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His blood traducir español

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Dutch took the gold for himself, left his blood-stained shirt behind.
Holandés se llevó el oro, dejando su camisa manchada de sangre.
He must have worn gloves, otherwise his blood would have been at the scene.
Debía llevar guantes si no, su sangre estaría en la escena.
Your friend Enzo made me drink his blood, and now I'm just so thirsty.
Tu amigo Enzo me hizo beber su sangre, y ahora tengo mucha sed.
I drank every drop of his blood, but it wasn't enough.
Bebí hasta la última gota de su sangre, pero no fue suficiente.
If we can get him to the lab in California, they can use his blood and make more of the vaccine.
Si lo podemos llevar al laboratorio en California... pueden usar su sangre y hacer más vacunas.
Well, we'll take him the rest of the way to the lab in California where we'll sequence his genes and clone the antibodies in his blood.
Bueno lo llevaremos el resto del camino al laboratorio en California... donde secuenciaremos sus genes... y clonaremos los anticuerpos de su sangre.
His blood is on the blade.
- Su sangre está en la hoja.
I'm betting that's his blood smeared all over it.
Apuesto a que será su sangre la que está por todos los lados.
His blood is my blood.
Su sangre es mi sangre.
It's his blood.
Es su sangre.
It was soaked in his blood.
Estaba empapado de su sangre.
And one of those bubbles got into his blood stream, causing a stroke.
Y una de esas burbujas fue a su torrente sanguíneo, causando un infarto.
His blood. If all the injuries were offensive and he was just pushed, the blood wasn't from the victim.
Si todas las lesiones fueron ofensivas y fue empujado, la sangre no era de la víctima.
I'm gonna take his blood pressure, do what you can to get us there fast.
Voy a tomar su presión sanguínea, haz lo que puedas para llevarnos allí rápido.
Won't be able to tell if the drill bit has penetrated his blood vessel without more imaging.
No será capaz de saber si la broca ha penetrado en su vaso sanguíneo sin más imágenes.
Don't worry, his blood pressure is normal.
No se preocupe, la presión arterial es normal.
His blood is yellow...
Su sangre es amarilla.
Watch his blood.
Mira su sangre.
- Organic, hitch up his Blood Bag. - Eh?
Orgánico, instala su bolsa de sangre.
That's not his blood.
No es su sangre.
and did what any sane man would do... He murdered his brother in cold blood and then chased the love of his life out into the cornfields.
Mató a su hermano a sangre fría y luego persiguió al amor de su vida por los campos de maíz.
There was gunshot residue on his right hand, his gun was found beside him, and he had a blood tox level of.23.
Había residuos de pólvora en su mano derecha... el arma se encontró a su lado... y tenía un nivel de alcohol en sangre de 0,23.
Oh, Jethro, when we opened him up, his body cavity was filled with blood.
Jethro, cuando le abrí... toda la cavidad corporal estaba llena de sangre.
Blood versus water, " laeg his lone ally jon.
Bien jugado. Drew, la tribu ha hablado.
In Layman's terms, the victim drowned in his own blood.
En términos sencillos, la víctima se ahogó en su propia sangre,
So I'm running the hair from the brush Councilman Hamilton took from his father against the blood that we found inside of Jacob's gun.
Estoy testeando el cabello del cepillo... que el Concejal Hamilton tomó de su padre... contra la sangre que encontramos dentro del arma de Jacob.
You know, if that's the case, you'd expect to see more blood on his torso.
De ser así, se esperaría... más sangre en el torso.
Yeah, but our victim barely has any blood on his face.
Sí, pero nuestra víctima apenas... tiene sangre en la cara.
Assailant gets blood on his or her face, gets taken down, face-planted onto the concrete, leaving the impression.
Y al agresor o agresora salpicarle sangre en la cara... luego caer boca abajo... dando con la cara en el cemento... y dejando esa marca.
I was hoping in his cleanup that he left a smear of blood behind, but, uh, no such luck.
Esperaba que tras limpiar hubiera dejado algún rastro de sangre... pero, no ha habido suerte.
If I can prove that his cue ball rolled through the blood, and find prints on it, we put him away.
Si puedo demostrar que su bola blanca rodó por encima de la sangre y encuentro huellas dactilares en ella, lo meteré en la cárcel.
Lord Condé could make a claim to the throne... he has royal blood of his own.
Lord Condé podría reclamar el trono... tiene su propia sangre real.
There's a marked left shift in his white-blood-cell count, which usually indicates an infection.
Hay un cambio en el recuento de glóbulos blancos en su sangre, el cual normalmente indica una infección.
Did he weep when I lay at his feet, covered in Shalem's blood?
¿ El lloró, cuando me puse a sus pies, cubierta de la sangre de Shalem?
He appears to have dried blood on his index finger.
Parece tener sangre seca en el dedo índice.
But if he was smothered before he was stabbed, how did he write the message in his own blood?
Pero si fue ahogado antes de ser apuñalado, ¿ Cómo pudo escribir el mensaje en su propia sangre?
You hold his royal blood against him?
¿ Mantienes su sangre real en contra de él?
We found him with blood on his clothing.
Lo encontramos con sangre en su ropa.
Why would this guy be keeping a vial of blood in his fridge?
¿ Por qué este tío guardaba un vial con sangre en su nevera?
"blood versus water" that reed is now covered in blood, his Is now covered in blood, his skull crushed, no shot in this Skull crushed, no shot in this game.
que Reed esté ahora cubierto de sangre, su calavera aplastada y ninguna oportunidad en este juego.
Connelly's method was to combine antigens taken from a skin sample of King Tut with his own blood cells.
El método de Connelly era combinar antígenos tomados de una muestra de piel del rey Tut con sus propias células sanguíneas.
He was actually able to put the antigens from King Tut on his sort of "clean slate" of a blood cell... so, then, recreating whatever blood type the mummy had.
El fue realmente capaz de poner los antígenos del rey Tut en su tipo de "loza limpia" de una célula sanguínea... recreando así cualquier tipo de sangre que tuviera la momia.
Here lies Duncan, his silver skin laced with his golden blood.
Aquí yace Duncan tendido, su piel de plata galoneada con su sangre de oro.
Those of his chamber, their hands were all badged with blood.
Por sus chambelanes, según parece. Sus manos y sus caras llevaban la librea de la sangre.
He has blood in his eyes.
Tiene sangre en sus ojos.
His own blood.
Tu propia sangre.
The nightingale with the drops Of his heart's blood Had nourished the red rose.
El ave con gotas de su sangre encima vio la rosa roja
So much blood, was covering his entire face.
Tanta sangre, estaba cubriendo toda su cara.
He cared more about those spoiled, pathetic drunks than his own flesh and blood.
Se preocupaba más por esos patéticos malcriados alcohólicos, que por su propia carne y sangre.
So young, with so much blood on his hands. How many have you killed so far?
Tan joven, con mucha sangre en sus manos. ¿ Cuántos has matado hasta ahora?
The owner of the corner store was washing away blood from his parking lot when I drove out this morning.
El dueño de la tienda lavaba sangre de su estacionamiento cuando pasé esta mañana.

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