Not on purpose traducir español
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Not on purpose?
¿ A propósito?
Oh, I couldn't do that, not on purpose.
No podría hacerlo, adrede no.
- ¿ Tipos en el espacio?
Not on purpose.
- No lo hizo adrede.
But not on purpose.
Pero no a propósito.
Little by little, certainly not on purpose, something strange happened between us.
Poco a poco, sin querer, pasa algo curioso entre los dos.
- Not on purpose.
No con intención.
He tells me not on purpose.
Él me decía que no era a propósito.
It was not on purpose, you know.
No fue intencionado, ya sabes.
I'm not hiding it from you on purpose.
No estoy intentando esconderlo.
No, not much, on purpose.
No, no mucho deliberadamente.
I do not think he does it on purpose.
No creo que lo haga adrede.
Suppose that lad was to peach, to blow upon us all, first stealing out at nights to find the right folks for the purpose, then having a meeting with them in the streets... not grabbed, trapped, tried and brought to it on bread and water,
- Qué? Y si ese chico cantara, si nos delatara a la policía? Que primero tanteara el terreno en busca de la gente adecuada, que luego se citara con ellos en la calle, sin que nadie le tendiera una trampa y lo obligara a delatarnos, sino que lo hiciera por propia voluntad, qué te parecería?
You do not do it on purpose, I hope?
¿ No estarás tomándome el pelo?
- I have not done it on purpose.
- No lo he hecho aposta.
It is my purpose this night to tell you in the same theater, on the same stage that I lied and that it was not true.
He venido a propósito esta noche a decirles en este mismo teatro, en este mismo escenario que mentí, que no es cierto.
I've had it. we can't go on like this. he does it on purpose! Not only is he making fun of me.
Ahora basta, él se burla de mí y es un pedazo de hielo.
I think you sent them boys out on purpose not to come back.
Creo que enviaste a aquellos chicos con la intención de que no volvieran.
He loved to move things around and not always totally justify a scene on purpose, to keep the audience alert and to keep them participating.
Le encantaba jugar con las cosas y no siempre justificaba una escena a propósito para obligar al público a participar y a estar atento.
I try not to begin to like it, in fact I chose it ugly on purpose!
Trato de no encariñarme. Las elijo feas aposta.
And the purpose of your life must be to be one up on them, because, and mark this well, he who is not one up... is one down.
Y el objetivo de sus vidas debe ser estar siempre por delante de ellos. Porque, y presten mucha atención, el que no está un paso por delante... lo está por detrás.
I've been thinking about you not hitting me with that poker. You miss me on purpose?
He estado pensando en este poker Me ha ganado a propósito.?
He made it on purpose for sure, he's not stupid.
Seguro lo ha hecho a propósito, no es estúpido.
I just want to make sure that it's on purpose and not because you'd forgotten that food is available.
Sólo quiero asegurarme de que sea a propósito... y no porque hayas olvidado que hay comida disponible.
On purpose or not, you're breaking her up.
A propósito o no, lo estás dañando.
He is not the kind to show his kindness on purpose.
No es de los que muestran su amabilidad a propósito.
On purpose. I thought he would not come. I didn't want to jinx it.
No lo hice porque temía que, al decirlo, no viniera.
Not your cut. But that was done on purpose.
Fuera de tu corte, es intencional.
She has not done on purpose Mr. Bello it will be a good girl!
Se va a portar como una buena chica.
You're not clumsy, Doctor, you did it on purpose.
Tú no eres torpe, Doctor, usted lo hizo a propósito.
Shame indeed but we must not allow ourselves to become too despondent. For, we must never forget that if there was not one thing that was not on top of another thing, our society would be nothing more than a meaningless body of men that had gathered together for no good purpose.
Pero no podemos desanimarnos porque no tenemos que olvidar nunca... que si no hubiese ni una cosa encima de otra... nuestra sociedad sólo sería... un grupo de hombres sin sentido ni propósito.
The bronchitis she catch it on purpose to not meet us.
La bronquitis se la agarró a propósito para no vernos.
".. and let fall some of the handfuls on purpose for her "and leave them and she might glean them and rebuke her not."
... Y dejó caer un manojo a su propósito... y dejarlos y que ella pudiera recoger y no reprocharla.
You're not doing it on purpose.
No es culpa suya
I swear, I did not do it on purpose.
Lo juro, lo juro. No lo he hecho a propósito.
I'm not late on purpose, believe me.
Créanme que no llego tarde a propósito.
I'm not doing it on purpose.
- No lo hago adrede.
I don't know if you rear-ended that guy on purpose, but you'd better not pull any more stunts like that!
¡ No sé si chocaste a ese individuo a propósito, pero será mejor no hacer más trucos como ese!
I see you have not done it on purpose, as usual.
Ya comprendo. Lo hiciste sin pensar. Un truco muy habitual.
That was on purpose, not an accident!
¡ Lo he hecho a propósito!
I'm not doing it on purpose.
No lo hago a propósito.
I'm not objecting on moral grounds, but I'm just not about to walk in there and ice somebody without knowing there's validity and purpose to the act.
No tengo objeciones morales, pero no voy a venir aquí y matar fríamente a alguien, hay un propósito válido para eso.
For what purpose doth a man seek what is above him, he who knoweth not what is good for him during his days on the earth, during the time that passeth like a shadow? "
¿ Le es necesario a un hombre buscar lo que está por encima de él, él que ignora aquello que le es ventajoso en su vida... durante los días que permanece extranjero en su tierra, y durante el tiempo que pasa como una sombra? "
She did not do it on purpose.
- Espera.
We are working for a far greater purpose, on a scale you could not conceive.
Estamos trabajando para un propósito mucho mayor, en una escala que no podrías concebir.
But I'm not doing it on purpose.
¡ Pero, si yo no la mando!
By gracious order of His Excellency, the Governor General,... members of the rear echelon not under disciplinary report may leave the camp for the purpose of recreation, on condition they return before roll call at sunrise tomorrow.
Por orden de Su Excelencia, el Gobernador General, los miembros de la retaguardia exentos de castigo disciplinario podrán salir del campamento con fines recreativos, a condición de que regresen mañana antes del amanecer.
It is not as if we did this on purpose.
No lo hicimos a propósito.
a half nelson and a Philadelphia Hamilton and Colin bit himself on purpose there, and he has been given a public warning by the referee, and Colin did not like that one little bit!
Media Nelson y un Philadelphia Hamilton y ahora Colin se muerde a propósito, y recibe un aviso público de parte del árbitro, y Colin no está contento Ha sido pequeño!
- You did that on purpose. - I did not.
- Lo hiciste adrede.
I've become a Christian on purpose so as not to have you taken away.
Me he hecho cristiano a propósito, para que no te pueda pasar nada.
not on my watch 160
not only that 217
not on your own 16
not one bit 68
not once 292
not one 244
not on your life 98
not on my account 16
not only 29
not one of them 22
not only that 217
not on your own 16
not one bit 68
not once 292
not one 244
not on your life 98
not on my account 16
not only 29
not one of them 22
not on 18
not on me 58
not on the phone 38
not one word 69
not on you 17
on purpose 145
purpose 53
not often 56
not okay 100
not out 28
not on me 58
not on the phone 38
not one word 69
not on you 17
on purpose 145
purpose 53
not often 56
not okay 100
not out 28