It isn't you traducir español
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~ No, you're right, it is, isn't it?
- No, tienes razón, lo es, ¿ no es así?
I know well what you think and it isn't too different from my own thoughts, but what has the revolt in Zaragoza served for?
Sé bien lo que pensáis y no es muy distinto de mi propio pensamiento, pero ¿ de qué ha servido la revuelta en Zaragoza?
That's why he sent you, isn't it?
Por esto os ha enviado, ¿ verdad?
All I worry about is someone taking advantage of you, humiliating you, because people will - that's what they do, isn't it?
Todo lo que me preocupa es que alguien se aproveche de ti, que te humille, porque la gente... Eso es lo que hacen, ¿ no?
Yeah, but when you reach the peak of one mountain, isn't it time to scale another one?
Sí, pero cuando alcanzas la cima de una montaña, ¿ no es hora de escalar otra?
You've never had any feeling in your heart, but now it looks like there isn't much going on below the waist.
Nunca tuviste sentimientos en tu corazón pero pareciera que no pasa mucho debajo de la cintura.
Isn't it time you stopped running through the forest playing army with a bunch of kids?
¿ No es hora de que dejes de correr por el bosque jugando a los soldados con un grupo de niños?
Hmm? Isn't it driving you crazy?
¿ No te está volviendo loco?
That's you, isn't it?
Es tuyo, ¿ verdad?
A little odd, isn't it, that I'm gonna tell you a cute, little story about my daughter when really...
Un poco extraño, ¿ no? que vaya a contarles un una linda, pequeña historia sobre mi hija cuando en realidad... digo, es una chica estupenda, mi Casey.
This isn't still about that fight that you're having with Manny over Sarah Fink, is it?
No es por esa pelea que tienes con Manny por Sara Fink, ¿ verdad?
Yeah, well, if you're going to put your hand on my knee, it isn't going to go well.
Si vas a poner tu mano en mi rodilla, esto no va a terminar bien.
It's you, isn't it?
Eres tú, ¿ no es así?
Yeah, you see, New York isn't so bad, is it?
Sí, ya ves, Nueva York no está tan mal, ¿ no?
Isn't it more likely you hallucinated?
¿ No es más probable que alucinaras?
This is where you killed your victims, isn't it?
Aquí es donde mataste a tus víctimas, ¿ no es así?
But my opinion of you isn't what it was.
Pero mi opinión de que no es lo que era.
That's what you think, isn't it?
Eso es lo que piensas, ¿ no es así?
You knew he was ill, James, but it's easier to pretend nothing's wrong, isn't it?
James, sabías que estaba enfermo, pero es más fácil simular que todo está bien, no?
Yeah, harder to strangle than it looks, isn't it, Marge? Oh... And you're under arrest.
Sí, ¿ es más difícil estrangular de lo que parece, no, Marge? Estás bajo arresto.
Isn't it a pity you're a seal?
¿ No es una lástima que seas una foca?
But you will learn- - it isn't our precious virus that makes you.
Pero aprenderás... que no es nuestro precioso virus quien te hace ser quien eres.
It isn't who you kill or who you screw.
No es a quién mates o a quién te folles.
You should do it even if it isn't.
Deberías hacerlo incluso si no es así.
I'm sorry it's hard for you, Peter, but personal growth isn't always easy.
Siento mucho que sea difícil, Peter, pero la maduración no es fácil.
But when you think about it, $ 30,000 really isn't that much.
Pero cuando se piensa en ello, 30.000 dólares realmente no es tanto.
Once you have a bed and a kettle, that's it, really, isn't it?
Mientras tengas una cama y una tetera no necesitas más, ¿ no?
Well, that's on you two, isn't it?
Bueno, eso es cuestión suya, ¿ no creen?
Isn't it a prerequisite for the college you want?
¿ No es un prerrequisito para la universidad que quieres?
You know, Cris, it isn't all ama's fault.
Sabes, Cris, no todo es culpa de Amá.
But I got to tell you, it's so much nicer that he isn't.
Pero tengo que decirte que es mucho mejor que no la tenga.
And Stefan wins, which means you two lose, which isn't that bad actually because now it just means we get to kill the both of you.
Y Stefan gana, lo que significa que ustedes dos perdieron, lo cual no es tan malo de hecho porque ahora significa que tendremos que matarlos a los dos.
So when we ask you if there's anything you need to tell us, it's not up to you to decide what is and isn't fucking important.
Así que cuando le preguntamos si hay algo que tenga que contarnos, no es usted quien decide lo que es malditamente importante.
Cos that's what a sane man does in the middle of the night, isn't it? - You think she's sane?
- ¿ Tú crees que ella está cuerda?
That's okay with you, isn't it?
Si te parece bien a ti...
The card you showed us isn't from Ginelle. It's a forgery.
La carta que nos mostró no es de Ginelle, es una falsificación.
Whatever you're looking for, it isn't here.
Lo que sea que estén buscando, no está aquí.
- Oh, this is you pretending to care, isn't it? - Ahh.
¿ Estás fingiendo que te importa, no?
It's always about you, isn't it?
Siempre se trata de ti, ¿ verdad?
When it comes to publication, a lot of times, you know, a negative result or an indifferent result isn't published.
En lo que respecta a las publicaciones, muchas veces, un resultado negativo, o un resultado indiferente no se publica.
Hang about there for a week, come back home, make puddings and babies - - that's basically what you do, isn't it?
Permaneced allí durante una semana, volved a casa, haced puddings y bebés, eso es básicamente lo que hacéis, ¿ no?
You can hate Duke for what he did to you, but it isn't his fault.
Puedes odiar a Duke por lo que te hizo, pero no es su culpa.
Well, forgiveness isn't about the person who hurt you, it's about you and moving on.
Bueno, el perdón no es sobre la persona que te hizo daño, es acerca de ti y seguir adelante.
And you're right, you know, it isn't like Ostrov to hold back.
Y tienes razón, no es algo que Ostrov contenga.
It isn't you I want.
No es que yo quiera.
You think it's going to destroy you and it's going to be the end of you, but it isn't.
Piensas que te va a destruir y que va a ser tu final, pero no lo es.
I don't know what's causing you to act like this, but it sure as hell isn't me.
No sé qué hace que actúes así pero tengo claro que no soy yo.
I mean, it's a bit of a tricky bet for you, isn't it, brother?
Quiero decir, es un poco engañoso apostar por ti, ¿ verdad, hermano?
Why isn't it good enough for you?
¿ Por qué no es lo suficientemente bueno para ti?
You know, it's strange, isn't it?
Bueno, es extraño, ¿ no?
It's all you could get, isn't it?
Es todo lo que pudiste conseguir, ¿ cierto?
it isn't your fault 26
it isn't 1519
it isn't worth it 21
it isn't real 27
it isn't possible 18
it isn't easy 32
it isn't mine 27
it isn't fair 52
it isn't much 21
it isn't here 19
it isn't 1519
it isn't worth it 21
it isn't real 27
it isn't possible 18
it isn't easy 32
it isn't mine 27
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it isn't much 21
it isn't here 19
it isn't safe 35
it isn't working 26
it isn't over 20
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it isn't true 86
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it isn't enough 18
it isn't like that 22
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it isn't that 69
it isn't working 26
it isn't over 20
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it isn't that 69
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youtube 39
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you bitch 789
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