To be married traducir español
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Engaged to be married?
¿ Comprometido a punto de casarte?
As a matter of fact, that young lady... was engaged to be married.
De hecho, esa señorita... estaba comprometida.
Remember when Ju Wal was engaged to be married? Engaged?
¿ Se acuerda de la vez que Ju Wal se comprometió?
Listen, Elliot, I don't want to be married.
Escucha, Elliot... no quiero estar casado.
I don't want to be married.
No quiero estar casado.
Well, I've got 2,000 words to do for Reader's Digest... on what it's like to be married to a man obsessed by murder.
Tengo que escribir 2.000 palabras para el "Reader's Digest" sobre... estar casada con un hombre obsesionado con los asesinatos.
Lady Asano is to be married in a week.
Mi señora Asano se va a casar en una semana.
You're engaged to be married.
Estás prometida en matrimonio.
I fear telling your father as we have yet to be married.
Temo decirle a tu padre, que aún no nos hemos casado.
I thought these two were supposed to be married.
- Pensé que se suponía que estaban casados.
Not unless you want to be married to someone who doesn't mind cheating.
No. Salvo que quieras casarte con alguien capaz de engañar.
Not wanting to be married, but, I mean, gosh, don't want anything awful to happen to her, either.
No quiero que estés casado con ella, pero, quiero decir, Dios mío, no quiero que nada terrible le suceda a ella, tampoco.
How does it feel to be married?
¿ Qué se siente estar casado?
So he said I'm going to bed and and I do not want to be married anymore.
Así que le dije me voy a la cama y ya no quiero seguir casada.
We're fine, we used to be married, but he couldn't handle me, he wanted to put me on Prozac and now he's in love with his laptop.
Estamos bien, solíamos estar casados, pero quería tenerme con antidepresivos y ahora está enamorado de su laptop.
Surprising, considering you used to be married to him.
Es sorprendente, considerando que estuvo casada con él.
So just pretend to be married for the weekend.
Finjan estar casados el fin de semana.
I do not know about you but... But it feels really weird to be married.
No sé tú, pero a mí, me parece raro estar casada.
You never wanted to be married in the first place.
Nunca quisiste ser casarse en el primer lugar.
Very soon she's going to be married.
Muy pronto ella va a casarse.
She deserves to be married in a nice dress, such a nice-looking girl as she is.
Merece casarse con un bonito vestido, acorde con lo bonita que es ella.
I'm engaged to be married, Juliano.
Estoy comprometida para casarse, Juliano.
I'll have you know I'm to be married soon and even my intended hasn't the slightest notion.
Deberías saber que me voy a casar en breve, y ni siquiera mi prometida tiene la menor sospecha.
I was engaged to be married to a childhood friend... in the town that I grew up.
Estaba comprometida en matrimonio con un amigo de la infancia... de la ciudad donde crecí.
If we're going to be married, I'm sure we'll move in together.
Si nos vamos a casar, estoy seguro de que vamos a vivir juntos.
I'm going to be married.
Voy a casarme.
Honey, there's nothing I want more than to be married to you.
Cariño, no hay nada que desee más que al estar casada contigo.
I don't know why they want us to be married so badly.
No sé por qué quieren que estemos casados.
Were you to be married soon?
- ¿ Te casaras pronto?
But is it possible that some people just aren't supposed to be married?
¿ Pero es posible que algunas personas no deben estar casados?
Would you not like to be married to another one?
¿ No te gustaría estar casada con otro?
Would you not like to be married to another one?
¿ no te gustaría casarte con otro?
You don't even look old enough to be married that long.
Ni siquiera pareces tener la edad para llevar casada tanto tiempo.
She'd rather be married to war, isn't that right, Intrepid?
Prefiere estar casada con la guerra, ¿ no es cierto, intrépida?
He's just getting into that mode of where he's starting to think about what his life would be like if he wasn't married.
Está entrando en ese estado en el que empieza a pensar cómo sería su vida si no estuviera casado.
I always want to be a married man.
Siempre quise ser un hombre casado.
Then you'd know that when it comes to married women... a man like this can be trusted.
Sabe que respecto a una mujer casada, se puede confiar en alguien como él.
You'd be so screwed. Because you'd have to stay married to me. If you didn't, people would be like :
Y tú te joderías, porque no podrías divorciarte, pues si Io hicieras, la gente diría :
You must be married to calamity.
Debes de estar casado con la calamidad.
In ten years, everyone in this bar will be married with kids, driving to some boring job in a fucking minivan.
En 10 años todos lo que están aquí estarán casados con hijos, irán a un trabajo aburrido en una maldita camioneta.
And fill it up for my soon-to-be-married friend, Sasha!
Y llénala por Sasha, ¡ mi amigo que pronto se casa!
She was Princess of Wales, married to Henry VI's son, and if the king could just hold onto his crown, one day she would be queen of England.
Era la Princesa de Gales, casada con el hijo de Enrique VI, y si el rey se aferraba a la corona, un día sería reina de Inglaterra.
You know, sometimes I'll catch myself staring at her thighs or belly, and I'll be like... whatever happened to the woman I married, you know?
Sabes, a veces me sorprendo a mí mismo mirando sus muslos y su vientre, y es como si... ¿ Qué pasó con la mujer con la que me casé?
The guy she thought she married turned out to be somebody else, a junkie, and uh... all the savings, all the plans, everything resets.
El hombre con el que se casó resultó ser otra persona. Un drogadicto y todos los ahorros, todos los planes, todo debe restablecerse.
Oh, she grew up to be the most beautiful woman and married a handsome lord and they have darling children and live in a castle by the sea.
Oh, creció para ser la mujer más hermosa y se casó con un lord muy apuesto y tienen hijos adorables y viven en un castillo junto al mar.
You'll be married here in the capital and she'll have to come watch and pretend to be happy that you're queen.
te casaras aquí en la capital Y ella tendrá que venir a ver y pretender estar feliz de que seas la reina.
Really, I am, but most of you are married and I happen to be gay.
Pero muchas de Uds. estén casadas, y resulta que yo soy gay.
Hey Ram bhai, Keshav is going to get married soon, let him watch he needs bedroom lessons otherwise he will be clueless on his first night!
Hey hermano Ram, Keshav va casarse pronto, déjalo mirar Él necesita lecciones de dormitorio, de lo contrario estará desorientado en su primera noche.
To be honest, I'm not sure you could get a divorce because I'm not even sure you're officially married.
Para ser honesto, no estoy seguro de que podría conseguir un divorcio porque ni siquiera estoy seguro de que está oficialmente casada.
Married or not, I need to be with you, Nat.
Casado o no, necesito estar contigo, Nat.
The whole reason that we wanted to get married today was so you could be here.
La razón por la que queríamos casarnos hoy es para que pudieses estar aquí.
to be continued 170
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be happy 39
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be happy 39
to be with you 30
to be blunt 18
to be honest with you 224
to be completely honest 27
to be free 36
to begin with 126
to be fair 354
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be blunt 18
to be honest with you 224
to be completely honest 27
to be free 36
to begin with 126
to be fair 354
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be sure 151
to be precise 156
to be 126
to be clear 133
to be safe 60
to be specific 31
to be alone 26
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21
to be precise 156
to be 126
to be clear 133
to be safe 60
to be specific 31
to be alone 26
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21