se lo llevaran, Cayden estaba trabajando en un rastreador biométrico que podía reconocer un latido en cualquier sitio del mundo.
Because this could be what Chase is manipulating you into just like he manipulated you into the impeachment by throwing Green Arrow under the bus.
Porque esto podría ser aquello para lo que te está manipulando Chase, igual que cuando te manipuló en el proceso de destitución para que arrojaras a los leones a Green Arrow.
Well, the Argus agent that gave Black Siren her get out of jail free card said that he was blackmailed by a woman wearing black, so it could be Talia.
Bueno, el agente de ARGUS que le dio a Black Siren la tarjeta para salir de la cárcel ha dicho que lo amenazó una mujer vestida de negro, así que podría ser Talia.
What he doesn't know could fill the sea.
Hay un océano de cosas que no sabe.
He broke out before they could get him to the North Precinct.
Él se escapó antes de que pudieran ingresarlo en la Seccional Norte.
Even if he's dead, it could still survive.
Aunque él esté muerto, aún podría sobrevivir.
What leverage could he possibly have to do something like that?
¿ Qué influencia podría tener para hacer algo así?
He got to me before I could even open it.
Llegó antes de que pudiera abrirlo.
How could Valentine still be studying him if he was already dead?
¿ Cómo podría Valentine haberle estudiado si ya estaba muerto?
He was going to talk, we could've used him...
Iba a hablar, podríamos haberlo usado...
He sounds awesome. Could we get him?
Suena genial. ¿ Podríamos traerlo?
I asked you if, in light of what I've seen in the North, if I could have access to the restricted area of the library.
Le pregunté si, a la luz de lo que he visto en el Norte, Si pudiera tener acceso al área restringida de la biblioteca.
I mean he was real, but no one else could see him.
Bueno, sí era real, pero nadie lo veía.
Jerome said he wanted to plunge the city into darkness so people could do what they want, right?
Jerome dijo que quería Hundir la ciudad en la oscuridad Para que la gente pueda hacer lo que quiere, ¿ verdad?
I showed you how to be Ed Nygma, a man who could run the underworld and operate in plain sight.
Te he enseñado a ser Ed Nygma, un hombre que puede dirigir los bajos fondos y operar a plena vista.
Thought we could use a drink.
He pensado que te vendría bien un trago.
he couldn't have 37
he couldn't make it 32
he couldn't have done it 16
he couldn't do it 17
he couldn't 87
he could have 23
he could be anywhere 96
he could die 42
he could be 37
could 243
he couldn't make it 32
he couldn't have done it 16
he couldn't do it 17
he couldn't 87
he could have 23
he could be anywhere 96
he could die 42
he could be 37
could 243
couldn't 72
could you give me a hand 26
could you say that again 20
couldn't agree more 58
could you repeat that 46
couldn't be better 98
could i ask you something 32
could you do it 21
could you do me a favor 94
couldn't have done it without you 30
could you give me a hand 26
could you say that again 20
couldn't agree more 58
could you repeat that 46
couldn't be better 98
could i ask you something 32
could you do it 21
could you do me a favor 94
couldn't have done it without you 30