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They all died traducir español

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The Spanish had 4,000 native bearers with them from the highlands, but they all died by the time they reached the plains.
Los españoles trajeron 4.000 porteadores nativos de las tierras altas pero todos murieron cuando alcanzaron las llanuras.
It seems that they all died... without being disgraceful.
Parece que han muerto todos... sin ser desgraciados.
They all died a few minutes after the peak of our radar tests, right after our atomic plant was operating under full power.
Murieron algunos minutos después del apogeo de nuestras pruebas del radar, mientras la potencia atómica estaba al máximo.
As nearly as we can judge, they all died of exhaustion.
Hasta donde podemos juzgar, todos ellos murieron de agotamiento.
An accident, a landing that went wrong and they all died.
¿ Quién habla? ¿ Está seguro?
And the turnaround down in the spring, when the crick dried up and they all died!
Y cuando el arroyo se secó y las reses murieron a cientos.
They all died. All but me.
Murieron todos, menos yo.
They all died at the same moment.
Todos murieron en el mismo momento.
They all died when Orb left the sky and the great cold was on the ground.
Todos murieron cuando Orb dejó el cielo y llegó el gran frío.
I'm sure they all died thinking of you...
Estoy seguro que todos murieron pensando en Ud...
They all died in the war - and I live.
Todos murieron en la guerra. Y yo... vivo.
They all died happy. They were praying.
Murieron todos felices, rezando de alegría.
They all died fighting the Army.
Murieron 4 expediciones del gobierno.
After Melissa's deadly accident... they all died in this Villa by Melissa's hatred.
Con la desgracia de Melissa... todos moriremos, aquí, víctimas de su odio.
Probably an accident, a landing that went wrong and they all died.
Tal vez un mal aterrizaje en el que todos murieron.
They all died.
¡ Todos muertos!
Too late, they all died.
¡ Demasiado tarde, Paco! ¡ Están todos muertos!
Bones, can you tell me what they all died of?
Bones, ¿ podría decirme de qué han muerto?
They all died in the camps.
Muertos en deportación.
If you say they all died mysteriously, I'll bloody kill you.
Si me dices que murieron extrañamente, te mataré sin piedad.
They all died.
Todos murieron.
And you said they all died.
Y usted dijo que todos habían muerto.
They all died within a few months, eight years ago... every dog and cat in the world.
Todos murieron en pocos meses, ocho años atrás. Todos los perros y gatos del mundo.
Was all right till my mother died buti was only a poor relation, you know and they treated me worse than they dared treat a hired girl.
Estuvo bien hasta que mi madre murió. Pero yo era sólo una parienta pobre y me trataban peor de lo que se atrevían a tratar a una empleada.
The kitten who died when I was six, and my great-aunt Matilde... and all those twisted newspaper stories you read about my romances... and why they weren't romances.
La gatita que murió cuando tenía seis años, mi tía abuela Matilde... y todos esos supuestos romances que habrás leído en los periódicos... y por qué no eran realmente romances.
Because I don't know that I'd have accepted him. Are you trying to tell me that because he comes here and they see her with him, driving and all that, they think that they were right in saying that she was... she was in love with him before... before my father died?
¿ Dices que porque él la visita, y porque les ven pasear, creen tener derecho a decir que ella ya le amaba antes de que muriera mi padre?
All those who, in the past, dug here for gold died without knowing they had uncovered something of far greater value.
Todos aquellos que, en el pasado, excavado aquí murió de oro sin saber que habían descubierto algo de mucho mayor valor.
They haven't all died.
No todos murieron, ya sabes.
And the man next to you died as they threw him overboard? And all that you thought was there will be more water to drink.
¿ Y que la persona que estuviera a su lado muriera,... y la echaran por la borda,... y que su único pensamiento fuera que habría más agua para beber?
They all died of an illness.
Todas se mareaban y morían.
I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died.
Os daría unas violetas, mas se marchitaron al morir mi padre.
I died and they sent me here. One moment, easy to say "I'm dead", just to get Olympic citizenship and take advantage of all its benefits. Very nice!
Todos dicen "he muerto" para poder conseguir la nacionalidad olímpica y todas las ventajas y beneficios.
- No, they've all died strange deaths.
- No, todos tuvieron muertes raras.
They all believe she died of gastroenteritis, don't they, sir?
Bueno igual que han creído que murió de gastroenteritis, ¿ señor?
They were all running around, bullets flying through the air, so they reckon that he probably died there.
Cree que ha muerto mientras huía del fuego de las ametralladoras. Fueron tantos los muertos, que tal vez él sea uno de ellos.
Between now and Saturday they'll all have died off.
De aquí al sábado se me han muerto todas.
All his doctors said they died of heart attacks.
Sus doctores dicen que fueron por ataques cardíacos.
Don't you remember after Mama died how they started all that stuff about you can't take care of me, and all?
¿ No recuerdas que al morir mamá... comenzaron a decir todo eso de que "tú no sabes cuidarme"?
All his friends have moved to California or they died and...
Todos sus amigos se han mudado a California o han muerto y..
- They've all died.
- Han muerto todas.
They're from Roviano family, all died in violent deaths...
Son todos los Roviano que murieron de muerte violenta...
The last of four rip van winkles who all died precisely the way they lived :
El último de los cuatro Rip van Winkles * quienes murieron precisamente de la forma en la que vivieron :
They would have eaten all of their food before they died.
Se habrán comido todos sus víveres antes de morir.
I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died.
Bien os quisiera dar algunas violetas ; pero todas se marchitaron cuando murió mi padre.
I would give you some violets... but they withered all when my father died.
Os daría violetas... pero todas se marchitaron cuando murió mi padre.
They died on the seven seas, all of them.
Ellos murieron en los siete mares, a todos ellos.
All the townspeople died, because they had no weapons to defend themselves.
Mataron a todos los habitantes, no tenían armas para defenderse.
They came all that way and died.
Recorrieron ese largo camino y murieron.
They all three died by their own hands.
Los tres murieron por su propia mano.
The two men's faces were all cut up. It seemed that they'd fought before they died.
Las caras de los dos hombres estaban cortadas.
♪ Then when we retire we can write the Gospels ♪ ♪ So they'll all talk about us when we've died ♪ ♪
Cuando nos retiremos podremos escribir los Evangelios para que hablen de nosotros cuando estemos muertos

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