She was right traducir español
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You'll testify at Agent Moretti's trial, tell the jury she was right...
Testificarás en el juicio de la Agente Moretti, dirás al jurado que tenía razón
Go tell Jessica she was right and then get Nick Howell in here. And make sure he doesn't have an answer for this before we get to court.
Ir a decirle a Jessica que tenía razón y luego traer a Nick Howell y asegurarme de que no tiene una respuesta para esto antes de que lleguemos a juicio.
She was right there.
Estaba ahí mismo.
Rayna didn't want to tell me'cause I was a drunk, and she was right.
Rayna no quiso decírmelo porque era un borracho, y tenía razón.
Just now I heard her think, "Let me try this", and then I saw a different version of the same event, where she was right beside him.
Ahora mismo la he oído pensar "voy a intentarlo"... y he visto una versión diferente del suceso, en el que estaba justo al lado.
She was right.
Tenía razón.
- She was right about the house.
- Tenía razón con lo de la casa.
She was right there when I found her.
Estaba ahí cuando la encontré.
She was right.
Tenía razón
She was right. We don't have enough evidence to hold her yet.
Tiene razón, no tenemos suficientes pruebas para retenerla, todavía.
Maybe she was right about other things.
Tal vez tenía razón en otras cosas.
She thought he was having an affair, and she was right.
Creía que estaba teniendo una aventura, - y tenía razón.
She was right to call me.
Ella estuvo bien en llamarme.
She was right about the tape. Hey, Eve, you know, um, it's not really cool making women feel bad about their modes of sexual expression.
Oye, Eve, sabes... no está bueno hacer que las mujeres se sientan mal... sobre sus formas de expresión sexual.
Look, um... when you return... tell Belle I love her, and that she was right.
Mira... cuando vuelvas... dile a Belle que la amo, y que tenía razón...
Rachel got the lead in Funny Girl on Broadway, but the director's sort of weird and has crazy eyes and wasn't even sure she was right for the part to begin with.
Rachel obtuvo el papel en Funny Girl en Broadway, pero el director es algo raro y tiene ojos de loco y no estaba seguro de que fuera adecuada para el papel.
She was right there a second ago.
Estaba ahí hace un segundo.
All she had to do was wiggle her nose, right?
Solo tenía que mover su nariz, ¿ verdad?
She was born in this room, right there, where you're standing.
Nació en esta habitación, justo ahí, donde está de pie.
Then I walk in the room, and she sees that I was right outside the door the whole time.
Luego entro a la habitación, y ella ve que estaba al otro lado de la puerta todo ese tiempo.
Everything seemed to be all right, and she was swinging back and forth, back and forth.
Todo parecía estar bien. Ella se balanceaba hacia atrás y adelante.
My fiancée was in there. Is she all right?
Mi novia estaba allí. ¿ Ella está bien?
Not right away, because she was very much against what we were gonna do with the money.
No enseguida, porque ella estaba en contra de lo que íbamos a hacer con el dinero.
But she genuinely did what she thought was right for the girls.
Pero ella realmente hizo lo que pensó que era correcto para las niñas.
She refused to accept them, believing that the right thing to do was to stand by us.
Ella rechazó aceptarla, creyendo que lo correcto era apoyarnos.
She was your psychiatrist. That's right. I know some things.
Fue tu psiquiatra después de que tu mujer muriese. ¿ Qué te hizo pensar en ella?
- Right, right, right. So blond hair, blue eyes. That photo that was all over the news... she was wearing a T-shirt with that, uh... that Mandy Moore on it.
Bien, bien, bien... así que, pelo rubio, ojos azules, su foto estuvo en todas las noticias... ella vestía una camiseta con, ah... esa tal Mandy Moore en ella.
I'm debating Edwina Bowman, who was handpicked by Blythe Ballard, and Blythe Ballard is probably prepping her right now, and she's definitely not just like, "oh, good answer."
