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It's going to cost around a million quid, but I think they've got a bit of a problem with the name, because they've called it LaFerrari.
Nos va a costar alrededor de un millones de libras, pero creo que tienen un poco de un problema con el nombre, porque hemos llamado LaFerrari.
It's called the F12.
Se llama el F12.
It's for a brand-new high-fashion line called "Montmarte," and as soon as they see how good my ass looks in their clothes, they're gonna make it the new face of their company.
Es una marca nueva de línea de alta costura llamada "Montmartre", y tan pronto como ellos vean lo bien que se ve mi trasero en su ropa, van a hacerlo la nueva cara de su compañía.
It is also called the death spell, it's very dangerous.
También se llama el hechizo de la muerte, es muy peligroso.
It's called detailing the provenance.
Se llama detallando la procedencia.
It's called the Selfish.
Se llama egoísta.
It's not called the Selfish.
No se llama la egoísta.
It's called the Egoista.
Se llama el Egoista.
It's called the Sesto Elemento, Italian for "sixth element".
Se llama el Sesto Elemento, Italiano para "sexto elemento".
No, the million-dollar question is why is it called the black box if it's always orange?
No, la pregunta del millón de dólares es por qué... se llama caja negra si son naranjas.
We've known that it's going to be called the F-type and we had a pretty good idea of what it would be like.
Hemos sabido que va que se denominará de tipo F y tuvimos una muy buena idea de lo que sería.
And that's basically a chord, if you play like a chord, but it's called broken chords, so you don't hear all the notes at the same time. You would hear them first the first one, then the second one, then the third one and again and again and again. And the lightning would be a really good way to teach about arpeggios.
Oyes primero el primero, luego el segundo, el tercero y otra, y otra, y otra vez... y los relámpagos serían un medio excelente para enseñar arpegios.
Oh, yeah. it's called sexing the turtle, and it's an eight-step process.
Sí. Se llama "Sexar a la tortuga", y es un proceso de 8 pasos.
It's called the M.I.T. Stata center, and it does kind of look like a tornado passed through the place.
Se llama el Centro Stata del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts, y parece como que un tornado pasó por el lugar.
RNA is too complicated to be the very first genetic material, because it's made of a complex sugar called ribose.
El ARN es demasiado complicado para ser el primer material genético, debido a que está compuesto por un azúcar complejo llamado "ribosa".
But it... it's called the breakfast room.
Pero... se llama la sala de desayunos.
It's called relative strength training, starting with the basics.
Se llama entrenamiento de fuerza relativa, comenzando con lo básico.
She called it "the world between worlds," and whatever it is, if Katrina's imprisoned there, perhaps she can be freed.
Ella lo llamó "el mundo entre mundos", y sea lo que sea, si Katrina está atrapada allí, tal vez pueda ser liberada.
Well, technically speaking, it's called a lung collapse, which makes the brothers teague very lucky.
Bueno, técnicamente hablando, se llama colapso pulmonar, lo que hace a los hermanos Teague muy afortunados.
And the results on that sedative in the jam, it's a drug called scopolamine.
Y el resultado de ese sedante en la mermelada es una droga llamada escopolamina.
So today's shooting could have been a follower who wanted revenge. Or it was a hit called by the leader,
Así que el tiroteo de hoy pudo ser de un seguidor buscando venganza.
It's burning my mouth. Hey, the doctor called.
Me llamó el médico.
I don't know what you heard, but your office called me and asked me if it would be fine to move the ball to the Governor's mansion, and I told them what I'm telling you.
No sé qué te han dicho, pero me llamaron de tu oficina y me preguntaron si estaría bien celebrar el baile en la mansión del gobernador y les dije lo que te digo a ti.
It's called, "I was not the bullet."
Se titula, "Yo no era la bala".
It's called vollige verzweiflung in German... the black despair mushroom.
Se llama vollige verzweiflung en Alemán... el hongo negro de la desesperación.
It's called the black despair.
Se llama la desesperación negra.
It is, but that's not the reason I called.
Lo es, pero esa no es la razón por la que llamé.
And keeping us in the dark just so you can cover your own hide? It's a good thing one of the nurses who works here is married to one of my guys and called us, did the right thing, you coward, little punk!
Es una buena cosa una de las enfermeras que trabaja aquí está casada con uno de mis chicos, y nos llamó, e hizo lo correcto, ¡ no como tú, cobarte, pequeño punk!
It's called the Perfect Prefect Party.
Se llama la fiesta Prefecta Perfecta.
It's called "being the supreme leader of this community," and a big part of that is keeping up appearances.
Se llama "ser el líder supremo de esta comunidad"... y gran parte de eso es mantener las apariencias.
That's why it's called the fashion pound, and that is why it is awesome.
Por eso la llaman moda al peso, y por eso es genial.
It's called "The Paralyzer," not "The Blowjobber!"
Se llama "el paralizador," no ¡ "el te chupa el huevo"!
Well, it's called the "Good Earth Salad,"
bueno, es llamada la "Ensalada buena Tierra"
That's what you called it that time in the kitchen when Jack and dad were there.
Así lo llamaste aquella vez en la cocina, cuando estaban papá y Jack
It's called the death spiral.
Se llama espiral de la muerte.
And even though it's shaped like a ladle for soup, it's actually called the Bear.
Y aunque tiene forma de cuchara sopera, se llama en realidad la Osa.
It's called meritocracy, and it should be the basis for advancement in society.
Se le llama alpinismo y deberias de conocer las bases si vas a invertir en una sociedad
It's an invasive species that's called the bighead, and it pushed out other fish, it ate the vegetation, caused erosion, flooding.
Es una especie invasora que se llama la cabeza grande, y es empujado fuera otros peces, se comió la vegetación, la erosión causada, inundaciones.
It's being called the viral video of the year.
Lo llaman el video viral del año.
♪ the best holiday ♪ it's called Challoweenukah
- * La mejor fiesta es la llamada Jhalloweenuka *
That's what the doctor called it.
Así es como lo llamó el médico.
It's part of a ceremony called the "Sacred Taking," which allows for the ascension of the new Supreme.
Es parte de una ceremonia llamada el "Sagrado Relevo", que permite la ascensión de la nueva Suprema.
So, because it's light-sensitive, it's sometimes called the third eye.
Así que, debido a ello, es sensible a la luz, y a veces se ha llamado el tercer ojo.
It's called the First Amendment, Sue.
Se llama la Primera Enmienda, Sue.
It's called the Patriot Act.
Se llama Patriot Act.
It's called "Little women," and it's about four sisters who overcome poverty and the patriarchy...
Se llama "Mujercitas", y va de cuatro hermanas que se sobreponen a la pobreza y el patriarcado...
It holds electroreceptors called ampullae of Lorenzini which enable him to detect electric fields, although it's a lot weaker than the hammerhead's Lorenzini ampullae.
Y cuenta con electro receptores llamados ampollas de Lorenzini que le permiten detectar campos eléctricos, aunque son mucho más débiles que las ampollas del cabeza de martillo.
It's called the Tree of Disgrace.
Es llamado Árbol de la Deshonra.
It's called the Summer Jingle Bell concept.
Se llama concepto cascabel de verano.
The reason I called this meeting is, well, it's a long story.
El motivo por el que he convocado esta reunión es, bueno, una larga historia.
In Victorian times, people would come through Venice on what was called "the grand tour", so that's why I've gone for the Mercedes, because it is the ultimate grand tourer.
En la Era Victoriana la gente pasaba por Venecia... Por lo que se llamaba el "Grand Tour" Entonces por eso he elegido al Mercedes

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