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His word traducir español

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Well, then, let's just take his word for it.
Bien, entonces, aceptaremos lo que dice.
- Senator green has a completely different recollection of these events and with all due respect, if it comes down to his word against your client's,
- El senador verde tiene un completamente diferente recuerdo de estos eventos, y con el debido respeto, si se trata de su palabra contra su cliente,
And his word will be the final one.
Y él tiene la última palabra.
And Jagga can die or kill... to keep his word.
Y Jagga puede morir o matar... pero mantiene su palabra.
We get Mason to get the money for us, then his word against ours, Mason gets arrested.
Agarrar a Mason, es tomar el dinero para nosotros. Es su palabra contra la nuestra. Mason será arrestado.
Because if it ever came down to his word against yours, we'll need proof of what happened.
Porque si es su palabra contra la tuya necesitaremos probar lo que pasó.
His word carries weight, and he was pro-development, in the past.
Su palabra tiene peso, y estaba a favor del desarrollo, en el pasado.
So the white man gave you his word, huh?
Así que el hombre blanco te dio su palabra, ¿ eh?
God created the earth and his word should be spread throughout it
Dios creó la tierra y su palabra debe extenderse a través de ella de
His word still carries weight.
Su palabra todavía tiene peso.
You think that skunk will keep his word?
¿ Piensas que mofeta mantendrá su palabra?
Just goes to show how serious God is about His Word.
Esto demuestra la seriedad Dios es acerca de Su Palabra.
And true to his word...
Y fiel a su palabra...
He's a man of his word.
Es un hombre de su palabra.
I'll take his word for it.
Aceptaré su palabra.
So I would like to be the kind of guy that sticks to his word.
Así que me gustaría ser el tipo de hombre que se atiene a su palabra.
I only have his word.
Sólo tengo su palabra.
Thrilled by his every word, honoured that he chooses me to bore with them.
Emocionado por sus palabras, un honor que él me elija para aburrirme con ellos.
Micky's guy followed every person that I loved and spread the word that I was at the top of his shit list.
Tipo de Micky seguido todos los Nperson \ que me encantó y corre la voz que yo era \ Nat la parte superior de su lista negra.
Since I did not hear his voice and the Foxfire was ice - I was not able to write a word typewriter.
Durante aquellos largos meses sin Legs, sin poder escuchar su voz, y porque Foxfire estaba entre paréntesis, fui incapaz de escribir una palabra a máquina.
He'll put in a good word for you with the Captain if you keep watch on George Merry and his hands for us.
Tendrá buenas palabras de usted para el Capitán si continúa vigilando a George Merry y sus hombres para nosotros.
He sends word to me that one of the fallen bore your name, carved into his chest.
Me cuentan que uno de los caídos llevaba tu nombre, grabado en el pecho.
The guys said you did not say a word about Red and his kärringar.
Los chicos me dijeron que no les habias dicho nada sobre Red y sus muchachos.
Well, it's our word against his.
Bueno, es nuestra palabra contra la suya.
Say a word. Let mom figure it out. And when she does, I'm on his side.
Dejé que mi mamá se diera cuenta y cuando ella lo hace, me pongo a favor de él.
When word that Titus Batiatus graced us with his presence -
Cuando la noticia de que Titus Batiatus nos honró con su presencia
It'll be your word against his.
Será tu palabra contra la suya.
Faizal handed over his father's warehouse to him and soon word spread that Shamshad was Faizal's man.
Faizal le cedió el almacén de su padre... y pronto se corrió la voz de que Shamshad era el hombre de Faizal.
I'd also given you my word that Definite will get what is rightfully his.
Yo he dado mi palabra de que... Definitivo conseguirá lo que es legítimamente suyo.
So it's just her word against his?
¿ Entonces es solo su palabra contra la de él?
Marry, would the word "farewell" have lengthened hours and added years to his short banishment He should have had a volume of farewells.
Si un "adiós" hubiera alargado las horas y añadido años a su breve destierro, le habría dado un libro entero de adioses,
His first word was "dad." ♪ Finally, the coast is clear ♪
Su primera palabra fue "papá".
I need word on his troop's movements and on your king's intentions.
Necesito conocer sus movimientos de tropas y las intenciones de vuestro rey.
Borgia spies take note of his every word,
Los espías de Borgia toman nota de cada una de sus palabras.
How can this Savonarola rob them of all this and yet still have them clinging to his every word?
¿ Cómo pudo el tal Savonarola robarles todo esto y aún así tenerles aferrados a cada una de sus palabras?
Elijah kept his word.
Elijah mantuvo su palabra.
His every word was recorded for research.
Todas sus palabras fueron grabadas para la investigación.
So, a word in his ear about what the unions are cooking up next could be my, err, entry card into Downing Street.
Por eso, decirle al oído qué están preparando los sindicatos podría ser mi tarjeta de entrada en Downing Street.
How can I honor my husband when what he wants me to do is wrong? Oh. Lord, grant us the knowledge that Ripp desires in a way that upholds your holy word, and forgive me in my time of weakness, and forgive Ripp for letting vengeance cloud his judgment, and forgive Landry for letting lust guide his hand to his little mister.
¿ Cómo puedo honrar a mi marido cuando lo que me pide que haga está mal? Señor, danos el conocimiento que Ripp desea en una forma que defienda tu sagrada palabra, y perdóname en mi momento de debilidad,
Word of caution, I would refrain from sharing popcorn with the gentleman to your left as I saw him cut a hole in the bottom of his bucket.
Un aviso : yo evitaría compartir palomitas con el caballero de tu izquierda Le he visto hacer un agujero en el fondo del cubo.
Because the last word I want to hear out of his date's mouth is next.
Porque la última palabra que quiero oír de la boca de su chica es'siguiente'.
Of his meeting with the duchess, Roberto said not one word :
De su encuentro con la duquesa, Roberto no dijo una sola palabra :
And the Duke has never said a word about his wife.
Y el duque nunca ha dicho una palabra acerca de su esposa.
I may provide the finance, William, but I do not veto his every word.
Puedo proporcionar la financiación, William, pero no vetarle cada palabra.
It'll be her word against his.
Será su palabra contra la de ellos.
So you got Hosea taking care of his kids, he's busy making jars, he's gotta speak God's Word to the people, and nobody's listening to him, and what's Gomer off doing,
Así que tienes Oseas el cuidado de sus hijos, él está ocupado haciendo tarros, él tiene que hablar La Palabra de Dios a la gente, y nadie lo escuchaba, y lo que está haciendo fuera de Gomer,
I never tempted her with word too large but as a brother to his sister, showed bashful sincerity and comely love.
Nunca la tenté con palabras licenciosas sino como hubiera hecho un hermano con su hermana, le dirigí expresiones de candor sincero y de un respetuoso amor.
Thou hast frighted the word out of his right sense, so forcible is thy wit.
Tal es la impetuosidad de vuestro ingenio, que ahuyentáis las palabras de su verdadero sentido.
You're a Fed, but, if you keep your word, you'll see his face again.
Eres un Federal, pero, si mantienes la palabra, verás su cara de nuevo.
But it's really Juliet's word against his.
Pero realmente es la palabra de Juliet contra la de él.
It's Juliet's word against his.
Es la palabra de Juliet contra la de él.

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