Not at first traducir español
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- Not at first, but it's intricate work.
Al final, porque fue un trabajo muy difícil.
- No, not at first.
- No, no al principio.
Not at first.
Al principio no.
Our Captain told us we wouldn't harm anyone... and we didn't. Not at first.
Nuestro capitán nos dijo que nadie resultaría herido... y así fue... por lo menos al principio
Not at first. But eventually.
Al principio, no... pero finalmente sí
Not at first glance, sir, no.
No siempre, Señor, no.
Not at first.
Al principio, no.
The answer would come from studying an aspect of light, but it is not at first obvious, the fact that the light doesn't just show us the world, it changes it.
La respuesta provendría del estudio de un aspecto de la luz, pero no de uno obvio a primera vista, sino del hecho de que la luz no nos muestra el mundo, sino mas bien que lo cambia.
Not at first sight, but give me time!
No, a primera vista no. Pero dame tiempo.
You don't notice, not at first.
Al principio no se nota.
Not at first.
No al principio.
Well, not at first.
Al principio, no eran gratas.
He'd seen at first hand how his comrades had been brutally crushed, not just by Franco, but also by the communists.
Había visto de primera mano cómo sus camaradas habían sido brutalmente aplastados, no sólo por Franco sino también por los comunistas.
The old Said would have never resorted to violence, at least not as a first step.
El viejo Said nunca hubiera recurrido a la violencia, al menos no como primer paso.
It was the first genuinely global conflict, fought not just on the fields of France and Flanders, but up mountains, across deserts, at sea and in the air.
Fue el primer conflicto genuinamente global, que se libró no sólo en los campos de Francia o Flandes, sino en las montañas, en los desiertos, por mar y por aire.
You know, at first I was afraid you'd follow me here, but I actually feel a lot safer knowing you're not in the same room with my son.
Sabes, al principio estaba asustado de que me siguieras aquí, pero ahora me siento mas seguro sabiendo que no estas en la misma habitación con mi hijo.
Most people, if it's not love at first sight, they wished they had never come on the show.
Si no hay amor a primera vista, la mayoría se arrepiente. ¿ Por qué viniste al programa?
- Not at all. But this is the first time, when I am talking seriously, and I am absolutely sincere.
- Ni hablar... pero ésta es la primera vez que le hablo en serio... y soy absolutamente sincero.
At first, they told me to lose the stutter. Now they tell me I'm not funny.
Primero me dicen que no tartamudee, ahora me dicen que no soy chistoso.
- you're not at all like you seemed at first.
- No eres todo lo que parecías al principio.
Not bad. First time at all.
Nada mal.
First they'll see if she's not at home.
Esperarán a ver si regresa.
Don't worry, they're not as bad as they seem right at first.
No te preocupes, no son tan malos como parecen de entrada.
This is the first letter I wrote Bukowski in October 1965 just saying dear Bukowski boy are you a good poet. I was not a publisher at that time and I had no idea that I would become one.
En realidad han sido alrededor de 15 porque fui cartero durante 3 años y... después seleccioné las cartas durante unos 12 años, 11 y medio, estuve 11 años.
I'm telling you at the back of Rashid, that after the first crime he committed... he has not uttered a single foul word to me
Te digo a espaldas de Rashid, que después del primer crimen que cometió... no ha levantado ni una sola palabra desagradable sobre mí.
At first glance, I do not see anything unusual in your file, bu - oh, wait a minute.
A primera vista, no veo nada inusual en su archivo. oh, espera un minuto.
At first I thought it could not get through it.
Al principio pensé que no podía conseguirlo a través de él.
For example, if you know that the opponent does not tolerate nicotine or smoking, will put cigarettes on the table. Or if it bothers some people in the audience will place that person in the first line to stare at him.
Por ejemplo si el está perturbado por la nicotina, por fumar, puedes poner un cigarrillo en la mesa, ó si le disgusta alguna persona en la audiencia, porque le preocupa esa persona, poner a esa persona en frente, hacer que esa persona lo mire,
- Not at first.
