Since that day traducir español
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Oh, I was overcome by curiosity ever since that day at the docks.
Me invadió la curiosidad desde aquel día en el puerto.
Since that day, he's never spoken to a living soul.
Desde ese día, no le ha dirigido la palabra a nadie.
I've done nothing but sing it since that day.
No he hecho más que tararearla.
I believe it's ever since that day... when I found that old envelope addressed to Louis Bauer.
Creo que es a partir de aquel día... cuando encontré ese viejo sobre dirigido a Louis Bauer.
My father has refused to race since that day.
Mi padre se ha negado a correr desde entonces.
Ever since that day you went away... I've been in torment thinking something might happen to you... and you'd never know.
Desde el día que te fuiste, he vivido atormentada pensando que podría ocurrirte algo... y que nunca lo sabrías.
I've loved you ever since that day in the rose garden.
Te quiero desde aquel día en el jardín de rosas.
The boss has been cheerful since that day.
El jefe ha estado cariñoso desde ese día.
Since that day, I've only thought of you.
Desde aquél día sólo he pensado en usted.
Because since that day there's been no man who's really loved you.
Porque, desde ese día, ningún hombre te amó realmente.
Since that day, he did not look at the sky.
Desde ese día, no miró al cielo
Mr Burnside, I've loved your daughter ever since that day on the river.
Sr. Burnside, he amado a su hija desde aquel día en el río.
It hasn't been used since that day.
No ha sido usada desde aquel día.
... It is a gem that, since time immemorial,... has adorned all Aztec princesses on the day of their wedding ".
Es una joya que, desde tiempos remotos, ha ornado a todas las princesas aztecas el día de su matrimonio.
Imagine, that since the publication of the imperial proclamation, I was only living to think that one day I could meet him and then I'd see myself faced with an obligation to arrest him... I love him as if he were my brother "
Figuraos, que desde la publicación de la proclama imperial, no vivía más que pensando que un día podría reencontrármelo y que entonces me vería en la terrible obligación de apresarlo... yo que lo quiero como a un hermano "
And as for Aubrey Cavendish, there's nobody since his day that can touch him.
¡ Y a Aubrey, nadie le llega a la suela de los zapatos!
First of all, I don't think that a modern young girl suits me at all... and then in this special case... ever since the first day... we've been fighting a sort of duel... with hidden weapons.
En primer lugar, no creo que una chica moderna pegue conmigo en absoluto... y después, en este caso en concreto... y desde el primer día... se ha producido un duelo entre nosotros... con armas escondidas.
You know, I ain't seen that guy... since day before yesterday.
No lo he visto... desde anteayer.
I beg to report that since we've installed a new system of not taking any filthy money in the tabernacle, but giving the saps the high pressure the next day at home,
Me permito reportar que desde que instalamos el nuevo sistema de no tomar ningún asqueroso dinero en el tabernáculo, pero presionando a esos tontos al día siguiente en sus casas,
I've been for you since that first day.
Me has gustado desde aquel primer día.
your majesty, when you had my friend the lieutenant von Katte executed you imagined that you had taken Katte away from me you were wrong his blood-stained shadow hasn't left me a single day since then
Majestad, cuando hicisteis cumplir la sentencia de muerte contra mi amigo, el teniente von Katte... creísteis que me habíais robado a Katte. ¡ Os equivocabais! Su sombra manchada de sangre no me ha dejado, desde entonces, ni un solo día.
And now, since this is a red-letter day in that I am hourly expecting something extraordinary to turn up let us return and discover what culinary triumphs Mrs. Micawber has prepared for us.
Y como hoy es un día señalado porque estoy esperando a que surja algo extraordinario regresemos a descubrir los regalos culinarios preparados por la señora Micawber.
And you're the first I've met since the day of that ill-fated battle.
Es Ud. la primera con la que hablo desde aquella fatídica batalla.
Is there no room in your heart, even pity for a man who has never known the love of a woman, but who has worshipped you since the day he first walked by that absurd little theatre?
¿ No hay un lugar en su corazón... así sólo fuera lástima por un hombre... que nunca sintió el amor de una mujer... pero que la ha adorado desde el día... que pisó ese absurdo teatro por primera vez?
