She was amazing traducir español
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She was amazing.
Estaba simpatiquísima.
I got out there. She was amazing.
Fue espectacular.
She was amazing.
Ella es maravillosa.
Yeah, her name was Gretchen and she was amazing.
Sí, se llamaba Gretchen y era increíble.
Your mother on stage - Oh, she was amazing.
Tu madre en el escenario... era extraordinaria.
She was amazing.
Qué mujer.
Initially, Meg Tilly was playing Constanze in the film and she was amazing.
Meg Tilly iba a interpretar a Constanze en la película y era estupenda.
- She was amazing.
- Era increíble.
She was amazing!
Ella estaba extraordinario!
She was amazing, Hirose was
Era asombrosa.
- Told her last week I was getting bored of seeing her in underwear, so when she came out tonight the way she did with something creative, it was amazing.
El look, desde los pies a la cabeza, era perfecto. La coreografía fue buena.
And the amazing daughter of Biparetto the poet, really, she was lovely!
Y la encantadora hija de Biparetto del poeta, en verdad, estaba arrebatadora!
And the amazing part of it was she could also skate through the air. Right through my window and into my room.
Y lo mas asombroso era que sabía patinar por el aire... y de un salto por la ventana entró en mi habitación una noche.
I suppose she was quite amazing.
Imagino que sería tremendamente atractiva.
But the amazing part is, she was trained as a schoolteacher.
Pero, por increíble que parezca, también es maestra.
She was an amazing creature!
¡ Era un ser asombroso!
She was a pretty amazing girl herself.
Ella también era una bonita chica increíble.
She was just one of a long line of your bed partners that eventually led me to Cliff with amazing results.
Sólo fue una más en la larga lista de amantes que finalmente me llevó hasta Cliff con asombrosos resultados.
She was brilliant, gorgeous, wonderful, self-assured he's childish, insecure, immature, vague, untrue, foolish irrational, hasty, infectious, fussy fertile, fascinating, dense, passionate, loving, amazing, arrogant, brutal, dark different, intense, charming, he transmits, communicates and most of all : a child.
Estuvo brillante, guapisima, estupenda, segura es infantil, inseguro, inmaduro, impreciso inexacto, insensato, irracional, atropellado,... contagioso, maniático,... fértil, fascinante, densa,... apasionada, cariñosa, increible, soberbia, brutal, morena diferente, intenso, encantador, que trasmite, comunica... Simplificando : me entusiasma.
She was an amazing woman.
Era admirable.
Even more amazing was the day she realized... she truly loved him back.
Aun más asombroso fue el día que se dio cuenta... de que ella también lo amaba.
Was she an amazing character?
¿ Era ella un personaje increíble?
She was an amazing woman, Cleopatra.
Ella era una mujer increíble, Cleopatra.
And I know you're going with Delia, and I'm really happy for you... And as she continued to basically babble, It started to sink In that... something truly amazing was happening.
Se que vas a ir con Delia, y estoy muy contenta por ti... y mientras seguia balbuceando, empece a pensar que... algo realmente asombroso estaba pasando
The amazing thing is that she was acquited.
Lo más increíble es que fue absuelta.
And even though Mr Whistler was perfectly aware that his mother was a hideous old bat who looked like she had a cactus up her backside... he stuck with her, and even took the time to paint this amazing picture of her.
Y a pesar de que el Sr. Whistler... estaba perfectamente al tanto... de que su madre era una vieja bruja... que parecía tener un cactus alojado en la espalda... se quedó con ella... e incluso se tomó el tiempo... para pintar este extraordinario cuadro.
You know, what she did when I had her on trial for her life... It was amazing.
Sabes, lo que hizo cuando tuvo que defender su vida en aquel juicio fue asombroso.
- She had an amazing voice. It was.
- Tenía una voz increíble.
- And that was all she wrote. - That's amazing.
- Fin de la historia.
She looked so amazing in her uniform, and she was so excited.
Se veía fabulosa en ese uniforme, y estaba muy emocionada.
She looked so amazing in her uniform, and she was so excited.
