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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ L ] / Let them come

Let them come traducir español

989 traducción paralela
" Let them come here, and drag me to the scaffold!
¡ Que me arranquen de aquí al potro de tortura!
And now let them come, them of the Lupa.
¡ Y ahora, que vengan los de la Lupa!
- You can let them come in.
- Que entren.
If they're police inspectors, we'll have to let them come aboard.
Tendré que dejarles subir si son policías.
Well! Let them come! But the lion, the harvest!
Bueno deja que vengan.
Yes, let them come.
Sí, que vengan.
Why did I let them come?
¿ Por qué le dejaría venir?
It's all right. Let them come in.
No pasa nada, déjeles pasar.
That's why your dog was friends with them, let them come and go.
Por eso su perro les conocía y les dejaba ir y venir.
Let them come now.
Que vengan los alemanes.
It's too late to do anything here except stand in the dark, let them come.
Es muy tarde para hacer nada, salvo dejar que se acerquen en la oscuridad.
Let them come in and rest upstairs! - No, let's receive them here.
- ¿ Que se va a casar con Serafina?
Who cares about later? Let them come and get you.
¿ Qué más da lo que pase?
Let them come in.
Dejadlos entrar.
You don't think I'd let them come in if I wasn't sure?
Son bastante famosos. - ¿ Por qué? - Por luchar.
Let them come close, as close as 100 feet, and await the command to fire!
¡ Dejadlos acercar a 100 pies, y esperad la orden de fuego!
Let them come as close as 100 feet. Await for the command to fire!
¡ Dejadlos acercar a 100 pies y esperad la orden de fuego!
We've already let them come farther than Lashan said.
Les hemos dejado llegar más lejos de lo que dijo Lashan.
My God, let them come!
¡ Dios mío, haz que lleguen!
Let them come, if they dare!
¡ Que lo intenten, si se atreven!
They're both so interested in our work that they begged me... to let them come in and serve as patients.
Están tan interesados en nuestro trabajo... que me rogaron que les permitiera ser pacientes.
If the white men will hear the word of my father let them come to powwow at Council Grove.
Si el hombre blanco quiere escuchar la palabra de mi padre... que venga a la asamblea en Council Grove.
If they will not hear his word, let them come armed for war.
Si no quieren escuchar su palabra, que vengan armados para la guerra.
Don't let them come into the house.
No dejes que entren en la casa.
Yeah, come here and let me show them to you.
Sí, vengan aquí y permítanme mostrárselas.
Let them light Hector's pyre And let the flames make Achilles come.
¡ Enciende la pira de Héctor y atrae con sus llamas a Aquiles!
Come on, why don't you let him see them?
Vamos, ¿ por qué no se los muestras?
But whether they come from Amsterdam or Birmingham or Siam... we let them do whatever they wish.
Pero si vienen de Ámsterdam, Birmingham o Siam, les dejamos que hagan lo que quieran.
Come on, come on, let's stone them.
Vamos, vamos, apedreémoslos.
Come on, boys, let's show them how quick we can unload.
Vamos, chicos, demostremos lo rápido que descargamos.
doesn't he know that I've ordered them to come at 2 o'clock but your majesty knows how they are sitting there, waiting, drinking... and complaining... let them wait let them complain but after all we would like to know what's going to happen tomorrow
Están sentados, esperando, soplando... y protestando... ¡ Que se esperen! ... y que protesten.
- My slip. Come along, Polly, dear. Let's not keep them waiting.
Ven conmigo, Polly, querida.
Come on, let them have it.
Vamos, atiéndelos.
Why don't you let him come and get them himself?
¿ Por qué no dejas que sea él quien los busque?
Come on, boys, let's give them the Let's Begin number.
Vamos, muchachos, hagamos el número de Let's Begin.
Come on, old timer, let's leave them alone. - I don't understand. - Get them a drink.
Disculpe que no fuera a esperarle a la estación, señor.
Come on, let's get them.
Vamos por ellos.
Come, let me take them.
Trae, yo se los llevo.
Come on, boys, give them a great big kiss, and let bygones be bygones.
Vamos, dadles un fuerte beso. Olvidad todo lo pasado y haceos a la mar.
Come on... let's go I'll tell them we're going right away
Les diré que nos marchamos inmediatamente.
Come on, let's look them over.
Vayamos a verles.
Mother, tomorrow, before the Kirbys come let them put everything down in the cellar, the typewriter, the kittens, the vibraphone...
Mamá, mañana, antes de que lleguen los Kirby, hay que bajarlo todo al sótano, la máquina de escribir, los gatos, el vibráfono...
Come on, let's get them.
Vamos, sigamosles.
What them deputies wanna hurt the camp for? How come they can't let us alone?
¿ Por qué quieren perjudicarnos esos policías?
Let's see how close you can come to one of them.
Nunca apunte, no hay tiempo.
Let them come!
- Deja que vengan.
- Come on, let's show them.
- Vamos a mostrarles.
I told them there'd be death and destruction if they didn't let you sing. Come.
Les dije que si no cantabas habría muerte y destrucción.
Let them spooks come on.
Ahora sí, que vengan los fantasmas.
Let them off first. Here we are. Come on, laddie.
Dejad salir primero.
If you let them go, they'll come back and burn this place.
Si los dejas escapar, volverán y te quemarán esto.

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