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Hypothetically traducir español

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O.J., suppose, just hypothetically, of course, that you, Mr. Bromo... could get together again with Miss Seltzer.
O.J., supón, hipotéticamente, claro, que tú, el Sr. Bromuro... pudiera reunirse otra vez con la Srta. Seltzer.
Hypothetically speaking...
Hipotéticamente hablando...
Professor Weiss, when we started this conversation I was under the impression that we were speaking hypothetically.
Profesor Weiss, cuando comenzamos esta conversación, tenía la impresión que hablábamos hipotéticamente.
Anyway, hypothetically speaking, even if I did fall in love, there might be reasons why I couldn't marry him.
Igual, hablando hipotéticamente, aunque me enamorara, pueden haber razones por las que no pueda casarme.
I couldn't remember the real name, so I used Bunny hypothetically.
No pude recordar el nombre verdadero, así que use Bunny en su lugar.
Hypothetically, would not Captain Smith begin to hate Lieutenant Commander Jones once he learned that Lieutenant Commander Jones hated and detested him?
Hipotéticamente ¿ podría el capitán Smith odiar al Comodoro Jones? Cuando el Comodoro Jones se entera de esto... - Sí, supongo que podría pasar.
- Hypothetically, Mr. Spock.
- Hipotéticamente, Sr. Spock.
Hypothetically, Miss Shaw.
Hipotéticamente, Srta. Shaw.
I mean, hypothetically.
¡ Sería una locura!
And I was just thinking hypothetically, if something did happen to him, and somehow, Miss Farrow, you happened to be involved, you knew the people that Tony was associated with, you had to assume that if they found out, they'd kill you.
y solo pensaba hipotéticamente, si algo lo hizo desaparecer, y de alguna forma, la señorita Farrow, pasó a estar involucrada. Conoce a la gente con la que Tony estaba asociado, tiene que asumir que si ellos lo averiguan, la matarán. De nuevo, solo hablando hipotéticamente.
Again, I'm just talking hypothetically. And you, Mr Price, you had a lot riding on Tony's investment in this club, and this place meant a great deal to you.
Y usted señor Price, tenía mucha inversión de Tony en este club y este lugar significa mucho para usted.
If I were a murderer - hypothetically speaking - it'd be made to order.
Si yo fuera un asesino, hipotéticamente hablando, estaría hecho a medida.
If you were a murderer - hypothetically, like you say you wouldn't tell this to the police.
Si Ud. Fuera un asesino hipotéticamente, como dice... no le diría esto a la policía.
Captain, without being an alarmist... we're sailing on a ship that might hypothetically be blown up.
Capitán, sin querer ser un alarmista... estamos navegando en un barco que hipotéticamente podría explotar.
Hypothetically, anything is possible.
Hipotéticamente, cualquier cosa es posible.
Well, if we're speaking hypothetically... nothing of an accidental nature could occur until after the birthday.
Bueno, si hablamos hipotéticamente... no podría suceder ningún accidente antes de su cumpleaños.
You know, Nick... hypothetically, I'd go absolute halves with you.
Sabes, Nick... Yo, hipotéticamente, te daría la mitad.
Okay, if you get in the car... and there's music playing in the car, hypothetically. There's music playing in the car for 10 minutes... and there's no commercial.
Si te subes a un auto... y hay música, digamos... durante diez minutos... sin publicidad.
Hypothetically speaking, of course, do you consider it more important to pay one's tailor or one's gambling debts?
Hablando hipotéticamente, ¿ le parece más importante pagar las deudas de juego o las del sastre?
I would prefer, hypothetically, to remain oblivious.
Yo preferiría, hipotéticamente, a permanecer.
I want you to know that I thought they were talking hypothetically. Until they found the first survivors.
Quiero que sepas que creí que hablaban hipotéticamente... hasta que hallaron a los primeros sobrevivientes.
All right, all right. Forget "good-looking younger man." - But hypothetically, what if she was having an affair?
