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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ H ] / He liked it

He liked it traducir español

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Guess he liked it.
Creo que ha disfrutado.
He sits down on that throne as if he liked it.
Se sienta en ese trono como si le gustara.
He got to smelling around, and I guess he liked it.
Lo olió y creo que le gustó.
Did he say he liked it?
¿ Qué dijo?
He liked it.
A él le gustaba.
He liked it much better than hay.
Le gustaba mucho más que el heno.
One day, I played a composition of his and he liked it, the next day this.
Un día, toqué una obra suya y le gustó, y al día siguiente, esto.
Well, he liked it, didn't he?
Y bien, ¿ le gustó?
And he liked it. And that's how I got to be fashion editor in the first place.
Así llegué a editora de modas.
Of course he liked it.
Por supuesto, le agradó.
I hear he liked it! Asked for a second helping!
Dicen que lo merecía.
I told Visconti about this little incident he liked it, so now we're telling it to you.
Le conté a Visconti este pequeño incidente....... y como le gustó, vamos a intentar contároslo.
- I'm glad he liked it.
- Me alegro de que le guste.
He liked it.
Le gustaba.
I think he liked it.
Creo que le ha gustado.
All the same, he read it, he liked it, he paid for it, cash on the barrel head
Aun así, el director lo leyó, le gustó y pagó dinerito fresco.
So you're saying he looked at my script and liked it?
Entonces... ¿ él leyó mi guión y le gustó?
He bought it when I told him you liked it.
Tú has sido mi argumento para lograr la venta.
He would have liked it here.
¡ A lo mejor le hubiese gustado esto!
- Well, you really liked me? - How could I help it?
- ¿ De verdad te he gustado?
Maybe you didn't like kissing me, but I liked kissing you, and I've cried myself to sleep every night since, because I knew it couldn't lead to anything.
Quizás no te gustase besarme, pero a mí me gustó besarte, y desde entonces he llorado hasta quedarme dormida cada noche, porque sabía que esto no conduciría a ningún sitio.
If he got $ 1 0,000 tomorrow he'd spend it on the girl he liked tomorrow night.
Si recibe $ 10000 mañana, los gastará en una chica.
I didn't say I liked it.
No he dicho que me gustó.
I'm glad you liked it.
Te he estado buscando.
If someone liked someone a great deal... and he didn't have any kin, that would sort of make him a kin almost, wouldn't it?
Si alguien quisiera mucho a una persona aunque no fuera su pariente, sería como si lo fuera, ¿ no?
I liked him and I thought he liked you, so I tried to break it up.
Me gusta y creía que usted le gustaba a él, así que intenté estropearlo.
Shut up. - So you don't like it? Yeah, I'll bet he liked the raise, though.
¿ No te gusta?
I thought it was because he liked me too.
Pensé que era porque también le gustaba.
Been tryin'to figure out what it was I liked about you.
Me he estado preguntando qué es Io que me gusta de ti.
I said I liked it.
He dicho que me gusta.
He always liked it best.
Ha sido siempre su preferida.
He liked it.
Le gusta.
I was... I was just thinking... I won't be needing this now, and... well, Delphine liked it so much.
He pensado que, bueno y a Delphine le gustaba mucho he pensado que...
Oh, it's just possible, you know, he may have liked my approach.
Bueno, es posible que le guste mi estilo.
He really liked it.
Realmente le gustó mucho.
He liked it.
- Pues...
I wish your father could have read this, Phil. He'd have liked it.
Ojalá tu padre Io hubiera leído.
He liked you, and he wanted to stop it.
Él te apreciaba y quería evitarlo.
He was firm, commanding, and you liked it.
Era firme, dominante, y eso le gustaba.
Against his record Your sole argument is that a young impressional girl kissed you and liked it.
A lo que le he dicho, su único argumento es que una joven impresionable le besó, y le gustó.
Oh, Mrs Chester said she liked that tune of his because it's Christmas so he has played it every blessed day for the last six weeks
La Sra. Chester le dijo que le había gustado esa melodía, y desde hace seis semanas la toca sin parar.
I liked it, he took it right off his neck.
Me gustó y se la quitó del cuello.
I liked Pretty Boy, too, but he disobeyed orders. Take it easy.
- ¡ Cálmate!
He liked what he met and decided he was going to marry it.
Le gusté, y decidió casarse conmigo.
He'd liked it better this way.
Así lo hubiera querido él.
He kissed me goodnight, I liked it.
Él me besó esta noche, y me gustó.
You wouldn't have liked it if he had greeted me, would you?
No te habría gustado que me saludara, ¿ o sí? Vámonos.
He just said liked it.
Sólo que le gusta.
He never liked it out here.
Nunca le gustó esto.
He just read the paper and liked it, and that was that.
Leyó mi artículo y le gustó, eso es todo.
I happened to be down at the Washington Market today... ... and I ran right smack into this wonderful real Wisconsin CoIby... ... and I knew you liked it better than any other cheese.
Resulta que he ido hoy al mercado y me encontré con este maravilloso Wisconsin Colby y sé que es el queso que más te gusta.

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