His words traducir español
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( He stutters ) She says you have to hit him on the back of the head to get his words out.
No quiero acabar 10 años en la cárcel.
He is using his words.
Él está usando sus palabras.
Even though I here his words I wonder if its his emotions talking.
A pesar de lo que dijo... dudo que realmente piense eso...
Thanks to his words, he is with us still.
Gracias a su trabajo, sigue con nosotros.
These are his words... and these fine men his ambassadors.
Estas son sus palabras y estos hombres valientes, sus embajadores.
They say he is holy and his words can solve all your problems.
Dicen que es santo y sus palabras pueden arreglar todos sus problemas.
- Nothing that we first would like to thank... his words full of fraternal love and sweetness.
- Nada primero le agradecemos... por su tono fraternal y su dulzura.
I'll tell them I did not take his words as accusingly, he's young...
Diré que no tomé sus dichos como acusaciones, que es joven...
But people who knew him well would agree with his words.
Pero la gente que lo conocía muy bien de acuerdo con sus palabras.
To purify my mind only with his words.
Para purificar mi mente con su palabra.
His words implied more than they said
Sus palabras insinuaban mas de lo que decían.
He said I looked great. His words.
Me dijo que estaba magnifico.
In those days Jesus Christ was around, the man who drew crowds with his miracles and his words, which echoed in every corner.
En aquella época, allá caminaba Jesucristo. El hombre que conquistaba multitudes y operaba milagros cuyas palabras resonaban por todos los rincones.
Absent his words, your prophecy will fall to ruin.
Sin sus palabras, tu profecía será inútil.
What of his words?
¿ Qué hay de sus palabras?
His words were "extremely well treated."
Sus palabras fueron "trato exquisito".
His words set me to purpose.
Sus palabras me propusieron.
The man himself regrets the duties of the senate prevent his attendance, but he would see us properly addressed, his words delivered by pleasing tongue of trusted wife.
El mismo lamenta que sus obligaciones en el senado impidan su asistencia, pero él daría por buenas, sus palabras enviadas en boca de su querida esposa.
His words are foreign to me.
Sus palabras son extrañas para mí.
He starts throwing words around like "cuckoo" and "loony" and "crazy"... - that's his fear talking. - Oh.
Si empieza a acusarte de estar "chiflada" y "desquiciada" y "loca" lo dirá por miedo.
Well, let me tell you something, Liz, and mark my fucking words, I will tear the flesh off his face with my teeth and stick it in your fucking handbag.
Déjame decirte algo, Liz y recuerda mis malditas palabras le desgarraré el rostro con mis propios dientes y lo meteré en tu puto bolso.
Mary drank his words like a bowl of alphabet soup and hadn't been this excited since Grandpoppy Ralph had found a coin up her nose.
Más tarde, como adulto como padre de familia, Thierry sentía la necesidad de grabar a la gente y las cosas que pasaban a su alrededor
I think he's also employing the words he heard in his life on the road and in his various experiences.
Creo que también emplea aquellas palabras que escuchó... durante su vida, en su recorrer en sus variadas experiencias.
It is not for us to choose the words. Mr. Ginsberg, in telling his story, is telling the story as he sees it.
El Sr. Ginsberg no elige las palabras que usa... para contar su historia pensando en nosotros, él cuenta la historia de la manera en que la ve.
The author of "Howl" has used those words because he believed that his portrayal required them as being in character.
El autor de "Aullido"... ha usado esas palabras porque él creía que aquellas... son necesarias para ilustrar de manera adecuada el personaje.
An author should be real in treating his subject and be allowed to express his thoughts and ideas in his own words.
Un autor debe ser real en el tratamiento de su tema... y se le debe permitir expresar sus pensamientos... e ideas en sus propias palabras.
Now despite Louis Tobin's admission of guilt, the Tobin family has issued no public statement nor any words of remorse for his victims.
Ahora, a pesar de la admisión de culpabilidad de Louis Tobin, la familia Tobin no ha hecho ninguna declaración pública ni ha emitido una sola palabra de remordimiento por las víctimas.
