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He will come back traducir español

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He will come back when he's hungry...
Ya volverá, en cuanto tenga hambre...
Mickey, my love, he will come back soon.
Mickey, amor mío, él regresará pronto.
But he will come back.
Pero volverá.
Then he will come back soon.
Volverá pronto.
He will come back Peggy!
- ¡ Claro que va a volver!
- He will come back, won't he, Gaston?
- Tiene que volver, ¿ verdad, Gastón?
He can't... Oh. He will come back someday.
Él no puede... Volverá algún día.
He will come back here anyway.
El volverá aqui de todos modos.
Make him feel terribly jealous and he will come back.
Enloquécelo de celos y volverá.
Then perhaps he will come back.
Entonces quizás regrese.
He will come back, I know it.
Volverá, lo sé.
He will come back, will not he?
Volverá, ¿ verdad?
And he will come back too!
¡ Y él también volverá!
Diuishen said he will come back.
Él dijo que volvería y seguro que lo hará.
She knows the moment she stops struggling, he will give her back her strength to come to him.
Sabe que, en cuanto deje de luchar, le devolverá su fuerza para que vaya hasta él.
Mr Walton says he's gone and will never come back any more.
No volverá.
You know I will soon come back to my true old love.
Bien sabes tú, que pronto he de volver, a mi viejo querer.
I bet you Molyneux will not come back here unless he is forced to, of course.
Le apuesto que Molyneux no regresará aquí a menos que sea forzado, claro.
He will not come back again
Kenkichi no era más que un inútil.
Will he come back from the village with my newspapers?
¿ Volverá del pueblo con mis periódicos?
Some day Jameson will go across the bay and he won't come back.
Un día Jameson cruzará la bahía y no regresará.
- Will he come back?
- ¿ Dijo cuándo volvía?
If he wants to come back he can, but I'm not the one who will ask him.
Si quiere volver que vuelva, nunca yo pediré nada a ese bribón.
He will never come back.
- ¿ Usted que dijo que voy a cenar, verdad?
Just get him there. The boys will see that he won't come back.
Los chicos se encargarán de que no vuelva.
I can only offer you that frail hope that someday the miracle will happen... and he'll come back to you, not as Charles Rainier, but as...
Sólo le queda a usted un recurso, Paula. Que algún día el milagro se haga... y vuelva a su lado, no como Charles Rainier, sino...
The doctor will come from the next town, then he'll go back to his town and forget it.
El médico vendrá de la ciudad vecina, luego regresará a ella y se olvidará.
If he knows that I bring back this, he will come to give it to you.
Si se entera que devuelvo esto, vendrá él a dártelo.
If Ed doesn't come back, Gilbert will kill himself so he can haunt him.
Si Ed no regresa es capaz de suicidarse para perseguirle.
What do you think will happen when he does come back?
¿ Qué crees que pasará cuando vuelva?
Yes and that man, who forgets he has a home will come back.
Sí mujer, come, ya vendrá ese hombre que por andar de sinvergüenza se le olvida hasta que tiene casa.
He'll pack his suitcase and he will never come back.
Vendrá a hacer sus valijas y se irá para siempre.
But even if he doesn't leave, I know it will be I who will walk out and never come back.
Pero si él no se va, sé que seré yo quien se irá.
I thought he won't come back and if he does, when he returns from his own people he will look at me with cool eyes.
Pensé no va a volver y si vuelve tras estar con su pueblo me mirará con mirada fría.
The one I'm waiting for will come back - he should be here any minute.
El que espero va a volver. Debería estar aquí.
He's afraid Johnson will come back.
Teme que Johnson vaya a regresar.
Your Mr. Waremme will come back ; he promised.
Ese señor Waremme tuyo volverá, lo prometió.
This time he will not come back at all.
Esta vez se va para no volver.
It will make you very lonely at times when he shuts you out of his life, but then he'll always come back to you.
A veces se sentirá sola, viendo como la expulsa de su mundo pero entonces regresará a su lado.
He will not come back for many moons.
No volverá por muchas lunas.
Because the cleaning man will be here this afternoon... and he'll keep them until we come back from America.
Porque el hombre de la limpieza vendrá esta tarde... y se las quedará hasta que volvamos de América.
Soon he will come to take you back from working here.
Vendrá pronto para llevársela de este trabajo.
He will come through the back gate that leads to the moat.
Vuestro marido, mi primo el querido Duque de Nevers, llegará esta noche.
- I hope he will not come back.
- Espero que no vuelva.
Will he come back for his things?
Debes saber si ha tomado sus cosas.
He will come back, see.
Él volverá.
But if he isn't, if he tries to come back here and see you then Mr. Bonito will see that he goes in for 25 years.
Pero si no lo está, si intenta volver aquí y verte entonces el Sr. Bonito mirará que le encierren 25 años.
He says, "Will it come back tonight?"
Dice, "¿ Volverá esta noche?"
- Will he ever come back?
- ¿ Cuándo vuelve?
They say at home, in San Martin Manuel will always come back when he's needed.
En casa, en San Martín dicen que Manuel volverá si lo necesitan.
Driven by a ferocious will to come out of it, he did not hesitate to fall back on crimes.
Poseido por una voluntad atroz de salir de ese estado, no ha dudado en recurrir al crimen.

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