He wouldn't have traducir español
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And it never occurred to you that maybe he jacked his own package so that he wouldn't have to pay you?
¿ y nunca se te ocurrió que puede que él secuestrara su propio paquete y así no tendría que pagarte?
He wouldn't have been allowed to return if he posed any kind of a threat to you know, Mr Gideon.
No se le habría permitido regresar... si representara alguna amenaza, Sr Gideon.
Sleep apnoea wouldn't have caused breathing problems after he woke up.
La Apnea del Sueño no habría causado problemas respiratorios después de que se despertó.
Cos if he was doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing, he'd still have an alibi, wouldn't he? That's a bit far-fetched, isn't it?
Porque si estaba haciendo algo que no se suponía que hiciera, querría tener una coartada, ¿ no?
He wouldn't have done that.
No lo habría hecho.
You know, um, I was just thinking... If it wasn't for Eve, Leo wouldn't have come here, so he probably wouldn't have told Pearl how he felt, which means she wouldn't have been able to pass over.
Sabes, estaba pensando que si no fuera por Eve, Leo no habría venido aquí, así que probablemente no le habría dicho a Pearl cómo se sentía, lo que significa que ella no habría sido capaz de pasar al otro lado.
And he wouldn't have wanted you to spend time with Redgrave, then?
Y no hubiese querido que ustedes pasaran tiempo con Redgrave, ¿ cierto?
He wouldn't have to worry about anything and he would go back to life as normal.
Él no tendría que preocuparse de nada y él volvería a la vida normal.
He wouldn't have fired me, he couldn't afford to.
Él no me habría despedido, no podría permitírselo.
That's why he signed away his rights- - so he wouldn't have to.
Por eso renunció a sus derechos, para no tener que hacerlo.
Well, I think if he was lying he wouldn't have admitted to attempted murder.
Bueno, creo que si él estaba mintiendo no hubiera admitido el intento de asesinato.
The truth of the matter is, if you wouldn't have made me get in that stupid fight with my dad, he probably wouldn't be laying in that bed right now.
La verdad es que, Si no me hubieses metido en esa estúpida pelea con mi padre, lo más probable es que ahora mismo no estuviera en esa cama.
He wouldn't have elements of a domestic life, like children.
No tendrá elementos de vida doméstica, como hijos.
Shot in the back so he wouldn't have to face his victim.
Disparo por la espalda, así no tuvo que ver cara a cara a su víctima.
I was just trying to get away and calm down, cool off and come back home, and he wouldn't let me have the keys.
Yo intentaba irme y tranquilizarme y volver a casa, pero él no me daba las llaves.
I can't say, "I wish he wouldn't have married her." I can now.
No puedo decir : "Ojalá no se hubiera casado con ella". Ahora sí.
He wouldn't have wanted it to anyhow.
Él, de todas formas, no lo hubiera querido.
But Jan, if Hank really cared, he wouldn't have left.
Pero Jan... si le importase de verdad, no se habría ido.
Even if he did have amazing intel, he wouldn't know
Incluso de haber tenido una información increíble, no sabría
He wouldn't have done the same thing for you.
No habría hecho lo mismo por ti.
He begged and begged us to send him to soccer camp, but his mother wouldn't have it.
Nos rogaba y rogaba que lo mandáramos al campamento de fútbol, pero su madre no quería.
He wouldn't have hurt me, Booth.
No me habría hecho daño, Booth.
Well, no, just--if- - if he was tied to an anchor, then he wouldn't be able to have all these adventures.
Bien, no, sólo... si... si el hubiera estado atado a un ancla, entonces no podría haber contado todas estas aventuras.
He wouldn't have angry enough to kidnap Mickey and hung Ash upside down if all he'd lost a fake!
No se habría enfadado tanto como para secuestrar a Mickey. y colgado a Ash si él hubiera perdido un cuadro falso.
He wouldn't have to know.
No tendría por qué saberlo.
He wouldn't have to know.
No tiene por qué saberlo.
He wouldn't have gone there to get, like, a blurb for his thing, would he?
No se habría ido allí, como, un elogio de lo suyo, ¿ verdad?
But he... he wouldn't have meant no harm by it.
Pero... no habría supuesto ningún daño por ello.
He wouldn't have had time to go there and back.
No le habría dado tiempo a ir y volver.
He would have loved to do it legally, but our government wouldn't allow these people to become citizens.
