To be with you traducir español
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You know, Colt was really excited to be with you.
Usted sabe, Colt se muy emocionados de estar contigo.
You missed your daughter's birthday to be with your girlfriend.
Te perdiste el cumpleaños de tu hija para estar con tu novia.
It is so beautiful, and you are so sweet, but tonight, I want to be with you.
De verdad es precioso y tú eres muy dulce, pero esta noche, quiero estar contigo.
No, I want to be with you.
No, quiero ir con ustedes.
I just know that I want to be with you as quickly as humanly possible.
Solo sé que quiero estar contigo lo más rápido posible.
He told me to be with you.
- El me dijo que estuviera contigo.
Why I be wearing it if I didn't want to be with you?
¿ Por qué la usaría si no quisiera estar contigo?
Look, Mariana doesn't want to say this to you because she doesn't want to, you know, hurt your feelings I guess, but... she doesn't want to be with you anymore.
Escucha, Mariana no quiere decirte esto porque no quiere, pues, herir tus sentimientos, supongo, pero... ya no quiere volver a verte.
Look, all I'm saying is you have to be patient with him.
Mira, todo lo que digo es tienes que ser paciente con él.
If we had taken you to a doctor, ugh, with all the heat on this right now, cops would be all over us.
Si te hubiéramos llevado a un médico, con todos los focos puestos en esto, la poli se nos habría echado encima.
But you don't have to be a dick with me.
Pero no tienes que ser un imbécil conmigo.
When Reid is done with, you and I, Commissioner, we shall talk again of what price your reeking secrets may be worth to you.
Cuando Reid esté acabado, usted y yo, comisario, volveremos a hablar del precio que sus apestosos secretos podrían tener para usted.
You and I, Edmund, at last you will know it, what it means to have all you are snatched from you, to be a half-man in a half-life with nought in your black heart but hate, hate.
Tú y yo, Edmund, al final sabrás, lo que significa que te arrebaten todo lo que posees, ser un medio hombre en una media vida con nada en tu negro corazón salvo odio, odio.
No, Sly will be with you and Cabe on the way to Bulgaria to find the hackers.
No, Sly estará contigo y Cabe en el camino a Bulgaria para encontrar los piratas informáticos,
I was hoping to torture you a little bit first, but since you're in such a rush, I will be glad to accommodate you with your schedule.
Esperaba poder torturarlos un poco primero, pero ya que tienen tanta prisa, con gusto me acomodaré a su horario.
You really just want us to just be okay with that?
¿ De verdad quieres que estemos bien con eso?
You see, the evil Wells, not to be confused with the dick-ish but not evil Wells, he confessed to killing Barry's mother.
Verás, el Wells malvado, que no debe ser confundido con el Wells que es un pesado pero no malvado, confesó haber asesinado a la madre de Barry.
No-no-no-no, I really want to be here with you, I do.
No, no, no, no, en serio quiero estar contigo hoy, de verdad.
You want me to be honest with you?
¿ Quieres que sea honesto contigo?
To be honest with you, it's all a bit of a blur, so...
Para ser honesto, todo está un poco borroso, así que...
I had no idea that you were going to reach out to him, but why is he talking like he's going to be working with us?
No tenía ni idea de que ibas a recurrir a él, pero ¿ por qué está hablando como si fuera a trabajar con nosotros?
I'm gonna break your soul, and when we're finished, assuming that you're still alive... Now I wouldn't bet no money on that, though... There's gonna be very little of you left for the Green Arrow to work with.
Voy a romper tu alma y cuando acabemos, suponiendo que sigas vivo... aunque yo no apostaría por ello, quedará muy poco de ti con lo que Green Arrow pueda trabajar.
I know this is one of the last things you want to be dealing with right now, but the rezoning vote is in a few days.
Mira. Sé que esta es una de las últimas cosas con las que tienes que lidiar ahora, pero el voto para la rezonificación será en unos cuantos días.
I should be out there trying to fix this, not in here with you playing therapist.
Debería estar afuera tratando de arreglar esto, no aquí contigo jugando al terapeuta.
I want you to be happy, and in the spirit of that, I think that you owe it to yourself to find out if what you have with Billy is... real, and I owe it to myself to embrace whatever's next for... for me when I'm not...
Quiero que seas feliz y conforme con eso, creo que te mereces la oportunidad de ver si lo que tienes con Billy es... real y lo debo aceptar lo que sea que me depare el futuro cuando no soy...
and I'm gonna take that job at Queen Consolidated, and I swear to God I'm gonna work every single day to be the man you fell in love with.
y juro ante Dios que voy a trabajar cada día de mi vida para ser el hombre del que estás enamorada.
You be sure and say hello to all the mosquitoes, bees, bears, snakes, possums, poison oak, oh, and last, but not least, teenagers with guitars.
Vamos y seguramente le diremos hola a todos los mosquitos, abejas, osos, serpientes, zarigüeyas, robles venenosos, y por último, pero no menos importante, adolescentes con guitarras.