.. and who, in his own words, is not a'terrorist'..
.. quien, en sus palabras, no es un'terrorista'..
" Grandpa wanted to tell you, but the words wouldn't come out of his mouth.
" El abuelo quiso decírtelo, pero las palabras
Aaron, the oldest son, would like to say a few words about his father.
Aaron, el hijo mayor, quisiera decir unas palabras acerca de su padre.
and as the young gentleman threw rice with the rest, he finally understood those words of his dear and essential friend Henry Harrison...
Y mientras el joven caballero tiraba arroz con los demás... finalmente comprendió esas palabras... de su querido e imprescindible amigo Henry Harrison...
When Robert knew that his time was short he told me there was one specific man he wanted to say a few words to memorialize him.
Cuando Robert supo que iba a morir me dijo que quería que este hombre dijera unas palabras que lo recordaran.
This guy, He's just secreting words Out of the front of his head.
Éste tipo, sólo secreta palabras... hacia adelante.
Yet my bride was enthralled by his sweet words :
Sin embargo, mi novia estaba cautivada por sus dulces palabras :
A man can go his entire life Without hearing a sheriff say those words to him.
Un hombre puede pasar toda la vida sin oír a un Sheriff decirle esas palabras.
Those were his last words.
Esas fueron sus últimas palabras.
Then tongue the words in his ear.
- Entonces, susúrralas en su oído.
If we did not need you to exchange our words for his, you would never have been given chance to take up sword.
Si no te necesitáramos para traducir sus palabras, nunca se te habría dado la oportunidad de tomar la espada.
His exact words were that one of us will be "checking out,"
Sus palabras exactas fueron que uno de nosotros va a salir.
Stopping his heart speaks louder than words.
Detener su corazón vale más que mil palabras.
And Wes comes off as this kind of creepy, horror-meister in a way. And then wnen he shows that the script is actually on his computer, the exact words we've just spoken one minute earlier,
Luego cuando me muestra el guión, aparecen en su computadora exactamente las mismas palabras que estuvimos cruzando un minuto atrás.
His last words. Unless, of course...
Estoy segura de que alguien les habrá dicho que Bella es la bruja local.
Just a few words as if fallen from his mouth, extolling the virtues of the House of Batiatus.
Sólo unas pocas palabras como si hubieran salido de su boca, glorificando las virtudes de la Casa de Batiatus.
Did it form the words that robbed varro of his life?
¿ Esa voz pronunció las palabras que privaron a Varro de su vida?
And then, he laid his hand on my head, like you now, and said beautiful words, soothing words.
Y luego, él puso su mano sobre mi cabeza, como ahora, y dijo bellas palabras, palabras tranquilizadoras.
Ironic words from a man who spends his days running hither and yon, wielding his lightsaber with deadly force as if on a crusade.
Palabras irónicas para un hombre que pasa su vida corriendo de aquí para allá blandiendo letalmente su sable láser como si estuviese en una cruzada.
I remember him throwing your dad's words back in his face.
Recuerdo que le repitió a papá sus propias palabras.
It's just a question of taking that, and then trying to make those words that he's described his vision with work in pictures.
Es sólo cuestión de tomar eso y después tratar de hacer que esas palabras con que ha descrito su visión, funcionen con ilustraciones.
Say to the king, I would attend his leisure, for a few words.
Ve a decir al Rey que si dispone de unos momentos desearía hablarle.
They should find what'twere to kill a father, so should Fleance. For from broad words and cos he fail'd his presence at the tyrant's feast, I hear Macduff lives in disgrace.
Porque a consecuencia de palabras atrevidas y porque no estuvo presente en el banquete del tirano ha llegado a mis oídos que Macduff ha caído en desgracia
With these words, again and again he hit hard at his eyes.
Y repitiéndose esto como un canto se davaba muchas veces los ojos.
words 313
words to live by 22
words like 23
his wife 438
his watch 21
his wife died 20
his work 33
his wife left him 23
his whole life 20
his what 76
words to live by 22
words like 23
his wife 438
his watch 21
his wife died 20
his work 33
his wife left him 23
his whole life 20
his what 76