Since we both love him we should wish him all possible happiness for every day that passes.
Dado que ambas lo amamos, deberíamos desearle... toda la felicidad posible... para cada día que pase.
You've done all that since the day I saw you?
¿ Escribió todo eso desde el día en que lo vi?
You think I've been able to sleep since that awful day at Chukoti?
Usted cree que he podido dormir ¿ desde aquel día horrible en Chukoti?
Now I know that I love you and have loved you since that first day.
Ahora sé que la amo. Que la he amado desde el primer día.
Since that blessed day that I learned that they were on our side,
desde que supe que vendrían con nosotros.
Since we got no round the similarity of the bullets I've been thinking thinking all day on the other end that Brick was so sure of
Desde que nos enteramos de lo de la similitud de la bala he estado pensando todo el día desde otro ángulo...
I have been traveling day and night since I found out that you are here.
He viajado día y noche desde que supe que estaba aquí.
That's the biggest day since'28.
Desde el año 28 que no teníamos un día tan bueno.
Say, that grave's been getting flowers every day since she died.
Le han enviado flores a su tumba desde que murió.
It's occurred to me that.. Since they've been so wretched lately, and you would allow them to visit one day.
Pensé que, como han estado muy tristes, y Ud. permite que vengan...
Esa chica está peleada conmigo desde el día que nació.
Ever since the day my father put life into that creature, it has been a curse.
Desde que mi padre dio vida a esa criatura empezó la maldición.
That's all I've known since the day I was born.
Es lo único que conocí desde el día en que nací.
As I told you in church that day, and as I've repeated many times since the inquiry began, it's obvious that the Raven is one of you.
Como ya comenté en la iglesia aquel día y como he ido repitiendo desde que comenzó la investigación es obvio que el Cuervo es uno de ustedes.
I grieve to tell you we have heard nothing but silence since the day of that incident.
Lamento decirte que sólo hemos oído silencio... desde el día del incidente.
But we haven't seen him since that dreadful day.
Pero no lo hemos visto desde ese terrible día. Lo sé.
Ever since that first day, the mainspring of this school has been your career.
Desde ese primer día, lo más importante de esta escuela era tu carrera.
He was my husband. But he could never know how much he meant to me, That I've loved him since the first day he came to the cottage.
Era mi marido, pero él nunca sabría lo que significaba para mí, que le había amado desde el primer día en que le vi.
Since I left, not a day goes by that I don't think of him.
Desde el día en que me fui, no ha pasado un día sin que piense en él.
Since that time, you've had me thrown out of a newsreel theater, chasing around Manhattan in my pajamas on Christmas eve, conked on the head by a total stranger, robbed of my favorite overcoat, and my fiance, whom I've begged to forgive me... twice a day for the last three years, will undoubtedly never... let me beg her to forgive me again.
Desde entonces, hizo que me echaran de un cine... que me paseara en pijama por Manhattan en Nochebuena... que me golpeara un desconocido, que me robaran mi abrigo favorito... y mi prometida, a quien supliqué que me perdonara... dos veces al día durante los últimos 3 años... sin duda jamás... dejará que le vuelva a suplicar que me perdone.
A whole day and a night have gone by since that bestial affair in Edgeware Road?
Un día con su noche han pasado... de aquel bestial asesinato en Edgeware Road.
Great personalities from my day, and great ones that have come up since.
Grandes personalidades de mi época y grandes que han surgido desde entonces.
Since the day you drove in here in that fancy rig... you've been no more one of us than if you'd never come home.
Desde que viniste con ese disfraz, es como - si no hubieras vuelto.
I liked the streets that I walked through twice a day since years.
Me gustaban las calles que durante tantos años recorría dos veces el día.
I've had him ever since that first day.
Lo he tenido yo desde el primer día.
I have known since long time that it would be over one day.
Sabía desde hace mucho tiempo que un día se acabaría.
Oh, Balu, god of our ancestors, since that glorious day when you first took human form, we have brought you many offerings.
Oh, Balu, dios de nuestros antepasados, desde aquel glorioso día en que tomaste forma humana, te hemos traído numerosas ofrendas.
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