If he were here traducir español
622 traducción paralela
If he were here, as you are, my captive then I would spare him.
Si él estuviera aquí, como tú, cautiva... entonces, Io ayudaría.
Well, thank you. I know he'd appreciate that if he were here, but he's in the shower.
Estoy segura de que le agradaría oírlo si estuviera aquí... pero está en la ducha.
If he were here tonight, he wouldn't approve of all this.
Si estuviera aquí, esto no le gustaría nada.
Perhaps, if he were here.
Es como si estuviera aquí. ¡ Nada más!
Satin Jack Sabin wouldn't agree with you if he were here, which he ain't, sir.
Satin Jack Sabin, podría no estar de acuerdo con Ud, si viviera, Señor
And if he were here, he would be the one on trial, not Sergeant o'Hearn.
Y si estuviera aquí sería el único procesado, no el sargento O'Hearn.
Madame, if he were here in the house, you could look after him.
Madame, si él permaneciera en la casa, usted podría atenderlo.
If a government official like Itakura were to come here and get involved you can expect he won't treat this as a mere quarrel case.
Y en cuanto a la justificación que los Yoshioka están utilizando... ¿ no los convertirá en el mayor hazmerreír del mundo? ¿ ¡ Qué!
If the Emperor were here, he wouldn " t have had a choice.
De haber estado el emperador, no habría tenido alternativa.
"My first husband and I were engaged for many years when he applied for the post here and learned he could have it only if he wedded the parson's widow."
" Mi primer marido y yo estuvimos prometidos durante años cuando él solicitó este puesto y descubrió que solo podría tenerlo si se casaba con la viuda del párroco.
If your father were here today, he would be so proud of you.
Si tu padre estuviera aquí hoy, estaría muy orgulloso de ti.
I was only thinking if he were to search my rooms while I am here...
Pensaba que si registrara mis aposentos mientras estoy aquí...
You're a disgrace! If your father were here, he'd kill you.
Si su padre estuviera aquí, la mataría. ¡ Abandona esta casa!
He said the lights in his tower were illegal and if I came and lived here it would be all right or something or other.
Dijo que las luces de estas torres eran ilegales, que si yo vivia aquí ya no lo serían o algo así.
if he knew you were here, he'd hurry back.
Si la supiera aquí, se apresuraría.
If only your father were here, he'd light a different flame!
Si tu padre estuviera aquí, bailaríamos de otra manera.
What would Mary's fiance think if he came in while they were here?
¿ Qué pensaría el novio de Mary si los encontrara aquí?
He would be less uneasy if he knew that you were here to guard it, Mr. Moto.
Se sentiría menos inquieto si supiera que Ud. está para cuidarla, Sr. Moto.
but I knew he couldn't be here what if he were?
pero sabía que él no podría estar aquí ¿ qué si él estuviera?
I feel towards Wilmer here just exactly as if he were my own son.
Aprecio a Wilmer como si fuera mi propio hijo.
- Did he ask if I were here? - Yes, sir, he did.
- ¿ Ha preguntado si estaba yo aquí?
You know if Mike were here to put it into words now that's just about what he died for.
Saben si Mike estuviera aquí para expresarlo en palabras él murió por eso.
If the sergeant were here, I bet he'd -
Si el sargento estuviera aquí, apuesto que- -
We were gathered here today for you to witness, I to perform, an experiment, in which I had, if not confidence, at least a grain of hope.
Les he reunido hoy aquí como testigos, para llevar a cabo un experimento en el que había puesto, si no confianza, al menos una pizca de esperanza.
If your father were here, he'd be the first to say so.
Si estuviera tu padre, sería el primero en decir que sí.
He guarantees, as if we here were...
El garantiza, como si no estuviéramos aquí..
I came to tell you as quick as I could. A cop asked me if you were here. I said, "No." He showed a picture with your name on it.
Ese policia me preguntó si habían estado aquí, yo le dije que no,... y él me enseñó una ficha con sus nombres y sus fotos.
