He loved you traducir español
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He knew he was gonna die, and he loved you very much.
Él sabía que iba a morir, y te quería mucho.
Had he loved you he would've quietly paid the money.
Si él te hubiera amado, habría dado el dinero tranquilamente.
- He loved you.
Él te quería.
He loved you.
Él te quería.
He loved you.
Él te ama.
He betrayed his own cause because he loved you, and that cost him his life.
Traicionó su propia causa porque te amaba, y eso le costó la vida.
So he tried to rescue her because he loved you.
Así que él intentó rescatarla porque te amaba.
He loved you, too.
El te amaba, también.
Dad broke his back for both of us his entire life, and he loved you, Declan.
Papá se rompió la espalda por nosotros toda la vida, y te quería, Declan.
He loved you both so much.
Los amaba mucho a ambos.
Patrick loved Christina the same way he loved you.
Patrick amaba a Christina de la misma forma que la amaba a usted.
Because he said he loved you?
¿ Porque dijera que te amaba?
And I think he loved my grandmother very much, but he never lied about you, Jack.
Y creo que amó mucho a mi abuela, pero nunca mintió sobre de ti, Jack.
Boy, he loved taking you to the games.
Dios, le encantaba llevarte a los partidos.
Carl, I'm sure your dad loved you, but he had to work and provide for your family.
Carl, estoy seguro de que tu padre te quería, pero tenía que trabajar y abastecer a tu familia.
You know, once I asked him if he really loved my mom.
¿ Sabes? Una vez le pregunté si realmente quería a mi madre.
I have loved this picture since I was a little girl, and I just wanted to surprise you.
He amado esta pintura desde que era una niña, y solo quise sorprenderte.
You all know he loved him.
Todos saben que lo queria
He loved working for you so much.
Le gustaba mucho trabajar para ti.
What would you do? ♪ miss previously loved ♪ I've done some things
¿ Qué harías? He hecho algunas cosas de las que no me siento orgullosa.
And he really loved it, and I know that he would want you to have it.
Y le encantaba y sé que le gustaría que la tuvieras.
But I've loved you every moment of my life.
Pero te he amado cada momento de mi vida.
Hey, I feel terrible about what happened to Jacob, but you know how much he loved this time of year.
Me siento muy mal por lo que le pasó a Jacob, pero sabes cuánto le gustaba esa época del año.
I loved you both beyond anything else.
Los he amado a ambos más que a nada en el mundo.
I've loved you since the first moment I met you, and I... I know you share the same feelings for me.
Te he amado desde el momento en que te conoci, y yo... se que sientes lo mismo por mi
He who loved you so much?
¿ El que tanto te amó?
As he hates you, I still love you, just as I loved you in your humble state.
Si él te aborrece, yo sigo amándote igual que te amaba cuando eras humilde.
But you've loved every place we've seen, and I really just think we have to keep looking.
Pero he disfrutado cada lugar que hemos visto, y yo realmente creo que tenemos que seguir buscando.
I told you, everyone loved her.
Ya se lo he dicho, todo el mundo la quería.
Well, I know he loved you.
Sé que te amaba.
I've never loved anyone but you.
Nunca he amado a nadie más que a ti.
I have loved this man so very dearly, but he is only sometimes the man I used to know, and it is for that man that I engage you.
He querido a ese hombre tan profundamente, pero sólo, de vez en cuando, es el hombre que conocí, y es por ese hombre por lo que le contraté.
He didn't give me credit for it in the booth'cause nikki apparently loved it, you know?
En la cabina, no me dio credito por haberlo hecho. Porque creo Nikki lo adoro, ¿ Sabes?
I've always loved you.
Siempre te he querido.
- You know that I have always... I've absolutely loved pad thai all my life and thai stick.
- Sabes que yo siempre he... amado el pad thai toda mi vida.
He told me about the girl you loved.
Él me contó sobre la chica que amaste.
No matter what you think about my dad, he loved her.
No importa lo que pienses de mi padre, él la quería.
And he said it wouldn't even work unless you already loved me, deep down.
Y dijo que ni siquiera funcionaría al menos que tú ya me amaras en el fondo.
But thank you, Scrooges who own that copyright, because Don came to Sectionals, he loved what we did
Pero gracias, Scrooges, quien posee los derechos, porque Don vino a las locales, le encantó lo que hicimos
But no man can regret loving as I have loved you.
Pero ningún hombre puede arrepentirse de amar como yo te he amado.
I think that man right there, that you once loved and admired, I think that no matter how far he's fallen, no matter what he's been through, he is still the man that made you who you are today.
Creo que ese hombre ahí, el que una vez amaste y admiraste, creo que no importa cuán profundo haya caído, no importa lo que haya atravesado, aún es el hombre que te hizo quien eres hoy.
I love you, I've always loved you, and one day I will make love to you again.
Te amo, siempre te he amado, y algún día volveré a hacerte el amor.
I'm sure he would have loved to meet you, but he's got a lot going on.
Estoy seguro de que habría estado encantado de conocerte, pero tiene mucho que hacer.
He loved the sex, you know?
Amaba el sexo.
You know, if you think about it, and it's true, and he really loved her, it's almost too sad.
Pensándolo bien... Si en verdad él la amaba... es muy triste.
I've always loved you
Siempre te he amado.
I loved you so much.
Te he querido mucho.
Cos you loved that dog, he was just a cheeky little scamp.
Porque amabas a ese perro, era solo un pequeño cabrón descarado.
I've always loved you.
Siempre te he amado.
No, I... Shh. I have loved you since I was 16.
No, yo... Te he querido desde que tenía 16 años.
I really never have loved any woman The way I've loved you.
Realmente nunca he amado a ninguna mujer de la forma en que te he amado a ti.
he loved you so much 17
he loved it 69
he loved her 42
he loved me 72
loved you 19
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
he loved it 69
he loved her 42
he loved me 72
loved you 19
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741