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He won't say traducir español

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I won't say God is here, God is not. God is here, but He's everywhere.
No digo que Dios está aquí, también está aquí, pero está en todas partes.
He won't say anything about what he sees in there.
No cuenta nada de lo que ve.
Whenever a fella shuts up and won't say anything, I've noticed it's generally on account of a woman.
Cualquier tipo que calla y no dice nada, he notado que es a causa de una mujer.
He won't say why.
No dijo por qué
I happen to know. You won't say I told you.
¿ No dirás a nadie que te lo he dicho?
I say, he says I won't live much longer!
¡ Digo que dice que no me queda mucho tiempo!
I won't say he would... But he might let success go to his head, mightn't he?
No voy a decir que lo haría... pero podría dejar que el éxito se le suba a la cabeza, no es así?
What'll my husband say? He won't know anything about it. He's in London, isn't he?
No sabrá nada, está en Londres. ¡ Ponme con Harrigan!
I won't say anything, otherwise I'll be called a gossip again.
No le cuento nada, para que luego no me digan que he vuelto a hablar demasiado.
- He won't say.
- No me lo dijo.
I bet he won't say it about that one.
Apuesto a que no lo dirá de éste.
but even when I ask him, he won't say anything.
pero si le pregunto, no dice nada.
And you say he won't let her come home?
¿ Dices que él no la deja volver?
he just has to say the word my daughter won't run after him calm yourself Frau Peters.
¡ Sólo tiene que decirlo! ¡ Mi hija no va a correr tras él! Cálmese Sra. Peters.
Oh, I've done a lot of drinking in my time, I won't say I haven't.
Oh, he bebido mucho en mi vida, no puedo decir que no.
He won't say a word,'cause he's not gonna know.
No dirá nada, porque no se enterará.
I didn't say he won it. I said he was going to win it.
No dije que lo ganó, sino que iba a ganarlo.
He writes it and sings it to me, but he won't say it.
Lo escribe y me lo canta pero no me lo ha dicho.
And I won't say it until he looks desperate.
Ya lo creo. En mi carrera de periodista. Nunca he visto uno igual.
I won't say anything, but he might.
Yo no diré nada, pero él quizá sí.
He won't say a word.
"No diré ni una palabra"
He won't say a word.
No habla ni come.
# He'll say, "Won't you be my queen?"... # Oh!
Oh, vaya sueño he tenido.
I have an acquaintance, I won't say friend, he's a thoroughly bad lot. But he might contact this blackmailer.
Tengo un conocido, no un amigo, no es una buena persona, que podría localizar a ese chantajista.
- If you shoot, I say he won't hear.
- Si disparas, no quiero saber nada.
And you say he won't let her come home?
¿ Y tú dices que no la dejará venir a casa?
And if I ask him, I'm sure he won't say no.
Si yo se Io pido, no dice que no.
Do you mean to say that I've travelled 11 hours from... mustn't say where... and you won't allow me to have a word with a condemned man?
¿ Pretende decirme que he viajado 11 horas desde, no puedo decirlo, y no me va a dejar charlar con este dichoso hombre?
- He probably won't say much.
- Probablemente, no mucho.
His family has a piece of bread and he throws it away because of a joke, about which he won't say.
Su familia tiene un trozo de pan y él lo tira por una tontería, por no se sabe bien que cosa.
As you must have seen him, I won't say that he isn't here.
Deben haberlo visto, así que no diré que no se encuentra aquí.
How dare you say that he won't be back?
¿ Cómo te atreves a decir que no volverá?
Broke Dad's heart, although he won't say much.
Le rompió el corazón a papá, aunque él no lo diga.
He wouldn't say how long he might be, but it stands to reason, his time being valuable, he won't be longer than he can help.
No dijo lo que tardaría, pero dado que su tiempo es valioso será poco.
He won't listen to what I have to say.
Él no escuchará lo que tengo para decir.
I finally discovered my true life, and I won't give it up, whatever people say!
Al fin he descubierto mi verdadera vida, y no renunciaré a ella, ¡ Digan lo que digan!
I won't say good-Bye.
No te he dicho adiós.
He won't say anything.
René, no dirá nada.
Then what'd he say? So I said, " Listen, Mr. Gadolphin, I won't work overtime, no matter what...
- Entonces yo le dije : " Señor Gadolphin... de ningún modo voy a hacer horas extras.
He won't say where he is.
No me dice dónde está.
You say, now he wants me to go there and I won't.
Quiero que vayas ahí y no vas.
He won't even say hi. As if what he eats isn't on me.
¡ Como si no comiera a mi costa!
I'm to say... that Mr. Marley ain't expected to live through the night, and that if Mr. Scrooge wants to take his leave of him, he should nip along smartly or there won't be no Mr. Marley to take leave of
Dígale... que no se espera que el Sr. Marley pase de esta noche, y que si el Sr. Scrooge quiere despedirse de él, es mejor que se dé prisa o no habrá ningún Sr. Marley del que despedirse,
- They say he had a headache. - Aye, sticks out a mile. Birnley won't see the works committee and Sid can't face us.
Birnley no recibirá al Comité y Sid no dará la cara.
But don't worry, he won't say a word.
Tranquilo, no hablará.
I can't say good-bye to him, or he won't let me leave.
No me despido porque si se da cuenta no dejará que me vaya.
I'm afraid he'll say they won't accept Dario next year.
Temo que me diga que no lo recibirán el año próximo.
Clinton, won't you please, just to make me happy, call dan on our telephone and see what he personally has to say?
Por favor, sólo para tranquilizarme, ¿ podrías llamar por teléfono a Dan a ver qué te dice?
- He won't say, but I already know.
- No lo dirá, pero yo ya lo sé.
He won't be able to say anything. Too bad, he was so young! # You go to my country and in the city I want to stay!
# Vayan ustedes a mi pueblo que en la ciudad quiero estar yo!
I won't say that at all, because he'd believe me.
No pienso decir eso jamás, no admitiré que maté a Bazine. Podría creerme.

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