Hypothetically speaking traducir español
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Hypothetically speaking...
Hipotéticamente hablando...
Anyway, hypothetically speaking, even if I did fall in love, there might be reasons why I couldn't marry him.
Igual, hablando hipotéticamente, aunque me enamorara, pueden haber razones por las que no pueda casarme.
If I were a murderer - hypothetically speaking - it'd be made to order.
Si yo fuera un asesino, hipotéticamente hablando, estaría hecho a medida.
Hypothetically speaking, of course, do you consider it more important to pay one's tailor or one's gambling debts?
Hablando hipotéticamente, ¿ le parece más importante pagar las deudas de juego o las del sastre?
Hypothetically speaking, there would definitely be an investigation.
Hipotéticamente hablando, definitivamente habría una investigación.
Well, I was wondering, if Brenda and Brandon were adopted, hypothetically speaking, if they were adopted, what would you think if they came to you and told you they wanted to find their real parents?
Bueno, me preguntaba, si Brenda y Brandon fueran adoptados hablando hipotéticamente, si fueran adoptados ¿ qué pensaría si vinieran y le dijeran que quieren hallar a sus verdaderos padres?
- Hypothetically speaking?
- ¿ Hipotéticamente hablando?
- Hypothetically speaking.
- Hipotéticamente hablando.
Now let's assume, hypothetically speaking, of course... that Mr. Savitt wants to change his testimony.
Supongamos, hipotéticamente, por supuesto que el Sr. Savitt quisiera cambiar su testimonio.
Hypothetically speaking.
- Es una suposición, claro.
- Well, hypothetically speaking, if he were gay... how would that make you feel?
Hipotéticamente hablando, si Jack fuera gay ¿ cómo te sentirías?
Hypothetically speaking.
- Al menos en teoría.
Hypothetically speaking, of course.
Hipotéticamente hablando, claro.
Hypothetically speaking, it's not like you're without options.
Hypoteticamente hablando, tu no eres un hombre sin opciones.
You know, like, you know, hypothetically speaking.
Tu sabes, como? Tu sabes, hypoteticamente hablando.
That I had, hypothetically speaking fallen for or was in the process of falling for the worst possible person that I could ever fall for. What would you tell me to do?
Hipotéticamente hablando si te dijera que me enamoré o estoy por enamorarme de la peor persona de quien podía hacerlo ¿ qué sugerirías que hiciera?
You know, hypothetically speaking, that is.
Tu sabes hipoteticamente hablando.
So hypothetically speaking if I were lucky enough one day to find myself owning a sailboat again and I were to ask the woman that I love to go sailing with me would she?
Hipotéticamente hablando si alguna vez tengo la fortuna de volver a tener un velero y le pidiera a la mujer que amo que se venga a navegar conmigo ¿ aceptaría?
Let's just say that, hypothetically speaking... it were possible to accelerate your molecular structure... until the rest of the world seemed as if it were standing still.
Digamos que, hipotéticamente hablando fuera posible acelerar tu estructura molecular hasta que el resto del mundo pareciera estar detenido.
- Hypothetically speaking. - Right.
Hipotéticamente hablando.
So let me ask you... This is hypothetically speaking here.
Entonces dejenme preguntarles...
So, Dawson, let's say that, hypothetically speaking I might have some insight into why your ingénue is so exasperated today.
Dawson, digamos, hipotéticamente hablando que sé la causa de la exasperación de tu actriz.
And let's also say that, hypothetically speaking, I might be mildly culpable for her exasperation. It's not important. I'm sure it's nothing. Forget I mentioned it.
Y también digamos, hipotéticamente que fuera el responsable de esa exasperación pero como no es importante, olvídate de que lo mencioné.
Hypothetically speaking.
-... a la empresa. - Hipotéticamente hablando.
Hypothetically speaking, if there was, would it threaten the integrity of the force field?
Hipotéticamente hablando si la hubiera ¿ podría eso amenazar la integridad del campo de fuerza?
Lola, hypothetically speaking, what's it like to hold 25 million in your hands?
Lola, hablando figuradamente, ¿ qué se siente tener 25 millones de dólares?
Okay, let's just say, hypothetically speaking, that the police are running out of time.
Vale, pero digamos, hipotéticamente, que a la Policía se le acaba el tiempo.
So, hypothetically speaking, which one do you like?
Así que, hipotéticamente, ¿ cuál te gustaría?
Hypothetically speaking, if I was part of a story, a narrative even if it was only in my mind what would you suggest that I do?
hipotéticamente hablando, si yo fuera parte de una historia, una narrativa incluso si estuviera sólo en mi mente ¿ qué me sugeriría que hiciera?
Hypothetically speaking?
Hipotéticamente hablando.
I also said hypothetically speaking.
Pero también dije hipotéticamente hablando.
Hypothetically speaking, how much would you pay for something like that?
Hablando hipotéticamente, ¿ cuánto me pagarían por algo así?
You know, hypothetically speaking... Pero'can wrong, of course You know better than me.
Mira, hablaba hipotéticamente... pero puedo equivocarme, obviamente tú lo conoces mejor que yo.
Hypothetically speaking, with this type of neural hyperactivity, he'd be prone to all sorts of seizures, strokes, tumors.
Hipotéticamente, con este tipo de hiperactividad neural, sería propenso a toda clase de ataques, derrames cerebrales, tumores.
Professor Weiss, when we started this conversation I was under the impression that we were speaking hypothetically.
Profesor Weiss, cuando comenzamos esta conversación, tenía la impresión que hablábamos hipotéticamente.
Well, if we're speaking hypothetically... nothing of an accidental nature could occur until after the birthday.
Bueno, si hablamos hipotéticamente... no podría suceder ningún accidente antes de su cumpleaños.
- We were speaking hypothetically.
Now, I know I was the one who put forth the original idea of opening the package, but I was speaking hypothetically.
Sé que, originalmente, la idea de abrirlo fue mía... pero sólo planteé una hipótesis.
If we're speaking hypothetically.
Si estamos hablando hipotéticamente.
I'm speaking hypothetically here.
Estoy hablando hipotéticamente.
I'm speaking hypothetically of course.
Hablo hipotéticamente, por supuesto.
Speaking hypothetically, yes.
Hablando hipotéticamente, si
Again, speaking hypothetically, I'd have to say... yes
De nuevo, hablando hipotéticamente, tendría que decir que... sí
Are you speaking hypothetically?
¿ Está hablando hipotéticamente?
Yes, of course I'm speaking hypothetically!
Por supuesto que estoy hablando hipotéticamente
I'm speaking hypothetically.
Hablo hipotéticamente.
I'm speaking hypothetically.
Estoy hablando hipotéticamente.
I am merely speaking hypothetically.
Meramente estoy hablando hipotéticamente.
And this is hypothetically speaking, but... what would you say if somebody.
Esto es solo una hipótesis.
Cummings was just speaking hypothetically.
Cummings sólo estaba hablando hipotéticamente.
I was speaking hypothetically, darling.
Estaba hablando hipotéticamente cariño
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