Least of all traducir español
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I have not been brought up to keep anyone waiting, least of all a kind hostess.
Me enseñaron a no hacer esperar a la gente, es lo mínimo que puedo hacer por tan amable anfitriona.
I don't have to talk to anyone, least of all to him.
- Yo no tengo que hablar con nadie. Y mucho menos con ese muchacho.
I don't need anybody, least of all you.
No necesito a nadie, y menos a ti.
Least of all you!
¡ Y mucho menos tú!
Least of all me?
¡ ¿ Mucho menos yo? !
- Least of all us!
- ¡ Y menos nosotros!
Least of all, a prisoner.
Y menos a un preso.
No, that least of all.
No, mucho menos.
Least of all by anal-compulsive Huns!
Ni analizando cada célula del cerebro!
My dear Simon, I couldn't disclose the figure in advance, least of all to the MD of the National Theatre.
Querido Simón, no puedo revelar la cifra antes de hora, y menos al Director del Teatro Nacional.
He, least of all.
Él menos que nadie.
I don't believe you're stealing your own diamonds, least of all not in your pajamas.
No creo que este robando sus propios diamantes. Y menos en pijama.
- That least of all.
De eso menos aún.
least of all from someone I've gone out on a limb for.
Menos de alguien por quien me he arriesgado.
And I never thought anybody really cared... least of all Kiersten.
y nunca pense que alguien realmente le importaria... y menos Kiersten.
Nobody was ready for the announced plant shutdowns today... least of all, the 1,350 workers.
Nadie estaba listo para los cierres de hoy y menos, los 1.350 empleados.
Least of all Jackson, lm sure.
Y menos para Jackson, claro.
least of all me.
menos que todos yo.
No one blames you for cracking up, least of all me, Philippe.
Es comprensible que se desmorone, le entiendo perfectamente, Philippe.
Nobody's gonna forget that. Least of all me.
Nadie va a olvidarlo, y mucho menos yo.
Save your breath. Nobody's buying that, least of all me!
¡ Nadie lo cree, y mucho menos yo!
And no one tells him how to run his unit least of all the Harvard mouth in his faggoty white uniform.
Nadie le tiene que decir cómo dirigir su unidad. Y yo aún menos.
I never meant to harm anyone, least of all you.
Nunca quise lastimar a nadie, mucho menos a ti.
No beast cries so piteously, least of all today on this most holy morning.
Ninguna fiera se lamenta tan lastimeramente, y ciertamente no hoy, en la mañana más sagrada.
Look, man, at least you're getting paid for all of that.
Al menos te pagan por todo eso.
You can make fun of me all you like, but at least I am out there I'm making an effort.
Ríete de mí si quieres, pero al menos yo salgo hago un esfuerzo.
I think the - the fact that one can be so enormously comfortable, at least... in this country, um, for any reason at all... is part of its mystique.
Creo que... el hecho de poder estar tan cómodo en este país sin ningún motivo, forma parte de su mística.
Well, that I thought was the least successful of all the underlying themes.
Bueno, creo que ese ha sido el menos existoso de los temas subliminales.
- Least of all me.
Muchos menos yo.
If you add up all the sex Al and I have ever had, it still doesn't come to an hour and a half- - at least not of pleasure.
Si sumas todo el sexo que Al y yo hemos tenido, ni siquiera se acerca a hora y media- - al menos no de placer.
For when I view them in turn, whether it be our chief hostess herself, whose good heart, whose too good heart, has become a byword with all who know her, or her sister, who seems to be gifted with perennial youth and whose singing must have been a surprise and a revelation to us all to-night, or, last but not least, when I consider our youngest hostess, talented, cheerful, hard-working and the best of nieces.
Porque cuando las examino por turnos, ya sea a nuestra anfitriona principal, cuyo buen corazón, demasiado bueno, se ha convertido en un sinónimo para todos los que la conocemos ; o a su hermana, que parece estar dotada de la eterna juventud, y cuyo canto ha sido una sorpresa y revelación esta noche ; y por último, pero no menos importante, nuestra anfitriona más joven, talentosa, alegre, trabajadora, y la mejor de las sobrinas.
At least you're not out there trying to make the classic with all the rest of the Barneys.
Al menos, tú no entrarás en el Clásico... con el resto de los estableros.
And the least talkative of all?
¿ no habrá entrado por casualidad?
It was the most inaccurate article of all, or at least of the ones that I've read so far.
Fue el más impreciso de todos, o al menos de los que he leído hasta ahora.