I will be meeting with you one at a time to go over your issues.
Me reuniré con ustedes de uno en uno para tratar sus problemas.
David, you have to be able to separate your personal feelings with business.
David, tienes que poder separar tus sentimientos del negocio.
Are you going to be alright when I go to Manchester with Papa?
¿ Estarás bien cuando me vaya a Manchester con papá?
- The kid with cancer and he wanted to be Batman, so the whole city was like, you're Batman!
- El niño con cáncer y que quería ser Batman, así que toda la ciudad estaba como, eres Batman!
I just want to be done with it, you know?
Solo quiero dejarlo atrás, ¿ sabes?
Oh, because I am just doing my job here and if you don't have a reason to be back here, you should be in the stands with the normal people.
Porque solo estoy haciendo mi trabajo y si no tiene un motivo para estar aquí, debería estar en las gradas con la gente normal.
We're always looking for more female detectives, and to find someone with your experience and commitment, well, we'd be lucky to have you.
Siempre andamos buscando más detectives mujeres, y encontrar a alguien con tu experiencia y entrega, pues, tendríamos suerte de tenerte.
And I've been trying to be chill with you, but every time I turn around, you're making moves.
Y he tratado de estar relajado contigo, pero cada vez que me doy la vuelta, intentas caerle.
You don't get to do something like that and then just be with me!
No puedes hacer algo como eso y pretender seguir conmigo.
Yes, it is good to be in the house of the lord and I am excited to be here today, with you!
Sí, es bueno estar en la casa del Señor y estoy muy emocionado por estar hoy aquí ¡ con usted!
I've spent a lot of time reviewing your case, Terrence, and to be honest with you, at this point, it's just not looking good.
He pasado mucho tiempo revisando tu caso, Terrence, y siendo honesto, en este punto, simplemente no se ve bien.
I need to be helping people and fixing people, and I can't do that if I'm with him, so... So you chose surgery.
Necesito estar ayudando a gente y curando a gente, y no puedo hacer eso si estoy con él, así que... así que eliges la cirugía.
You told me to go and be with Owen, and then you turned on me, and now you are not on my side.
Me dijiste que fuera a estar con Owen, y luego te pusiste en mi contra, y ahora no estás a mi lado.
You two should be over a cliff with me, and instead I'm sitting here having you beg me to explain your job to you.
Ustedes deberían estar sobre un precipicio conmigo, y en cambio estoy sentada aquí haciendo que me rueguen que les explique su trabajo.
You came by to tell me your ex-boyfriend's gonna be on my ex-wife's ticket, and you won't sit with me?
Viniste para decirme que tu exnovio va a estar en la boleta de mi ex esposa, ¿ y no te sentarás conmigo?
Look, in times like this, you have to be careful with who you trust.
Mira, en estos tiempo, hay que vigilar en quién confías. ¿ Qué?
so you have a combination of what seems to be very real, combined with things that to us seem to be imaginary. Like many doomsday cults, the essenes believe the end was imminent.
Como muchos cultos del fin de los tiempos, los esenios creían que el fin era inminente.
Mr. Abeline, on another occasion, I should be grateful to meet you and account for actions we here have taken, which I understand must surely fill you with horror.
Señor Abberline, en otra ocasión, estaría encantado de recibirle y debido a las medidas que hemos adoptado, entiendo que debe haberle llenado de horror.
I have to ask you something, and I need you to be completely honest with me, because I don't know what to believe anymore.
Tengo algo que preguntarte, y necesito que seas completamente honesto conmigo, porque ya no sé en que creer.
And then they said that even with all that, he might never really be able to, you know, relate to people in any real way.
Y dicen que incluso con todo eso, él nunca podrá relacionarse con la gente de ninguna manera real.
You have every right to be angry with me, Josef, based on your understanding.
Tienes todo el derecho de estar enfadado conmigo, Josef, según tu punto de vista.
Either we work here, or you explain to the Yakuza why we're going to be late with our first payment.
O trabajamos aquí, o le tendrá que explicar a la Yakuza por qué no efectuaremos a tiempo nuestro primer pago.
You got that great Louisiana accent. - I'm struggling with this because where I'm from, being country is not the thing to be.
Estoy nerviosa, porque de donde vengo, ser country no es la mejor cosa.
Well, you know, if your competition to be best girl with you is Elizabeth Taylor, well, I don't think I'm gonna do well with that one. Yeah.
¿ De verdad?
to be continued 170
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be happy 39
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be happy 39
to be blunt 18
to be honest with you 224
to be completely honest 27
to be free 36
to begin with 126
to be fair 354
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be sure 151
to be honest with you 224
to be completely honest 27
to be free 36
to begin with 126
to be fair 354
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be sure 151
to be precise 156
to be clear 133
to be 126
to be safe 60
to be specific 31
to be alone 26
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21
to be clear 133
to be 126
to be safe 60
to be specific 31
to be alone 26
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21