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His wife died traducir español

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He's been coming in since before his wife died.
Venía desde antes de la muerte de su mujer.
You and Mother were away when his wife died.
Tú y mamá estaban de viaje cuando murió su esposa.
His wife died.
Su mujer ha muerto.
After his wife died?
¿ Después de que su esposa murió?
His wife died when their baby was a little more than a year old.
Su esposa murió cuando su bebé tenía poco más de un año de vida.
Thank you, but he seems lonely since his wife died
Gracias, pero está muy solo desde que murió su esposa
You know, after his wife died, he was so depressed...
Sabes, después de la muerte de su mujer, estaba tan deprimido...
His wife died, he avenged himself.
Ha muerto su mujer, se ha vengado.
He said his wife died tonight.
Dijo que su esposa murió esta noche.
Lonely! It's less than six months that his wife died giving birth to a stillborn.
Hace menos de seis meses que falleció su esposa al dar a luz un niño muerto.
I read that too. And that last night, in a fire, Mr. Meneses and his wife died under very similar circumstances?
La mansión de la locura en 1973, Alucarda, en 1978, y en toda clase de personajes, desde protagonista de una comedia romántica a científico loco, luchador,
He's a widower. His wife died in'28 uh, no,'29.
'29, eso es.
He's been getting these eccentric flashes ever since his wife died last year.
Ha tenido estos arrebatos excéntricos desde que su esposa murió el año pasado.
His wife died 2 years ago.
Su mujer murió hace dos años.
He wept when his wife died.
Lloró cuando su esposa murió
Soon after, his wife died and he came to live here.
Poco después, su esposa murió... y él vino a vivir aquí.
His wife died, and he is alone with the children.
Su esposa murió, y quedó solo con los hijos.
- His wife died a long time ago.
- Su mujer murió hace mucho.
Even when his child was born, even when his wife died after not doing well after childbirth, he was gambling and didn't come home.
Incluso cuando su hija nació, o cuando murió su mujer que murió tras el parto, él siguió jugando y no volvió a casa.
That woman was at George's house the night his wife died.
Esa mujer estaba en la casa de George, la noche que murió su esposa.
Six months, Dana, since his wife died.
Seis meses, Dana, desde que su esposa murió.
Poor man, died exactly on his wife's birthday.
El pobre hombre murió el día del cumpleaños de su esposa.
His first wife, Elvira, died comparatively young.
Su primera esposa, Elvira, murió relativamente joven.
Calvin Jansen, sentenced four years ago... to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife... died last night in San Quentin still claiming his innocence.
"Calvin Jansen, condenado hace cuatro años... " a cadena perpetua por el asesinato de su mujer... " murió anoche en San Quintín aún proclamando su inocencia.
Six months later his wife, Heidi's mother, died out of grief. Do you think I can simply forget?
Seis meses más tarde, su esposa, la madre de Heidi, murió de pena.
Ellen, his first wife, died right after they came out here.
Ellen, su primera mujer, murió al poco de venir aquí.
A man died from looking at his wife.
Un tipo murio al mirar a su mujer.
By that time, his wife and baby had died.
Para entonces su esposa y su hijo ya habían muerto.
Charles VIII died and his wife Anne of Brittany was legally required to marry the new King Louis XII.
Charles VIII murió y su esposa Anne de Bretaña fue exigida a casarse legalmente con el nuevo Rey Louis XII.
He needed a woman to look after his home when his other wife died.
Necesitaba una mujer que cuidara de Ia casa cuando murió su esposa.
His wife, Mollie, a full-blooded Osage is a sister to Rita Smith, who died in that explosion last night.
Su esposa, Mollie, una osage pura es hermana de Rita Smith, quien murió en esa explosión anoche.
The man died, leaving his wife and two kids.
El hombre falleció dejando una esposa y dos hijos.
According to Pa, his wife died a few years back and that's how come he's out here mining.
Su esposa lo dejó y no tenía hijos.
When his second wife died... he swore he'd never marry again.
Cuando murió su segunda mujer, juró que no volvería a casarse.
He died at 85 and his wife at 93.
Tenía 85 años y su mujer, 95.
His wife had died in an accident
Su mujer había muerto en un accidente.
After his first wife died, we'd always gotten together in his office or my hotel room.
Después de que su primera esposa muriese, siempre nos habíamos visto en su oficina o habitación de hotel.
His first wife died in childbirth, so he selected... the most beautiful woman in the village... and took her for his mistress.
Su primera esposa falleció durante el parto... y él eligió a la mujer más hermosa del pueblo... y la tomó como su amante.
His wife died, so he stopped coming around.
Fue una gran pérdida para todos.
His Excellency Benard Shah, a great friend of France, died one hour ago in the arms of his commendable wife, in the former Hohenzollern castle, near Munich.
Su Excelencia Benard Shah, amigo de Francia, ha muerto en brazos de su esposa, en el antiguo castillo Hohenzollern, cerca de Munich.
We had seven brothers in our country, of whom the first died a married man without issue, bequeathing his wife to the second.
Ahora, había entre nosotros siete hermanos. El mayor se casó y murió, y al morir sin hijos, se caso con la viuda el segundo hermano.
If it had been him instead of his wife that died she'd be in here the next night trying to pick up some man.
Si hubiera muerto en lugar de su esposa, ella estaría aquí buscando un hombre.
His wife had recently died and the child was very small.
Su esposa había muerto hace poco y el niño era muy pequeñito.
The boss and his wife were kind enough to adopt her, after Oshizu's mother died.
El jefe y su esposa tuvieron la amabilidad de adoptarla cuando su madre murió.
There was some talk around the base that Dan married Laurie too soon after his first wife died.
Se dice que Dan se volvió a casar muy pronto después de enviudar.
His wife had died a year before, and from their marriage, three sons and a daughter were alive...
Su mujer había muerto un año antes, y de su matrimonio sobrevivían tres hijos y una hija : Catharina Dorothea, Wilhelm Friedemann,
It says here the man died at 3 : 35... and his wife wasn't informed until 8 : 00 that night.
Pone aquí que murió a las 3 : 35 y no se informó a su mujer hasta las ocho.
His wife wrote me shortly after he died.
Su esposa me escribió poco después de su muerte.
When Mr. Silverstein died, his wife went to live with his son.
Cuando murió el Sr. Silverstain su mujer se fue a vivir con su hijo.
He died in my care, his wife too.
Murió ante mí, y también su mujer.
His wife had contacted Intelligence before she so mysteriously died.
Su esposa contactó a la inteligencia antes de morir misteriosamente.

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