At least I don't mean that really I do wish sometimes it wasn't all, every bit of it, so appalling ugly.
Al menos no quiero decir eso, realmente, me gustaría a veces que no fuera toda, cada pedacito de ella, tan exquisitamente fea.
I've no use for theatrical swordplay. All I ask is that you obey a few simple rules, not the least of which is, a case is not closed until I say it's closed.
No tiene sentido el duelo de espadas en el teatro todo lo que pido es que obedezca unas pocas y simples reglas no menos de lo que es un caso no está cerrado, hasta que yo digo que está cerrado.
i think i'll miss you least of all.
Hey, I figured after all these years of you protecting me it was the least I could do for you.
Tratabas de esconderme. Todo fue por eso, ¿ verdad?
The word of new grace spread so widely, that young men of every country wanted to become our brothers. We became so numerous that it was decided we would all gather at least one a year for Pentecost, here in Assisi.
La noticia de la nueva gracia se ha difundido tanto... que los jóvenes de cada país quisieron convertirse en nuestros hermanos... nos hicimos tan numerosos, que decidimos reunirnos una vez por año.
Well, saying that the titled aristocracy are the scum of the Earth... is... - well, is obviously an exaggeration. - But it's true that the forces that oblige members of the U.H. B... to at least appear to act productively and responsibly... carries little weight, or none at all... with members of society whose social positions are secure no matter what they do.
Decir que la aristocracia con título es la hez de la tierra es obviamente una exageración, pero es verdad que las fuerzas que obligan a los miembros de la HBU a fingir que son productivos y responsables tienen poco sentido, o ninguno,
Well, I, uh, hope I can live up to at least a little bit... of what David has told you all about me.
Bueno, yo, uh, espero poder estar a la altura al menos un poco de lo que David les ha dicho sobre mí.
Out of all the decades we've exploited... and we've exploited all of them... the'70s remain the least understood... and, yet, to me, the most intriguing and pivotal... to my aesthetic and philosophy.
De todas las décadas que hemos explotado... y las hemos explotado todas... Ios años setenta son los que menos comprendemos... pero, para mí, son los más intrigantes e importantes... para mi estética y filosofía.
There should be at least four members of my staff on duty at all times.
Debería haber cuatro médicos de guardia a todas horas.
- Yes, in... the period of 1969 to 1980... the evidence shows that at least 130 people... were killed by the security forces, and half of those deaths... were of civilians that had no connection... with paramilitary activities at all.
Entre 1969 y 1980 las fuerzas de seguridad mataron al menos a 130 personas. La mitad de las víctimas eran civiles sin ninguna relación con actividades paramilitares.
At least, you know, not untill we all... Get control of ourselves.
Por lo menos hasta que todos recobremos el control.
- You're not a breast man. - Nora is the least interesting of all the people we hang out with.
- Nora no me interesa ni remotamente.
And least of all their grandmother's public image,
Y menos de la imagen pública de la abuela,
Of all our relatives I'm the one who spent least time with her.
A ella le gustábamos tú y yo. Y pensar que yo compartí poco tiempo con ella.
Well, at least you got something out of all this. - Come on, Deloris, open this up.
Por lo menos te ganaste algo.
I was saddened to discover at least 15 separate acts of intervention by this administration most with the full knowledge of the president, and all of them illegal
Me entristeció descubrir por lo menos 15 actos de intervención de esta administración la mayoría con el conocimiento del presidente y todos ilegales.
If he's got any brains at all, and he's not stupid he'll know by now he's got at least a brigade in front of him.
Sabe usar la cabeza y no es estúpido. Él sabrá que tiene al menos una brigada en frente de él.
least of all me 18
least of all you 18
of all people 402
of all 19
of all things 75
of all days 33
of all places 76
of all the 23
all right 154529
alla 16
least of all you 18
of all people 402
of all 19
of all things 75
of all days 33
of all places 76
of all the 23
all right 154529
alla 16
allowed 24
allow 21
alligator 57
allan 201
ally mcbeal 31
all you need is love 37
all the world's a stage 17
allanon 32
allahu akbar 114
all alone 307
allow 21
alligator 57
allan 201
ally mcbeal 31
all you need is love 37
all the world's a stage 17
allanon 32
allahu akbar 114
all alone 307
all done 358
all rise 341
allergic 17
all right then 461
all the way up 39
all day 380
all this time 373
allah akbar 21
all of them 1505
all rise 341
allergic 17
all right then 461
all the way up 39
all day 380
all this time 373
allah akbar 21
all of them 1505