Estoy debatiendo con Edwina Bowman, quien fue elegida a dedo por Blythe Ballard, y Blythe Ballard está probablemente preparándola ahora mismo, y ella definitivamente no es algo como "oh, buena respuesta".
She was waiting for me this morning when I got in, right at nine.
Estaba esperando por mí esta mañana cuando llegué, justo a las nueve.
All right, she was lonely.
Vale, estaba sola.
She was right.
Ella tenía razón. No estoy reformado.
My mother was right, wasn't she, about you and Aiden?
Mi madre tenía razón, ¿ verdad? , ¿ sobre Aiden y tú?
Sounds like he was affected by the same thing Josh was, and in both cases, Katie was right there, so she could have some sort of "black widow" trouble...
Parece que fue afectado por lo mismo que Josh y en ambos casos, Katie estaba ahí así que podría tener algún problema tipo "Viuda Negra".
She was looking right at me.
Ella me estaba mirando.
She was so full of both those things at once and I could feel it so strongly because I was right next to her.
Estaba tan llena de ambas cosas a la vez y podía sentirlo tan fuerte porque estaba a su lado.
All right, she was found dead last night.
Muy bien, anoche la encontraron muerta.
The one in the back right ran away from an arranged marriage when she was 13.
La del trasero derecho huyeron de un matrimonio arreglado cuando tenía 13 años.
She was just doing what she thought was right, but I betrayed your trust.
Ella solo hacía lo que consideraba correcto, pero yo traicioné su confianza.
It has been over six months, and you broke up with Shelby because she was the wrong person for you and you wanted to find the right one.
Ya han pasado seis meses y rompiste con Shelby porque no era la persona adecuada para ti y querías encontrar a la que sí lo es.
Tim's mother, you said she was a cleaner at a school that closed down, right?
la madre de Tim, dijiste que era vedel en el colegio que cerraron, ¿ cierto?
I found this girl, and she was trespassing, all right?
Encontré a esta chica, y entró sin permiso, ¿ está bien?
- She was acquitted, right?
- Fue absuelta, ¿ no?
Your mom knows where the money came from and she was all right with it.
Tu madre sabe de dónde viene el dinero y estaba de acuerdo con eso.
If it was up to Kono, she'd put a bullet in you right now, but we're gonna do this the right way.
Si fuera por Kono, ella te pegaría un tiro ahora mismo, pero nosotros vamos a hacerlo de forma correcta.
The tox panel on Darcy Blaine's blood that we found in the car trunk definitely had high levels of cocaine, but... we're saying that she was roofied, right?
- El análisis toxicológico de la sangre de Darcy Blaine que encontramos en el maletero indica sin duda niveles altos de cocaína, pero... estamos diciendo que estaba colocada, ¿ verdad?
She was detained by casino security right after she left the blackjack table, and then was interrogated by her pit boss Bobby Esposito.
Fue retenida por la seguridad del casino justo después de dejar la mesa de blackjack, y fue interrogada por su jefe de sala Bobby Espósito.
No, she was great, well, you guys can leave anytime you want like right now happy Halloween see you bye.
No, se ha portado genial, puede dejarla cuando quiera como hoy, feliz Halloween, hasta la vista.
She was gonna pull the trade if I didn't make it right then and there.
Ella iba a hacer el traspaso si yo no hacía nada.
The home office was right. She's here.
La Casa Central tenía razón.
- Yes, she was a right old cow.
Sí, una vaca vieja.
'Cause I never made it right when she was alive.
Porque nunca hice lo correcto cuando vivía.
she was right here 23
she was right there 25
she was pretty 42
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was scared 61
she was right there 25
she was pretty 42
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was scared 61
she was sick 48
she was gone 144
she was a 51
she was alive 27
she was great 60
she was my best friend 53
she was crying 60
she was pregnant 85
she was there 166
she was murdered 156
she was gone 144
she was a 51
she was alive 27
she was great 60
she was my best friend 53
she was crying 60
she was pregnant 85
she was there 166
she was murdered 156