Three of them traducir español
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There are only three of them. But they're very organised.
Son solamente tres, pero están muy organizados.
And the thing is, all three of them got a pretty good look at the guy so...
Y el asunto es, que los tres tienen un buen recuerdo del hombre...
- Hay algo especial acerca de los tres.
All right, we're down to five buildings- - three of them grouped within two blocks of each other.
Bien, lo hemos reducido a cinco edificios... tres de ellos agrupados en dos manzanas entre sí.
Now, three of them is a bit excessive.
Tres es un poco excesivo.
The three of them knew Mr. Black had found a family, and with it, his dream.
Los tres sabían que el Sr. Black había encontrado una familia, y con él, realizado su sueño.
We think we found three of them dead. The rest are lost.
Creemos que hemos encontrado tres de ellos muertos.
That's right. Three of them...
Sí, tres.
I want all three of them.
Los quiero a los tres.
I waited like 21 hours, three of them soaked in my own pee.
Esperé como 21 horas, tres horas empapado en mi orina.
Three of them behind us.
Hay tres atrás de nosotros.
My daddy rooster, he got jumped by three of his sons, so I need to find a home for three of them.
A mi gallo lo atacaron tres de sus hijos. Tengo que encontrar una casa para tres de ellos.
That's why I was wondering, you know, if you want to babysit, you know, adopt three of them for you.
Así que me preguntaba si no quieres adoptar tres para ti.
And after Luke and I were born, the three of them started working on a family beer.
Y después de que Luke y yo nacimos, los tres comenzaron a trabajar en una cerveza familiar.
Three of them killed themselves!
¡ Tres se suicidaron!
No, three of them were with me.
No, tenía tres anoche.
- There are three of them.
- En realidad, son tres...
Three of them have gone to Afghanistan.
Tres de ellos han ido a Afganistán.
I saw three of them during täckmantel when I got in here.
No me digas... Vi a tres que estaban encubiertos cuando llegué.
Bedrooms are upstairs. Three of them, supposedly.
Los cuartos están arriba y se supone que hay tres.
It's a fast pace up front, three of them abreast.
Comienzo a paso rápido al frente, con tres en una línea.
I don't know... There were three of them!
¡ No se quienes son!
They're still in the house. All three of them.
Todavía están en la casa, los tres.
Initial reports 15 people injured, three of them gravely.
Según los primeros informes 15 personas resultaron heridas, tres de ellas de gravedad.
The three of them were in a sexual situation.
Los tres estaban en una situación sexual.
"I'll give the three of them? 1 each."
Le daré a cada uno de ellos una libra.
And three of them were about finding peach-colored shoe polish.
Y tres de ellos son sobre encontrar crema de zapatos de color melocotón.
Three of them are now dead.
Tres de ellos están muertos.
I've got three of them myself.
Yo tengo tres.
I own three of them.
Soy dueño de tres de ellas.
Three of them are the murder victims.
- Hjelm, continúe.
We've talked to three or four, and we were just wondering if you had the names or numbers of the others. I friended them all so we could stay in touch. I do.
Hemos hablado con tres o cuatro, y nos preguntábamos si usted tiene los nombres o números de los otros.
Four of them could have done it, but with three they've no chance.
Cuatro de ellos pudieron haberlo hecho, pero, con tres, no tienen opción.
Got three of them.
Tenemos 3.
And if you want, I could send them a case of Three Penis wine.
Y si quieres, te puedo mandar una caja de vino Tres Penes.
The most powerful chemicals of attraction only last for around three months, with almost all of them fading away within 18 months.
Los químicos de atracción más poderosos sólo duran alrededor de los 3 meses, y casi todos se evaporan en 18 meses.
I calculate if I go to two every Saturday plus holidays minus my Hamlet school play rehearsals, it'll take me about three years to go through all of them.
Calculo que si voy a dos cada sábado, más las vacaciones menos mis ensayos dela obra de Hamlet dela escuela me tomará unos tres años ir donde todos.
He let most of them go, but he took three into the sewers.
Ha soltado a la mayoría de los miembros, pero se ha llevado a tres de ellos a las alcantarillas.
Looking at the three skydivers, we can clearly see one of them is holding the Dragon head.
Vemos tres paracaidistas... MISIÓN AUDAZ... y uno de ellos tiene la cabeza de Dragón.
The saga of the three whales trapped by Arctic ice and the heroic efforts of rescuers to save them grew more desperate today.
La saga de las tres ballenas atrapadas por el hielo ártico... y los esfuerzos por rescatarlas se volvió desesperada hoy.
I've got seven kids from three different women, and only one of them's half a poof.
Tengo siete hijos con tres mujeres, y sólo uno es medio maricón.
five of them has a seven before, and eight of them has a three before.
Pero cinco tienen un 7 delante.
But to be fair, three of the four times, there was actually someone behind them.
Pero para ser justos, tres de las cuatro veces, había alguien detrás de ellos.
- Got about 15 calls in a three-mile... two of them look a little strange.
- Hay cerca de 15 llamadas en un radio de tres millas, dos de ellas un poco extrañas.
You killed three of t, zir men, you took one of them hostage,
Mataste a tres de sus hombres, tomaste a uno como rehén,
They sealed this part of the forest off for three years after they found them.
Han sellado esta parte del bosque por tres años después de encontrarlos.
Was he worth three times one of them?
¿ Valía tres veces más que los otros?
We got four camper hits in the same area we canvass for sex offenders. Three of them are sitting in their driveways.
Tres de ellos están sentados en sus vías de acceso.
Well, she's got three kids of her own, so knows what it would mean for them to lose their father.
Bueno, tiene tres niños a su cargo, así que sabe lo que significaría para ellos perder a su padre.
Holiness, I have examined the applicants for the post of food taster and reduced them to three.
Santidad, he examinado a los candidatos para el puesto de catador y los he reducido a tres.
We still have, uh, enough to kill three out of the four of them.
Aún tenemos, suficientes para matar a tres de cuatro de ellos.
three of us 35
of them 508
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
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them's the rules 20
theme music 17
of them 508
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
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themed 19
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them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
three 11326
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three hours ago 35
three words 61
three years ago 329
three days ago 197
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three 11326
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three hours ago 35
three words 61
three years ago 329
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three o'clock 86
three times a week 48
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three million 36
three days later 61
three weeks later 27
three times a week 48
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three years 380
three kids 59