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Shaved head traducir español

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I would not look good with a shaved head.
No estaría guapa con la cabeza afeitada.
Anyway, I met this American, a sci-fi writer shaved head and all that driving off to take pictures of Indians.
Ahí conocí a un escritor americano de ciencia-ficción, con la cabeza afeitada y todo eso, que había viajado para fotografiar a los indios.
You think I'm gonna walk out with my head shaved?
No pienso salir de aquí con la cabeza rapada.
Poor little Catherine... should be sent to a nunnery... and her pretty little head will be all shaved.
Debería enviarte a un convento. Y te afeitarían esa cabecita. Te meterían en una pequeña celda de piedra.
They shaved my head in Valladolid.
Me afeitaron la cabeza en Valladolid.
But it does. I want to play with them, but they make fun of me because I was sick and the doctor shaved my head.
Yo quiero jugar con ellos, pero se burlan de mí porque estaba malo y el médico me rapó.
He fears as if his head was about to be shaved or sold.
Se atemoriza como si su cabeza estuviera a punto de ser afeitada o vendida.
I'll look ridiculous with my head shaved.
Estaría ridículo con la cabeza rapada.
Don't you see my head's shaved?
- ¡ No! ¿ No ves que me he rapado?
He shaved his head, was given a wooden bowl to beg rice with and was happy.
Se rasuró la cabeza, mendigaba arroz y era feliz.
I suppose I'm to have my head shaved.
Supongo que afeitarán mi cabeza.
Don't tell me you had your head shaved.
¿ Te afeitaron la cabeza?
As soon as the lilies of the valley were in bloom, old Cohen came to have his head shaved.
Apenas florecían las azucenas, el viejo Cohen venía a afeitarse la cabeza.
Came back with his head shaved and an earring stuck in his cheek.
Regresó con la cabeza afeitada y un arito en la mejilla.
and a comb was of no use because my head was shaved those days.
y el peine era algo inútil, porque entonces llevaba la cabeza afeitada.
Don't want your head shaved, do you?
- No te gustaría que te raparan, ¿ no?
He'll feel better with his head shaved.
El chico se sentirá mejor, con la cabeza rapada.
Tell me, Captain, have you ever known Colonel Kohler when his head was not shaved?
Dígame, capitán ¿ conocía al coronel Kohler cuando no tenía la cabeza afeitada?
The mother superior had my head shaved
La madre superiora me afeitó la cabeza.
They've shaved his head already.
Ya lo han afeitado.
She was afraid I'd run away, so she shaved my head.
Ella temía que me escapara así que me afeitó la cabeza.
He's shaved his head!
¡ Se rapo la cabeza!
So you changed your name and shaved your head in order to join the Shaolin.
Así que cambiaron sus nombres y se afeitaron las cabezas para poder unirse a los Shaolin.
I shaved my head.
- Me la he afeitado.
He's postponing his court dates, shaved his head, he's got a problem.
Pospone las fechas de los juicios. Tiene un problema.
Then the head should be shaved And finally the skull will be cracked open
Luego la cabeza debe ser afeitada y finalmente el cráneo será fracturado para abrirse.
I shaved my head.
Afeite mi cabeza.
They shaved your head, Turkey?
Te raparon, Turkey?
- Yeah, they shaved his head.
- Si, le afeitaron el coco.
Destroy the environment, receives the death penalty " When he was arrested, he had the left side of his head shaved.
recibirá la pena de muerte tenia afeitado el lado izquierdo de la cabeza.
You know, you see the young kids with their head shaved and they really get belligerent.
ves a jovenes con la cabeza afeitada Y realmente es beligerante.
- You shaved your head, too.
- También te afeitaste la cabeza.
So they shaved his head... and now the stubble is growing in hot.
Así que afeitaron su cabeza... y el pelo nuevo está contaminado.
I want my head shaved.
¡ Quiero mi cabeza afeitada!
Well, it seems, somebody wanted to find his way to Winchester, and George, he really is such an eccentric, you might mistake him for a scarecrow, I mean, his legs are all astray, his arms always thrust out like this, his head shaved like a turnip, and on his head he wore the most extraordinary hat -
Bueno, parece que alguien quería ir a Winchester, y George... es tan excéntrico, podría usted confundirlo con un espantapájaros, quiero decir, sus piernas todas extraviadas, los brazos siempre estirados así, su cabeza pelada como un nabo,
I won't be a widow, with my hair cropped ; not a nun, with my head shaved.
No seré una viuda, con el pelo corto ni una monja, con la cabeza afeitada
Then I shaved my head.
Entonces empecé a raparme
I though if I shaved my head, I wouldn't be appealing anymore.
Pensaba que si me lo afeitaba, nadie querría estar conmigo.
Well, what happened? The buckshot shaved the hair clean off the top of its head.
La bala le afeitó el pelo de la cabeza.
"Sandra's head was shaved, like..."
Sandra tenía la cabeza rapada
You were talking to that jazzbo so long, I thought about having my head shaved.
Hablaste con ese condenado tanto rato que pensé afeitarme la cabeza.
So I shaved her head.
Le afeité la cabeza.
He will be taken down, his head will be shaved.
Lo llevarán abajo y lo afeitarán.
- So, Vic, how come you shaved your head?
- Así que, Vic, ¿ Cómo llegaste a rasurarte la cabeza?
He'll hang as a pimp and your head will be shaved!
Él colgará como un alcahuete y tu cabeza será rasurada!
Have you seen a kid in wild, colorful clothing... with an earring in his ear and the sides of his head shaved?
¿ No has visto a un adolescente con ropa muy colorida... con un aro en la oreja y la mitad de la cabeza afeitada?
I shaved my head.
Me afeité la cabeza.
But I do think that me and the rest of the public would like to see her head shaved.
Pero yo pienso y el resto de público que nos gustaría verla sin cabello..
It shaved your head, took away your clothes.
Te afeitaba la cabeza, te quitaba la ropa.
I got a dirty word shaved into the back of my head.
Yo me tatué una mala palabra en la nuca.
He went home, shaved his head, came back and killed him!
Volvió a su casa, se afeitó la cabeza, volvió y lo mató!

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