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Spare him traducir español

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One must spare him.
¡ Hay que cuidarlo!
Spare him, and I promise you'll never see him again.
Perdónalo, y te prometo que jamás volverás a verlo.
If he were here, as you are, my captive then I would spare him.
Si él estuviera aquí, como tú, cautiva... entonces, Io ayudaría.
very well you'll spare him?
muy bien usted prescindir de él?
Don't spare him, boys.
No le castiguéis, chicos.
You can spare him an hour, can't you?
Puedes dejarlo una hora, ¿ o no?
Please spare him now.
Por favor déjale ya.
I wanted to spare him the agony of crashing, so...
Quería ahorrarle el accidente, así que...
I must spare him any needless emotion.
Debo librarle de cualquier emoción innecesaria.
- That is, if you can spare him.
- Si se lo permite.
Let me go free and I'll spare him.
Libérame y no le mataré.
Did you spare him with all your clemency?
¿ Fue tu clemencia lo que lo salvó?
If you to spare him disillusion, it is you who will destroy Branwell, not I.
Si quieres evitarle esa decepción, eres tú la que destruirás a Branwell, no yo.
If you spare him the knowledge. Well, yes, both our shares would.
Y su parte aumentaría considerablemente si no se lo dice.
Will they spare him?
¿ Lo salvarán?
I shall have to spare him somehow.
Tendré que prescindir de él.
Don't spare him!
No lo salven.
Listen 1 0 minutes ago, I offered to shoot him to spare him the agony of the heavier sentence, release.
Mire hace 1 0 minutos, ofrecí matarlo para evitarle la agonía de una sentencia peor, la libertad.
Couldn't you spare him this wicked action?
Esto podrías habértelo ahorrado.
I'll never spare him!
¡ No le tendré piedad!
For my sake, spare him! No!
¡ Por favor, perdónele!
So spare him.
Está bien, le perdono la vida.
- Spare him.
- Dejadle.
Spare him nothing.
Tratémoslo bien, enérgicamente.
I couldnt possibly spare him.
No puedo prescindir de él.
He knew his jailers would not spare him.
Sabía que sus carceleros no le perdonarían.
I'm yours, Doug, if you spare him!
¡ Seré tuya, Doug, si le salvas!
I should at least spare him that.
Debería al menos saber lo del auto.
Please spare him, your honors.
Por favor, sálvelo, señoría.
Spare him.
¡ Hero!
# And spare him cardiacs Yeah, yeah, yeah
Y ahuyente los infartos Sí, sí
Spare him!
¡ Perdónele!
Amenes begs the people to spare Theonis, to no avail. He also begs them to kill him as well.
En vano suplica Amenes a la multitud que respeten a Theonis y en vano suplica, que lo maten a él también.
We've called upon him to spare us.
- Le hemos pedido que nos salve.
Send him up to my place. I have a few spare cells.
- Tengo unas celdas libres...
He's come to order some spare parts. I'm going to see him.
Ha venido para ordenar algunas piezas de repuesto.
Oh, if you spare his life, I swear I'll never see him again.
¡ Si le salvas, juro no verle más!
Why didn't you put him in the spare bedroom?
¿ Por qué no lo acomodó en la alcoba libre?
Spare me my love for him- -
Privarme de mi amor por él.
Don't spare him, now. Don't spare him.
No tenga piedad, señor, no tenga piedad.
It'll do him good. Cobby can spare a few pounds.
Cobby puede reducir unos kilos.
Maybe you even told him things about us to spare yourself and your morality.
Puede que incluso le hayas dicho cosas acerca de nosotros para protegerte a ti misma y tu moralidad.
To spare myself, I told him... that I am engaged to Mohei.
De ahí su enfado. Sé que no nos perdonará.
You have a spare passport, so you go see him.
Irás a verle con tu pasaporte falso.
Tell him and spare not.
Decídselo y no os quedéis corta.
Maybe they can spare him
- Hay quien no lo duda.
See if there's a spare rig for him in the chuck wagon.
Ve a ver si le encuentras algo en la carreta de provisiones.
Spare him!
¡ Dejadle!
- When great Kublai Khan appears, you will make your obeisance to him so that he may look kindly upon you, and spare your worthless lives.
- Cuando el Gran Kublai Khan aparezca le reverenciaréis. Él os mirará con compasión y perdonará vuestras despreciables vidas.
This will allow us three seconds to spare in which to revive him.
Esto nos dará tres segundos para revivirlo.
If it doesn't work out with him, I need you as a spare.
No nos precipitemos. Si no funciona, quiero tenerle a mano.

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