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If he hasn't already traducir español

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And now that bloody greedy old pig. That old pig! As if he hasn't had enough of everything already, he's got to get his fingers in it!
Y ahora ese maldito viejo glotón tuvo que meter sus pezuñas, como si no tuviera suficiente.
If he hasn't already been picked up.
- Si no lo han atrapado ya.
If he already hasn't gotten out of town.
Si no se ha ido ya.
If he hasn't already died of the DT's
Si no se ha muerto ya de un delírium tremens.
Sure, if he hasn't already been brought up before juvenile court.
Entonces, ¿ vas a ir por él? Claro, si es que no lo han llevado ya al tribunal para menores.
If he hasn't already.
Si no lo ha hecho hasta ahora.
If this guy has any information, why hasn't he contacted you already?
Si nos vende información.. ¿ por qué no se ha contactado aún?
And Bong is right on the cusp of procreation, if he hasn't started already.
Y Bong está en la cima de la procreación, si es que no ha empezado ya.
All the more reason for us to find him before he finds Harriet Tashman... if he hasn't already.
Más razón para que lo hallemos antes de que él encuentre a Harriet Tashman. Si no la encontró ya.
We'll get that fucking million dollars back, if he hasn't spent it already.
Recuperaremos el millón de dólares, si es que no se lo gastó.
I hope he learns that now if he hasn't already.
Espero que que aprenda eso ahora, si no lo aprendio todavia.
If his life depends on stasis technology, how do we know he hasn't already made a plan with Zo'or?
Si su vida depende de la tecnología del éxtasis, ¿ Cómo sabe si no ha hecho ya un pacto con Zo'or?
Si ya no lo ha hecho.
Must go release the babysitter If she hasn't already killed herself
He de relevar a Ia canguro, si no se ha suicidado ya.
If he hasn't already.
Si es que no lo hizo ya.
If he hasn't already, you...
Si él ya no ha...
If he hasn't broken already.
Si todavía no se ha roto
He knows we're onto him, he's liable to kill the women if he hasn't already.
Sabe que estamos tras él, es posible que mate a las mujeres si aún no lo hizo.
If he hasn't already.
Si es que ya no lo hizo.
He's running out of time if he hasn't talked already.
Se le está acabando el tiempo si no es que ya habló.
- Blue- - if be hasn't caught her already, he'll be following her.
- Azul. Si todavía no la atrapó la debe estar siguiendo.
That's if he hasn't wiped it already.
Quizá aún no los hayan limpiado.
And then it will come down to a straight where there will be a series of tightening S's, where Jeremy will crash, if he hasn't already, then there's gonna be another sweeping curve.
Y luego llegará una recta Donde habrá una serie de eses cerradas, donde Jeremy se estrellará Si es que no lo ha hecho ya, luego habrá otra curva amplia.
Now, in case you've forgotten, there's still a little girl out there with a psycho, if we're lucky and he hasn't already slit her throat.
Por si lo olvidaron, ese psicótico aún tiene a la niña si es que no le cortó el cuello ya.
If he hasn't done that already.
Si no lo ha hecho todavía.
Bennett's going to kidnap another girl, if he hasn't already.
Bennett va a secuestrar a otra niña, si no lo ha hecho ya.
Bennett's gonna kidnap another girl, if he hasn't already.
Bennett va a secuestrar a otra niña, si no lo ha hecho ya.
Cooper would have a seizure, if he hasn't already.
Cooper tendría un ataque, si ya no lo tuvo.
He's gonna kill them all if he hasn't already.
Va a matarlos a todos, si es que aun no lo hizo.
If he hasn't already caused a major catastrophe by then.
Si no ha causado una catástrofe mayor para entonces.
It's not as if he hasn't already paid the price.
No es que ya no haya pagado el precio.
If he hasn't already.
Si es que ya no lo sabe.
He's damn close to septic shock, if it hasn't already set in.
Está por tener un shock séptico si no lo empezó a tener ya.
If he's dating your aunt, he's going to see a picture. If he doesn't have amnesia, he's going to recognize you if he hasn't already.
Si está saliendo con tu tía, verá una foto tuya y si no sufre de amnesia retrógrada te reconocerá, si todavía no lo hizo.
Chances are Michael's already removed her transmitter, and even if he hasn't,
Es probable que Michael le haya quitado su transmisor.
And even if he hasn't realized it, this job is changing him already, because it comes with a whole host of overwhelming responsibilities, including keeping this hospital afloat.
Y aunque no se haya dado cuenta, este trabajo ya lo está cambiando, porque viene con un paquete completo de responsabilidades insoportables, incluido el mantener a flote este hospital.
Don't look at me with compassion to rob and kill me, me and my son, if he hasn't already been murdered.
No me mire con compasión para robarme y matarme, a mí y a mi hijo si no es que ya ha sido asesinado.
If he hasn't already.
Si no lo ha hecho ya.
Probably trying to leave the country, if he hasn't already.
Probablemente tratando de salir del país, si no salió ya.
If he hasn't done it already,
si él no lo ha hecho ya
He'll tell them everything, if he hasn't already.
Les contará todo, si no lo ha hecho ya.
Okay, if this guy, Kishimoto, is so connected, how do we know that he hasn't already helped Hesse off the island?
De acuerdo, si este tipo, Kishimoto, está tan conectado, ¿ cómo sabemos que no ha ayudado ya a Hesse a salir de la isla?
Oh, man, if he hasn't already.
Oh, tío, si no lo ha hecho ya.
If he hasn't done so already.
Si no lo ha hecho ya.
If he hasn't done so already.
Si es que no lo ha hecho, ya.
- He's gonna do something drastic if he hasn't already.
Va a hacer algo drástico, sino lo ha hecho aún.
If he hasn't already done it, he fails at it.
Si no lo ha hecho ya, fracasa en ello.
If it hasn't already left that is.
Si aún no lo he dejado claro.
Soledad will make his move if he hasn't already.
Soledad hará su movimiento si es que no lo ha hecho ya.
Well if he hasn't done so already, he'll be on a ferry to Hamburg, if he's got any sense.
Bueno si no lo ha hecho ya está en un ferry camino a Hamburgo si tiene alguna viveza.
If he hasn't already told you about me, ask him
Si no ya te ha hablado de mí, pídale

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