Olvida lo del hombre joven, pero imagina hipotéticamente que estuviera teniendo una aventura.
Forget Daniella. But say hypothetically you're married to a beautiful young woman. - And she's having an affair.
Olvida a Daniella, pero digamos que estás casado con una hermosa mujer joven y está teniendo una aventura.
- Hypothetically, no, because, if-if she was, then I'd want to know who... and when and where, and- - oh.
Hipotéticamente no. De otro modo querría saber con quién, cuándo, dónde... - No.
- That was hypothetically! - You said you didn't want to know.
- Eso era hipotéticamente.
Just hypothetically, what if he was a virgin?
Pero hipotéticamente, ¿ qué pasaría si fuera virgen?
Oh, he's just saying you hypothetically.
¡ Oh, que acaba de decir que hipotéticamente.
hypothetically, what could happen to this individual?
Hipotéticamente. ¿ Que le pasaría a este individuo?
well, hypothetically, he could have his legs broken.
Bueno, hipotéticamente. Le romperían las piernas.
I only said that hypothetically.
Lo he dicho como hipótesis.
- We were speaking hypothetically.
If we hypothetically enter a horse in the El Segundo stakes and that horse wins, then Fred will get a shitload load of money, and Sawyer will not get a shitload of money.
- Le diremos que inscribimos... un caballo y que creemos que ese caballo ganará. Entonces Fred va a ganar mucho dinero y Sawyer, nada.
Okay, say I don't get this job, hypothetically.
Bueno, si no consiguiera este trabajo... hipotéticamente...
Hypothetically speaking, there would definitely be an investigation.
Hipotéticamente hablando, definitivamente habría una investigación.
Well, I was wondering, if Brenda and Brandon were adopted, hypothetically speaking, if they were adopted, what would you think if they came to you and told you they wanted to find their real parents?
Bueno, me preguntaba, si Brenda y Brandon fueran adoptados hablando hipotéticamente, si fueran adoptados ¿ qué pensaría si vinieran y le dijeran que quieren hallar a sus verdaderos padres?
Hypothetically, it shouldn't be too difficult to recall his original form.
Hipotéticamente, no debería ser demasiado difícil regresarlo a su forma original.
- Hypothetically speaking?
- ¿ Hipotéticamente hablando?
- Hypothetically speaking.
- Hipotéticamente hablando.
Just hypothetically, if you happened to sleep with me, afterwards, would you think that it was great?
Hipotéticamente, si te acostaras conmigo...
Now, I know I was the one who put forth the original idea of opening the package, but I was speaking hypothetically.
Sé que, originalmente, la idea de abrirlo fue mía... pero sólo planteé una hipótesis.
Now, Mr. Saxton, hypothetically, let's just say that you did have... a secret chemical warfare lab at your plant.
Sr. Saxton, hipotéticamente hablando, digamos que Ud. sí tenía... un laboratorio secreto de armas químicas en su planta.
Es una hipótesis.
- You could be irresistably, super hypothetically - - Cut it! Cut it!
- Irresistible, hipotético- - - ¡ No, corten, corten!
If it's irresistably, hypothetically, and logically - - Henry.
Irresistible, hipotético, análogo...
- I'm talking hypothetically.
- Estoy hablando hipotéticamente.
If we're speaking hypothetically.
Si estamos hablando hipotéticamente.
Hypothetically... Vantika's consciousness could be occupying someone else's brain while he waits for the deuridium to arrive.
Hipotéticamente el conocimiento de Vantika podría ocupar el cerebro de otra persona mientras que aguarda la llegada del deuridio.
No, it only means hypothetically that I could.
No, sólo significa que hipotéticamente podría.
I'm speaking hypothetically here.
Estoy hablando hipotéticamente.
Hypothetically, if your client's testimony was truthful and productive... his charge might drop to Manslaughter One.
Hipotéticamente, si el testimonio de su cliente fuera verdadero y productivo se lo podría acusar sólo de homicidio no premeditado.

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