Se veía maravillosa en su uniforme y estaba tan entusiasmada.
GUMBEL : Yeah. Yeah, and-and I'd also like to say that afterwards, I was able to travel with Debb, and, um, I really got to know the Debb that nobody else did, and found that she's a wonderful and amazing woman, definitely.
También quiero decir que después pude viajar con Debb y llegue a conocer a Debb como nadie más.
And it's amazing to know that you're sitting right next to a girl that has been... on the road since she was probably 16 years old... has been all around the world and she is just so grounded.
Es increíble saber que estas sentado justo al lado the la chica que ha estado... de gira desde que tiene, quizá, 16 años de edad... ha viajado por todo el mundo y tiene los pies sobre la tierra.
One amazing thing about Rachel was that I wanted to kiss her every time she said something interesting.
Una de las cosas espantosas sobre Rachel era que yo sentía Unas ganas enormes de besarla siempre que ella hablaba de cualquier cosa interesante
I was watching Emma just now - Doesn't she look like her? - It's amazing
Veré a Emma, dentro de poco y... — ¿ Se parecen, no?
I believe Charlene was... she said the most amazing thing in that ice-cream truck... she's lucky I gave her my jacket
Creo que Charlene es... Ella dijo eso tan sorprendente en aquel camión de helados... de que tenía suerte de que le prestara mi chaqueta.
It's amazing the way she stepped up while I was gone.
- Es impresionante como ella se hizo cargo de todo cuando yo no estaba.
She was... amazing, and it's like no matter how hard I train, even if I get a handle on this telekinesis thing...
Ella era asombrosa. Y no importa cuanto entrene aunque llegue a manejar lo telequinético...
If you were in love with an amazing woman, and you knew she was throwing away everything that was amazing about her on some scum... would you still want her picture on your desk?
Si estuviera enamorado de una mujer increíble... y supiera que está echando por la borda todo lo maravilloso... que hay en ella por un pelele... - ¿ pondría su foto en el escritorio?
She was in amazing shape.
Ella estaba en buena forma.
In fact, she stopped what was a pretty amazing kiss.
Es más, ella interrumpió un beso increíble.
- Nobody has, which is a shame... because she wrote 16 amazing novels, nine plays and there are some who claim... it was Powell who made the jokes that Dorothy Parker got credit for.
- Igual que todos. Es una lástima... porque escribió 16 novelas increíbles, 9 obras de teatro y, según algunos... hasta creó los chistes que se le atribuyeron a Dorothy Parker.
Dijo que fue fascinante.
Why did she need to tell me the sex was amazing?
? Para qué me dijo que tenían un sexo increíble?
She's just went in there and improvised over. Yeah, that was amazing, that was fantastic! But that was a moreover mixing.
Sencillamente improvisó durante la mezcla, fue increíble.
JON : Sandra, she was so amazing in the town, because she spoke the language and worked out all these incredible deals.
Sandra fue tan maravillosa en el pueblo, porque sabía el idioma e hizo unos tratos increíbles.
Sandra was so amazing in the town because she spoke the language.
Sandra estuvo tan espectacular en el pueblo, porque hablaba el idioma.
And I have to say, she was... She was really amazing.
Debo decir que ella era era realmente asombrosa.
To know her was to just, you know, have a crush on her. She was just so amazing... and she was becoming a standup comedian... she was starting a newspaper in Westwood.
Conocerla era enamorarte de ella... era tan increíble... y estaba empezando a trabajar como humorista... abrió un periódico en Westwood.
I mean, it was the most amazing chocolate cake I've ever had... and Michael had chosen the inscription... which comes from John Ford from "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon"... which is "Lest we forget."
Creo que era el pastel de chocolate más increíble que me he comido nunca... y Michael había elegido la inscripción... que venía de la película de John Ford "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon"... que es "Lest we forget".
There's this amazing picture of her frowning at Nixon like she knew he was up to something.
Hay una foto genial donde le frunce el ceño a Nixon Como si supiera que preparaba algo.
she was pretty 42
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was sick 48
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was sick 48