Le habría encantado hacerlo legalmente, pero nuestro gobierno no permite que esa gente se convierta en ciudadanos.
Well, he wouldn't have needed follow-up care if you hadn't twisted him into this- - this thing that needs to be stopped now somehow.
Bueno, no necesitaría seguimiento si tú no lo hubieras torcido en esta... esta cosa que ahora necesita ser detenida de alguna manera.
He wouldn't even let Hitler have the aspect!
Rechazó a Hitler hasta en su apariencia.
If Felix went for him, he wouldn't have left the job half done, would he?
Si Felix fue por él, no dejaría el trabajo a medio hacer, ¿ verdad?
It wouldn't have mattered who he was moving in with, would it?
No debería importarte con quién él se va a mudar, ¿ de acuerdo?
I wouldn't always have wanted to come home to me, either.
No siempre he querido volver a casa, tampoco.
He told my cousins there was no Santa Claus when they were little just so that Jesus wouldn't have any competition.
Les dijo a mis primos cuando eran pequeños que Santa Claus no existía solo para que Jesús no tuviera competencia.
He wouldn't have been here for so long if he wasn't doing a good job.
No estaría aquí tanto tiempo si no trabajara bien.
He wouldn't even have to know what this was for.
Él no tendría que saber para qué es esto.
He said he wouldn't refer the matter for prosecution if I agreed to have sex with him.
Dijo que no denunciaría el caso para ir a juicio si accedía a acostarme con él.
Why wouldn't he have told me that?
¿ Por qué no me contaría eso?
Last night he was too confident that black and white wouldn't have backup.
Ayer por la noche él estaba demasiado confiado de que negro y blanco no tendría refuerzos.
Why wouldn't he have told me about her?
¿ Por qué no me habló de ella?
If he hadn't grounded me, she wouldn't have been shot.
Si no me hubiera castigado, - no le habrían disparado. - Lo sé.
Well, if that paper that Rebecca gave us is real, I'm thinking grandpa wouldn't have stored a document as important as that trust here on the ranch, that he'd put it in a safety deposit box.
Si ese papel que Rebecca nos dio es real, creo que el abuelo no habría guardado un documento tan importante aquí en el rancho, sino en una caja de seguridad en un banco.
I wouldn't have thought Charles the type, but then I have no idea why he chose to escape out the bathroom window.
No hubiese creído que Charles fuese de esa clase, pero no tengo ni idea de por qué eligió escapar por la ventana del baño.
And he wouldn't have wanted you to remember him like that.
Y no querría que le recordases así.
And then I'd go into my mind to this little, tiny cabin in the woods where I wouldn't have to hear Adam fart and then laugh about it or hear Paul's pee hit the water in the toilet before he came to bed.
Y entonces me voy a mi fantasía a esta pequeña, pequeña cabaña en el bosque donde no podría oír los pedos de Adam y luego reírnos de ellos u oír el pis de Paul en el agua del retrete antes de venir a la cama.
I've recently had some heart issues, which have been dealt with and I'm fine, but I just wanted to make sure that that wouldn't- -
Recientemente he tenido problemas de corazón, los cuales ya han sido tratados y estoy bien, pero solo quería asegurarme de que eso...
He wouldn't have stayed unless he had to.
No se habría quedado a menos que tuviera que hacerlo.
He'll have promised him something, God knows what, a spree together if ever he helps him get out, not money, that wouldn't motivate this sort of sick bugger.
Le habría prometido algo, Dios sabe qué, una juerga juntos si le ayuda a salir, dinero no, eso no motivaría a ese tipo de cabrón enfermo.
Otherwise he wouldn't have let you sit in that cell for so long.
De otro modo no te habría dejado sentado en esa celda tanto tiempo.
he wouldn't hurt a fly 20
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't 192
he wouldn't say 50
he wouldn't tell me 33
he wouldn't listen 42
wouldn't have it any other way 18
have some 140
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't 192
he wouldn't say 50
he wouldn't tell me 33
he wouldn't listen 42
wouldn't have it any other way 18
have some 140
have 400
haven 52
have a wonderful day 25
have a nice day 823
have a good day 670
have a nice weekend 44
have a good day at work 18
have you eaten yet 24
have a good weekend 70
have a good week 16
haven 52
have a wonderful day 25
have a nice day 823
have a good day 670
have a nice weekend 44
have a good day at work 18
have you eaten yet 24
have a good weekend 70
have a good week 16