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It's like saying traducir español

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It's like you were saying before the Swede come in.
Es lo que decías antes de que llegara el sueco.
Well, it's like what I was saying,
Es Io que yo decía.
He started saying that last night. It's like an obsession.
Lleva toda la noche diciéndolo, es como una obsesión.
But you and I, we know there must be a reason, like trying to push time out of your mind... and saying it's November in May.
Pero sabemos que debe haber una razón, como tratar de olvidar el tiempo y decir que es noviembre, en mayo.
It's like saying I was robbed at Sunday School.
Es como decir que me han robado en la catequesis.
I remember saying to the poor gentleman, "It's like what you had last time."
Recuerdo que le dije al pobre caballero : "Es como lo último que tuvo."
What is he saying ;
It's impossible you are unable to catch a thief like this...
Are you saying that when you're dancing with me it's like dancing with Kayama-san?
¿ Estás diciendo que cuando bailas conmigo es como bailar con Kayama?
You're saying like it's nothing at all
¡ Para ti es como si no pasara nada!
He means it. It's just his way of saying... that you don't belong in a place like this.
Sólo es su forma de decir que tu sitio no está aquí.
But - But it's like saying I agree to everything, a kiss is.
Pero un beso es como decir que estoy de acuerdo con todo.
Also with your looks if you go around saying you're Italian, it's like saying you're Spanish. Some countries are so lucky. Spain too?
Además con su físico si se presenta como italiano..... es como decir español. ¡ Ciertos países son benditos!
It's a simple fact, like saying the world is round, or that the grass is green, or the rain is wet.
Es sòlo un hecho, como decir que la Tierra es redonda, que la hierba es verde o que la lluvia moja.
It's like saying a man's fit apart from a cold when he hasn't got a cold.
- ¿ Y porqué? Porque sencillamente no existen. Es como decirle a alguien que tiene un catarro, cuando no lo tiene.
Every time I ever do anything rash it's like I have this voice in my head that keeps saying :
Cada vez que hago algo apresurado oigo una voz que me repite :
You're like those women who sleep with everyone... except the one man who loves them... saying it's because they sleep with everyone.
Como las chicas que se acuestan con todos menos con el que las quiere con la excusa de que se han acostado con todo el mundo.
It's like saying "calamity" in English.
Es como decir "calamity" en inglés.
I don't know what he's saying, but I don't like it!
No entiendo lo que está diciendo, ¡ pero no me gusta!
Like Zeb's saying, Ben, I think it's Injun work.
Como dice Zeb, creo que es cosa de los indios.
It's a bit like saying, "X equals X."
Eso es como decir que X es igual a X.
It's like the old saying - the irresistible force meets the immovable object.
Como se suele decir, cuando una fuerza irresistible se encuentra con un objeto inamovible, alguien tiene que ceder.
I know that's like Einstein saying he never really understood figures but it's true.
Sé que es como si Einstein dijera que nunca entendió los números pero es cierto.
That's precisely what we don't want, that you repeat it like a parrot,... but rather that you understand everything you're saying.
Eso es precisamente lo que no quiero, que lo repitas como perico, sino que entiendas todo lo que dices.
We may feel like saying that it's this or that.
Quizá queramos decir esto o lo otro.
It ´ s like saying somebody has lice.
Es como tener piojos.
We would be sitting around, waiting for a taxi to take her to the hospital, and she would be sitting there, saying things like, "It's dreadful, it's awful, it's disgraceful."
Estábamos sentandos, esperando por un taxi... para ir al hospital, y la gatita a mi lado decía,... es horrible, terrible, vergonzoso.
She'd just keep saying things like that, "It's awful, it's horrible."
No dejaba de decir es horrible, terrible...
No-one's frightened of playing it Ev'ryone's saying it, Flowing like wine,
Nadie teme jugarlo, todos lo están diciendo fluye como el vino.
Like you're always saying, it's a matter of class.
Como tú siempre dices, es una cuestión de clase.
It's like Uncle Arthur saying he's never heard of cricket.
Es como si el tío Arthur no conociera el cricket.
It's like saying, give a man a Les Paul guitar and he becomes Eric Clapton.
Es lo mismo que le dieran una Les Paul a un hombre y él se transformara en Eric Clapton.
Oh, I'm sure it doesn't make a difference at all, but, you see, uh, like I was saying earlier, see that's the kind of loose end that, uh, I got to tie up, those tiny little things.
Seguro que no cambia nada, pero como le decía antes ése es el tipo de cabo suelto que tengo que atar, esas pequeñas cosas.
It's like saying that the Pope did it.
Es como decir el Papa.
Girls are giggling, boys are saying 'Like it or not, it's spring outside " Even the poet, Otto Licht feels his duty to write this rhyme
las chicas rien alborotadas, los chicos afirman quieran o no, afuera es primavera hasta el poeta, Otto Licht, se siente obligado a escribir este poema :
I keep telling him it looks just like his, and he keeps saying,'That's why I want you to change it.'
Le digo que es como la suya... y por eso quiere que me la opere.
I'm just saying it's 9 : 30 and looks like you've been had.
Sólo digo que son las 9 : 30 y parece que te han engañado.
It would be like saying as someone's dying :
Es como si dices de uno que agoniza :
It's just like saying goodbye and going away, isn't it?
Es como despedirse e irse, ¿ cierto?
It's like saying the Greeks died of mumps.
Es como decir que los griegos murieron de paperas.
It's like saying : "Hit me!"
¡ Es como decir : Pegame! "
Anyway, like I was saying, it's the absolute thrill of a lifetime when you finally see that car that belongs to you streak across that finish line a winner.
Como iba diciéndole, lo más emocionante del mundo es ver por fin ese coche, que es tuyo, cruzar como un rayo la meta.
What could have been in the letter that would make him run away like that without saying a word? It's not something he'd normally do.
¿ Qué podía haber en una carta como esa, que él sale corriendo y desaparece enseguida, y no habla con nadie, lo cual no suele hacer?
It's all right you saying that, you know, you can't go on forever like this.
Está muy bien que lo diga, no voy a estar siempre así.
It'd be like saying one can exercise one's right before possessing it! "
¡ Es como afirmar que se ejerce un derecho que aún no se posee! "
It's like saying you're running for president.
Es como si dijeras que quieres ser presidente.
It's like me saying you're using the wrong conditioner for your hair.
Es como si yo dijera que usas un mal acondicionador de cabello.
It's like saying when you try to extrapolate the end of the universe.
Digamos que es como si intentaras extrapolar el fin del universo.
So, like I was saying, I hooked this thing up last week to this lady's bumper and tore it clean off!
Entonces, como decía enganché esta cosa la semana pasada al parachoques de una señora, ¡ y lo arrancó entero!
What I'm saying is that, it's like you died and I've gotten over it.
Lo que digo es que, es como si hubieras muerto y yo lo estuviera superando.
- That's like saying Martineau did it.
- Es como decir que fue Martineau.
- It's like Doc's always saying.
- Es lo que siempre dice Doc.

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