No de primeras.
Well, you're not the first strays to find shelter at Chez Delores.
Bueno, no son los primeros vagabundos que encuentran cobijo chez Delores. *
My first thought was that someone was firing at me, but then I realised this was not the case.
Al principio pensé que alguien me disparaba, pero no fue así.
All I care about is feeling complete... and not having everybody look at me like I'm a freak... the way you did when I first walked in here.
Lo que quiero es sentirme completa y que la gente no me mire como si fuera un fenómeno...
First of all, there's the Five-Foot Rule. If you come within five feet of a customer, you need to acknowledge them, even if they're not at your table.
Lo primero es la regla de los cinco pies, si un cliente está a 5 pies de ti, tienes que saludarlo aunque no sea de tu mesa.
At first you just... You're just glad it's not your kids.
Primero, te alegras de que no sean tus hijos.
Not even a veteran coroner would be able to determine the details at first glance...
Ni un forense veterano podría darte detalles así a primera vista.
I did not notice at first, then...
No lo noté al principio, entonces...
At first he said that it wasn't a problem, that he didn't hate Germans, but since I told him it could not get out of his head.
Al principio dijo que no había ningún problema, Que no odiaba a los alemanes, pero desde que se lo conté no pudo sacárselo de la cabeza.
I will not have my first story at this news station be about a cat fashion show.
Mi primera noticia en esta emisora no será una exhibición de moda felina.
At first, they were hot. Then they were not.
Parecian al principio muy amables... pero nada que ver.
At least not first.
Al menos, no al principio.
- Not at first.
- Al comienzo no.
But you're not the first to point a gun at me.
Pero no la primera en apuntarme con un arma.
- Not many at first.
- No muchos al principio.
At least not for the first year or so.
Por lo menos no durante el primer año.
Every offence is not a hate at first.
Ninguna ofensa es odio al principio.
At first we didn't want to mention it but we thought its not right to look the other way
Al principio no queríamos decirlo... pero pensamos que no está bien ignorarlo.
At first he wanted them, then does not want me and now...
No hemos tenido hijos.
- Not Rani... call me Mrs Sameer Malhotra To be honest, I fell in love with you at first sight
Para ser honesta, te diré que me enamoré de tí nada más verte.
Perhaps Matiyasevich could succeed for Russia where Julia and her fellow American mathematicians had failed. At first I did not like their approach. Oh, right.
Si movemos estos triángulos, vemos cómo podemos partir el área del cuadrado mayor anterior en la suma de dos cuadrados menores cuyos tamaños vienen dado por los dos lados menores del triángulo.
At first, I wasn't sure if it was you or not.
Al principio no estaba seguro de que fueras tú.
well, not as disappointing as it might seem at first blush. burkhoff was a tenured professor of neurochemistry at stanford university.
Bueno, a pesar de lo decepcionante que parece al principio Burkhoff fue profesor de neuroquímica en la universidad de Stanford.
not at all 5606
not at the moment 148
not at home 25
not at this time 60
not at 40
not at the same time 17
not at night 20
not at the time 24
not at you 17
at first 1245
not at the moment 148
not at home 25
not at this time 60
not at 40
not at the same time 17
not at night 20
not at the time 24
not at you 17
at first 1245
at first glance 64
at first sight 21
first 4785
first name 87
first day of school 24
first date 34
first things first 322
first squad 18
first and foremost 114
first time for everything 43
at first sight 21
first 4785
first name 87
first day of school 24
first date 34
first things first 322
first squad 18
first and foremost 114
first time for everything 43
first class 132
first order of business 44
first one 47
first time here 16
first love 34
first up 130
first of all 2811
first word 25
first thing in the morning 86
first thing tomorrow morning 35
first order of business 44
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first time here 16
first love 34
first up 130
first of all 2811
first word 25
first thing in the morning 86
first thing tomorrow morning 35