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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I've found something

I've found something traducir español

361 traducción paralela
At last, I've found something to do.
Por fin algo que hacer.
I've found something.
He encontrado algo.
Mr. Dumontier, I've found something else.
Sr. Dumontier, he encontrado otra cosa.
This may seem harsh, but it's the only effective prevention I've found... for something like this happening again.
Quizá os parezca severo pero es el único modo efectivo de evitar que vuelva a ocurrir algo así.
I've found out something important.
He averiguado algo importante.
Listen, I've just found something.
Escucha, he encontrado algo.
Well, I've found something.
He encontrado algo.
At last I've found something that is worthy of me.
Finalmente he encontrado algo que me sirve.
Now that we've found each other again, I hope I shall see something of you.
Ahora que nos encontramos de nuevo, espero volver a verlo más seguido.
I found out something I should've known something I should've realized a long time ago.
Averigué algo, debería haber sabido algo de lo que debí darme cuenta hace tiempo.
But if they found out I've been hiding her, they might think I had something to do with the murder.
Pero si se descubriera que la estoy escondiendo... quizá pensasen que yo tengo algo que ver con los asesinatos.
I've found something in these Keys worth fighting for.
Encontré algo en estos cayos por lo que vale la pena luchar.
I think we've found something, boss.
Encontramos algo, jefe.
I think I've found something.
Yo creo que he encontrado algo.
I've been looking for some little token of gratitude, which I could give to Mr. Holmes and at last I think I've found something that he'll appreciate.
He buscado un objeto de agradecimiento para el señor Holmes. Creo que he encontrado algo que él sabrá apreciar.
- I've found something interesting.
He visto algo interesante.
For the first time, I've found something to straighten me out.
Por primera vez he encontrado algo para permanecer recto.
Hey, I think I've found something!
Hey, creo que encontre algo!
- Have you found something out? - I think I've got a lead.
Creo que tengo una pista.
I've found something I want to do and I'm going to do it.
Encontré algo que quiero hacer y pienso hacerlo.
I've found something here that I didn't know existed.
Aquí he encontrado algo que no sabía que existiera.
I've seen killings, death by wholesale, but I found something in the blood and dirt of it.
He visto asesinatos, matanzas masivas, pero encontré algo en toda aquella sangre y suciedad.
Now that we've found each other again, I hope I shall see something of you.
Espero verle más.
I think I've found something.
Creo que he encontrado algo.
I? ve found something!
He encontrado algo!
I think they've found something.
- Han encontrado algo.
I've found out something.
Me he enterado de una cosa.
I don't know about that, but I've found something a lot more interesting.
He encontrado algo muy interesante.
The last two days, you've lost everything you've ever lived for, and I've found something I wanted all my life.
Los últimos dos días, has perdido todo por lo que has vivido, pero yo he encontrado lo que llevaba buscando toda la vida.
But you never mentioned the partnership. Because maybe I would've thought... That the partnership had something to do with your new-found...
pero no mencionaste que te iban a hacer socio, porque quizás me habría dado cuenta de que tenía que ver con tu nuevo, aunque malsano, interés en nuestro matrimonio.
Yes. Pete, I've found out something else.
Pete, he averiguado algo más.
But in spite of that, I think I've found something...
Pero, a pesar de ello, he encontrado algo...
I think I've found something.
Me parece que he logrado algo.
And I think I've found something.
Y yo creo haber encontrado algo.
I think I've found something.
- Nada malo.
I've found something.
He hallado algo.
But I've found something more exciting.
Pero he encontrado algo más divertido.
However, I think we've found something of greater importance...
No obstante, creo que hemos encontrado algo de gran importancia...
Come tomorrow morning. I've found something.
Venga mañana, lo he encontrado todo.
Come tomorrow morning. I've found something.
Lo he encontrado todo.
Oh well anyway come on. Now I've found you, let's — let's go and eat something. - I'm starving.
Vamos, ya que te he encontrado, vamos a comer algo, me muero de hambre.
Look, I've found something you ought to have.
He encontrado algo interesante.
We found something I've been searching for all my life.
He encontrado una cosa que he estado buscando toda la vida.
Sir, we've found something. I don't know if it's important.
Señor, encontramos algo que no sé si es importante.
I want you to understand something. If you think you found a scintillating breakfast companion, sir... I say you've found me at my worst.
Se lo advierto si está buscando un ameno compañero para almorzar hoy no es mi mejor día.
I've found something else as well.
Además, descubrí otra cosa.
I've found out something
He hallado algo.
I've found that give the mouth without saying something.
Parecía que obtener su boca sin decir algo.
I found myself in a dead end Because I've changed my job for something quite vague And it wasn't acting, which was something sacred to me then
Me encontraba en un callejón sin salida porque había cambiado mi trabajo fijo por una cosa tan vaga y poco sólida como la de ser actor.
I've found something.
Encontré algo.
I'm sure I've found something good.
¡ Estoy seguro de haber encontrado algo bueno!

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