If Bill were here, he'd take you by the scruff of your neck and..
Si Bill estuviese aquí, lo cogería por el pescuezo...
I've just been having a little talk with the mine owners inside here and they seem to think it would be a good idea if I were to set up a bank.
He estado charlando con los propietarios de las minas. Y opinan que sería buena idea que yo estableciera un banco.
That is the plea.. That I know Mr Connors would make. If he were able to be here today.
Esta es la defensa que el Sr. Connors hubiera hecho... si hubiera estado aquí hoy.
- Aye, lads. And if he were only here right now...
- Si compañeros, y si tan solo el estuviese en este momento aquí...
If my husband were here, he would wish to thank you too.
Si mi marido estuviera aquí, le gustaría darle las gracias.
I wonder what he would say if he knew you were meeting me here?
¿ Qué diría si supiese que estuviste aquí?
If our Father Francis were here, he'd order you to eat it out of holy obedience.
Si Francisco estuviese aquí te ordenaría comer por santa obediencia,
Anyway, I wouldn't invite John Dalton in here if he were starving.
De todos modos, no invitaría a John Dalton aquí aunque estuviera muerto de hambre.
I thought he might have come out here to you to see if it were true.
Pensé que tal vez había venido aquí a buscarte para ver si era cierto.
I've made almost 200 flights across here and I feel a lot safer than if I were driving my car.
He realizado 200 vuelos como éste... y me siento más seguro que conduciendo mi propio coche.
Never mind lady, we'll just assume that they knew he was coming up here, so that if somebody else checks on him, you can tell him that the sheriff and his friend were here, but they had to go someplace else.
No importa, supondremos que saben que han venido aquí, así que si alguien viene buscándoles les puede decir que el sheriff y su amigo estuvieron aquí, pero tuvieron que irse a otro lugar.
If Zach were alive, he would be here to testify for Col. Mitchell.
Si Zack estuviera vivo estaría declarando a favor del coronel Mitchell.
Thank you. If he were only here to argue with, Colonel Koehler...
Si estuviera aquí, sólo para discutir con él, el Coronel Koehler podría...
He might be a little young and bullheaded about some things, but if there were more like him around, I might not be here. ( KNOCKING ON DOOR )
Quizá sea joven y obstinado para ciertas cosas, pero si hubiera más hombres como él, yo no estaría aquí.
Marry, that with no man here he is offended... for if he were, he would have shown it in his looks.
Creo que no está ofendido aquí con nadie. Pues, de lo contrario, su mirada lo delataría.
If your friend the Englishman were here he'd believe me.
Si estuviese aquí su amigo, el inglés, él me creería.
If he knew I were here, he would kill me as he killed the Egyptian.
Si supiera que estoy aquí, me mataría.
Lieutenant, if Gil were guilty... he'd never have come back here to see me.
Teniente, si Gil fuera culpable, jamás habría venido a verme.
If he knew we were here, it might boost his morale a little.
Si nos viera, le subiría la moral.
He'll still get more rest here than he would if he were in a feather bed.
Pero va a descansar más que en un colchón de plumas.
If it were good news, he'd be in here telling us about it.
Si fueran buenas noticias ya estaría aquí... ¡ Mamá!
Don't think I was here admiring your Rosaura as if she were the Virgin Mary.
Y no piense que estaba aquí adorándole a su Rosaura... Ya se lo he dicho.
Where can he be? If he were here, he'd hear us.
Si estuviera acá, nos oiría.
"If the boy were here he could wet the coils of the line," he thought.
"Si el muchacho estuviera aquí podría mojar los rollos de sedal", pensó.
if he's still alive 35
if he didn't 28
if he hadn't 19
if he 47
if he dies 138
if he knew 26
if he does 148
if he wins 28
if he did 163
if he finds out 37
if he didn't 28
if he hadn't 19
if he 47
if he dies 138
if he knew 26
if he does 148
if he wins 28
if he did 163
if he finds out 37