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Looks like mr traducir español

392 traducción paralela
- Looks like Mr. Parondi.
- Se parece el Sr. Parondi.
- It looks like Mr Frazzlebottom to me.
- A mí me parece un ancianito.
Just the same, all I say is, if that looks like Mr. Cassidy did, I look...
Yo sólo digo que si eso se parece al Sr. Cassidy, yo me parezco- -
- It looks like Mr Jones'underwear.
- Parece la ropa interior del Sr. Jones.
Well, it looks like you have a choice, Mr Powers- - save the world... or save your girlfriend.
Parece que tienes que elegir, Powers. O salvas al mundo, o salvas a tu chica.
Well, it looks like you have a choice, Mr Powers- - save the world or save your girlfriend.
Parece que tienes que elegir. O salvas al mundo, o salvas a tu chica.
Looks like curtains, Mr. Cobb.
Se cierra la cortina, Sr. Cobb.
This looks like suicide, Mr. Paige.
Parece un suicidio, Sr. Paige.
It looks like a hot tip, Mr Corrigan.
Parece un buen soplo, Sr. Corrigan.
Say, Mr. Jaffe, it looks like a knockout.
Sr. Jaffe, parece un exitazo.
Looks like we're too late, Mr. Chan.
Parece que llegamos tarde, Sr. Chan.
Mr. Jones, the man who looks like mannion, will now say a few words.
El Sr. Jones, el hombre que se parece a Mannion, dirá unas palabras.
One minute it looks like a chimpanzee. The next minute it looks like a picture of Mr Cedar.
A primera vista parece un chimpancé, pero creo que es el retrato del Sr. Cedar.
- Mr. Burke, it looks like you're still leading the pack.
Sr. Burke, Ud. Sigue en primer lugar.
It looks like Im going to be here for quite a while, so if you dont mind, Idd like to take a look at my friend Mr. Gibbons, before I settle down.
Parece que me quedaré aquí un buen rato, así que si no les molesta, iré a ver cómo está mi amigo el Sr. Gibbons, antes de seguir.
It looks like I'll have to take care of Mr. Muncie right now.
No puede disparar desde aquí. - Se enterarían todos.
It looks like I'll have to take care of Mr. Muncie right now.
Tendré que ocuparme del Sr. Muncie ahora mismo.
Looks like it's all here, Mr. Skinner, including the Beefsteak Mine.
Mire aquí está todo, Señor Skinner, incluyendo la Mina Beefsteak.
If I don't know what Mr. Beecher looks like... the only way I can tell it's him is if he wears a white carnation.
Si no sé cómo es el Sr. Beecher, la única manera de reconocerlo es si lleva un clavel blanco.
- Looks like a very rich cargo, Mr. Pitt.
- Un cargamento muy valioso, Sr. Pitt.
Looks like every time you come, Mr. Giraud, you got to see that girl.
Parece que cada vez que viene, Sr. Giraud, tiene que ver a esa joven.
You know, Mr. Payne, why, it looks like the good Lord don't want us to grow things in the earth anymore.
Señor Payne, parece que el Señor no quiere que sigamos cultivando estas tierras.
Looks like you're gonna have a lot of shooting'to do, Mr Farnley.
Parece que tendrá que disparar a muchos, Sr. Farnley.
Looks like I got more than one helper, Mr. Godfrey.
Parece que tengo más de un ayudante, Sr. Godfrey.
Looks like a bit of alright, Mr. Ballister, don't it?
Parece correcto, ¿ no, señor Ballister?
That looks to me very much like a safe, Mr. O'Brien.
Eso es una caja fuerte, Sr. O'Brien. Sí, eso parece.
Well, Mr. Colby, looks like you guessed right,... we picked up the boy and the girl at the station.
Parece, Sr. Colby que su suposición era correcta,... los atrapamos en la estación.
Looks like I made a mistake, Mr Hyams.
Estaba equivocado con respecto a usted.
Looks like you're gonna buy yourself a lot of beef, Mr. Melville.
Pareciera que va a comprar un montón de carne, Sr. Melville.
Looks like your tip was okay, Mr. Demory.
Le informaron bien, Sr. Demory.
I say to myself, "This Mr Lyons, he's not tough like he looks." Ha-ha.
Me dije, este señor Lyons no es tan malo como parece.
With Walters gone, it looks like you're going to be Mr. Big over at Tri-State.
Con Walters muerto ahora serás el Sr. Pez Gordo en la Tri-State.
Hi, Mr. Mahoney. Looks like we're in a little trouble.
- Recuperaremos hasta el último centavo.
I've been trying to decide whether Buckley looks like you, Mrs. Dunstan, or Mr. Dunstan.
Es difícil decir si Buckley se parece más a usted o a su marido.
Looks like our Mr. Quantrill is close by these parts sure enough.
Parece que Quantrill está bastante cerca.
Looks like fair weather, Mr. Bush.
Parece que hay buen tiempo, señor Bush.
This time, dear Mr Esposito it looks like it's over, doesn't it ;
Ahora... querido Esposito... hemos llegado al final.
At her time of Life. I never did Like the Looks of that Mr. Tupman from the moment I clapped eyes on him.
Nunca me gustó el aspecto... de ese Sr. Tupman desde el momento en que puse mis ojos en él.
Mr. Jordan looks like Santa Claus,
El señor Jordan es como Santa Claus.
Looks like you had an argument with a tree, Mr. Brummell
Ha tenido una disputa con un árbol, señor Brummell?
Mr. Libby looks after me like a fond mother with a good sense of double-entry bookkeeping.
El Sr. Libby me cuida como una buena madre con buen sentido de doble contabilidad.
He's a minor, Mr. Stark... and it looks to me like he had more than a little drink.
Es menor, Sr. Stark y me da la impresión de que tomó más de un traguito.
It looks just like last week, Mr. Everett :
Igual que la semana pasada :
Mr. Rupert looks like a real gent, he does.
EI Sr. Rupert es un auténtico caballero.
Looks to me like you're pretty rash to judge which is fools and which isn't fools, Mr. Vandergelder.
Me parece imprudente por su parte juzgar quién es tonto y quién no lo es, Sr. Vandergelder.
Well, Mr. Loomis, it looks like I'm free.
Señor Loomis, ya estoy libre.
Father, meet Mr. Rubini, someone who looks like he has a real job. Really?
Papá, te presento al Sr. Rubini, parece que trabaja de verdad.
Looks like we might've smoked us out a possum, Mr. Chairman.
Parece que hicimos salir una rata, Sr. Presidente.
A new dress, Mr Alfieri, I mean he looks so sweet like an angel you could kiss him he was so sweet Now, look, Eddie
Un vestido nuevo, Sr. Alfieri, me refiero a que se le veía tan dulce, como un ángel se le podía besar a él, era tan dulce
well, I am sorry, Mr. Lawson, but it looks like this bloke's been wasting your time.
Lo siento, Sr. Lawson, pero parece que este tipo le ha hecho perder el tiempo.
Looks like we'll be taking on passengers after all, Mr Cartwright.
Parece que vamos a tener pasajeros después de todo, Sr Cartwright.

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