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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ T ] / They all say that

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They all say that.
Todos dicen eso.
Yes, ma'am. He said, "They all say that at first," ma'am.
Dijo : "eso es lo que dicen todos al principio".
Well, they all say that, don't they?
Dicen todos lo mismo.
And? And they all say that it was with the woman they desired the most that the same thing happened to them that happened to me.
Pues... todos dicen... que con la mujer a la que más desearon... fue con la que les paso..., en fin..., lo mismo que a mi.
The Spanish say that when they came down the Amazon, there were all these tribes that were ruled by women and only when they wanted children did they go and raid and get the men and have sex with them and get pregnant
Los españoles dicen que en su periplo por el Amazonas, hallaron tribus que eran gobernadas por mujeres y que sólo cuando querían tener hijos, hacían incursiones, capturaban a los hombres, practicaban sexo con ellos hasta quedarse preñadas
That's what they all say when they miss someone very much.
" Dices todas esas cosas, porque aún la extrañas.
That's what they all say.
Eso es lo que todos dicen.
They say it's kids that hold it all together.
Bien, ¿ por qué no?
That's all I know, except they say she's as cold as the proverbial icicle.
Es todo lo que sé, salvo que dicen que es más fría que el hielo.
That's all they ever say.
Eso es todo lo que pueden decir.
That's what they all say.
Es lo que todos dicen.
They were laughing so hard that all I heard them say... was that she had broken her engagement with him.
Dejé de mirarlo cuando su quijada le llegó a los zapatos. Estaban riendo tan fuerte que todo lo que les escuché decir fue que ella había roto su compromiso con él.
They were laughing so hard that all I heard them say... was that she had broken her engagement with him.
Estaban riendo tan fuerte que todo lo que les escuché decir fue que ella había roto su compromiso con él.
That's what they all say.
Eso dicen.
Kill a Falin. Kill a Falin. That's all they could say.
"Matar a un FaIin." Es todo Io que dicen.
- Sure, that's what they all say.
- Eso dicen todos.
I heard a guy say to Dave's girl that there was no use of her acting so funny, and they might as well all get soused.
Escuché a un tipo decirle a la chica de Dave que de nada le servia actuar de forma tan extraña, y que todos podían emborracharse.
That's all right. They'll do anything you say.
Sí, organiza una partida en Cherry Hill para venir a buscarte.
That's what they all say, till the switch is thrown.
Es lo que dicen todos, hasta que le dan al interruptor.
He say y'all get there quick, before they hustle him off to that leper place.
Dice que vayan pronto antes de que se lo lleven para el leprosorio
They say Washington needs all the troops he can get, and that the frontier will have to look out for itself.
Dicen que Washington necesita todas las tropas posibles y que las zonas fronterizas tendrán que apañárselas.
In all honesty, I can say I wasn't too bad. But they didn't go for my looks in Paris. I suffered from that.
Puedo decir que no era demasiado malo, solo que en París no les gustaba mi cara
That's what they all say.
Eso es lo que siempre dicen.
All I can say is that if Indian women put up... with being treated like this, they must be -
Lo único que digo es que si las indias toleran que las traten así, deben de ser -
That's what they all say.
¡ Todos lo dicen!
They say that when a ship is sinking, all the rats leave.
Dicen que cuando un barco se está hundiendo, todas las ratas se van.
"A frame." That's what they all say.
"Una trampa". Todos dicen lo mismo.
They'll do all the same things to you... and you'll trail after them just like me... hoping they won't be so mean to you that day... or say something to make you feel so bad.
Harán lo mismo contigo y les seguirás la corriente igual que yo deseando que no sean tan crueles contigo ese día o que no digan algo que te haga sentir mal.
That's what they all say.
- Eso dicen todos.
Pat they get all the cattle? That's what they say sir.
- ¿ Se han llevado todo el ganado?
- Oh, I know she didn't mind about that, but they are nice eggs, all the same, though I say they shouldn't...
- ¡ Ya lo sé! Pero estos huevos son muy buenos.
They all say your cat killed that second girl.
Dicen que tu gato mató a la segunda chica.
It's just like in the fairytales, all the princes and lords when they meet a modest girl like me, they say just to test them, that they're really very poor and unhappy.
Es igual que en los cuentos de hadas, todos los príncipes y señores... cuando encuentran a una chica modesta como yo... dicen, sólo para probarla, que son realmente muy pobres e infelices.
"That's all for tonight, except to say " that come war, come jungles, come Japanese, " they're all so easy to take
"Eso es todo por esta noche, sólo resta decir que se trate de guerra, selva, japoneses, todo es fácil porque cuando esto termine, mi amor, sé que me espera tu amor".
"Just a case of heart disease," that's all they could say.
Sólo podrían asegurar que fue algo del corazón.
They say that houses are all going to be alike, made out of plastics and things like boxes you buy in a store.
Dicen que todas las casas serán iguales, hechas de plástico...
Is it all that they say it is?
"Noche de dicha".
They say, too, that he's the disc of light they all revolve around.
Dicen también que él es un disco luminoso en torno al que todas giran.
We kind of hoped you'd say that they were all liars.
Esperabamos que nos dijeras que son unos mentirosos.
They say that the person you're with as the New Year comes in is the person you'll be with all during the coming year.
Dicen que la persona con la que estas en Año Nuevo es la persona con la que estas el resto del año.
That's what they all say when they meet me in the street.
Eso es lo que dicen todos cuando me encuentran por la calle.
They say the priests have all left us, that the church is dead.
Dicen que los sacerdotes nos han dejado, que la Iglesia está muerta.
They say I inherited her looks, and that's all.
Dicen que heredé su belleza, eso es todo.
- That's what they all say!
- Sucede siempre así.
They would say I was running away, that there was truth in all these rumours.
Dirían que estaba huyendo, que había algo cierto en los rumores.
They say, that in your company, it frightens me, you are all Gascon.
todos sois gascones..
They say that Bonfiglio leased all of Pettarelli's pasture lands.
Dicen que ha cogido en alquiler los pastos del abogado Pettarelli.
- That's what they all say.
- Eso dicen todos.
That's what they all say.
Todas dicen lo mismo.
- That's what they all say.
- Todos dicen lo mismo.
That's what they all say.
Eso dicen todos.

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