Thousands of them traducir español
785 traducción paralela
Yeah, he's got thousands of them.
- Sí, él tiene miles.
You see, it isn't only Sally, but girls like her, thousands of them all over the country reading that junk.
No es sólo Sally, sino chicas como ella, miles de chicas en todo el país leen esa porquería.
Thousands and thousands And thousands of them.
Miles, miles y miles de ellos.
Thousands of them were swallowed up by typhoons.
Miles de ellos fueron devorados por tifones.
Thousands of them.
Miles de ellos.
Thousands of them.
Maníacos. Maníacos obscenos.
Hay miles de ellos.
You may shut me up, but there are other voices, thousands of them.
Pueden encerrarme, pero hay miles como yo.
There are thousands of them in this part of the world.
Hay miles en esta parte del mundo.
Now, my gal, I'm an expert on broken heads. I've seen thousands of them.
Soy experto en cabezas rotas, he visto... muchas así.
Little families in little homes. Thousands of them, all over England.
Cada familia, su casita, por toda Inglaterra.
Germany wanted the Tobel bomb sight, but will send her thousands of them in our airplanes.
Alemania quería el visor de bombardeo de Tobel. Les enviaremos miles de ellos en nuestros aviones de la R.F.A.
All those kids, thousands of them, nothing but bait for Nazi submarines.
Todos esos miles de jóvenes son carnada para submarinos nazis.
Thousands and thousands of them.
Miles y miles de ellos.
Well, you know there are lots of rumors, thousands of them going around.
Bueno, ya sabes que hay muchos rumores por ahí.
They'll come by night and by day, thousands of them.
Vendrán de noche y vendrán de día.
And severed right hands, too, I think... some thousands of them after you vanquished the king of the Gauls.
Y también muchas manos. Después de que mataras al rey de los galos, varios miles de ellas.
At the end of the year, you've got thousands of them.
Para final de año, los tienes por todas partes. A millares.
Thousands of them.
Los hay a miles.
Big kids, little kids, tough kids, thousands of them all over the place!
¡ Chicos grandes, pequeños, duros! ¡ Miles, por todas partes!
Thousands of them.
Thousands of them, all screaming against that Enright House.
Miles de ellas. Todas gritando contra esa Casa Enright.
Hundreds of thousands of them, jammed together, body to body, trying to get a little sun, a little fresh air, and I with them.
Cientos y cientos de personas, todas apiñadas cuerpo contra cuerpo intentando disfrutar de cada hora del verano de un poco de aire fresco y yo entre ellos.
People on all sides of us - thousands of them.
Hay gente por todos lados... miles de personas.
Thousands of them swinging their blasted clubs... walking their blasted beats... doing nothing but eat up the taxpayers'money.
Miles de ellos blanden sus condenados garrotes... hacen sus condenadas rondas... sin hacer nada más que consumir el dinero de los contribuyentes.
The people of Ballyglon are comin over by bus, thousands of them.
La gente de Ballyglon está viniendo en autobús, miles de ellos.
Thousands of them.
Miles de caballos.
Did you see them, Deacon, Sir? Seals, thousands of them.
¡ Mire, señor, miles de focas!
Come and look, there are thousands of them!
¡ Venid y mirad, hay miles de ellos! ¡ Miles!
When they see it, they'll come, thousands of them.
Cuando lo vean, vendrán en masa.
The peasants come to ask us for asylum, there are thousands of them.
Los campesinos vienen a pedirnos asilo, ellos son miles y miles.
I hear them. Thousands of them!
Los oígo. ¡ Miles de ellos!
They say thousands of them are coming to Prague.
Dicen que miles de ellos vienen a Praga.
Thousands of them marching around in circles.
Miles marchando en círculo.
- Obviously I know very little. But I know you expect thousands of them to meet you at Ávila.
- Es evidente que muy poco, pero sé que espera que miles se reúnan con usted en Ávila.
And however we might explain it, thousands of Indians clung to them now, asking for their blessings, walking with them through the wilderness,
Y sin embargo, nosotros podríamos explicarla. Cientos de indios se acercaban a ellos ahora... pidiendo su bendición, caminando junto a ellos a través del desierto.
Thousands, millions of them.
"Miles, millones de ratas".
And of the many thousands that comprise these mobs only 765 were ever even brought to trial because their supposedly civilized communities have refused to identify them for trial.
Y de los miles que forman estas turbas sólo 765 fueron apenas juzgados. Porque sus supuestas civilizadas comunidades se han negado a identificarlos en un juicio haciéndose también tan responsables ante Dios en todo caso...
I ordered out thousands of grand duchesses and I want to tell them.
Hice echar a miles de grandes duquesas y quiero decírselo.
Miles de ellos.
The street's full of them, hundreds of them, thousands.
La calle está llena, Hay cientos, miles de personas.
Why did the Chinese move whole cities thousands of miles inland when the Japs attacked them?
¿ Por qué los chinos movieron ciudades miles de kilómetros tierra adentro... cuando los japoneses les atacaron?
You see them in the hotels, the best hotels every day by the thousands, drinking the money, eating the money, losing the money at bridge, playing all day and all night, smelling of money.
Van a los mejores hoteles a diario, en manadas. Se beben y comen el dinero, se lo gastan jugando al bridge. Apestan a dinero.
People got along without them for thousands of years.
La gente ha sobrevivido sin él miles de años.
Just you and me all by ourselves with thousands and thousands of chickens. Everyone of them laying eggs all day long.
Tan solo tú y yo con miles y miles de gallinas, poniendo huevos todo el día.
I heard them say this prophet brings sight to the blind, heals the sick, that he fed thousands of the poor with no more than a few loaves of bread to divide.
Oí decir que este profeta da la vista a los ciegos, cura a los enfermos... que alimenta a miles de pobres... simplemente multiplicando unos trozos de pan.
I came from 2 homes thousands of miles apart, and I was a stranger in both of them.
Mi familia a menudo me consideraba como una extraña.
Sure, the accommodations on nice, but out there's thousands of miles desert and mountains and no way to cross them without a passport from Yang.
Claro que el hospedaje es agradable pero aquí hay miles de millas de desiertos y montañas y no se pueden cruzar sin un pasaporte de Yang.
The Temple has thousands of peasants in its domain we won't let them die of hunger!
El templo tiene miles de personas a su cargo ¡ no les dejaremos morir de habmbre!
Why don't I just announce it tonight... with all them thousands of people listening?
¿ Por qué no lo anunciamos esta noche... con esos miles de personas escuchando?
He sent out thousands of letters to people offering to make them rich.
Mandó miles de cartas prometiendo el oro y el moro.
thousands of years ago 23
thousands of people running 28
of them 508
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
thousands of people running 28
of them 508
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20