Turn your head traducir español
602 traducción paralela
No dear, if you turn your head away I can't tell what you're saying.
Si giras la cabeza, no sé lo que dices.
You turn your head like A big bear and just gaze.
- Sí. Siempre vuelves la cara como un viejo oso y miras.
You mustn't let the honor turn your head.
Que este honor no le haga perder la cabeza.
Turn your head away.
Gira la cabeza.
Don't let the praise of fans turn your head and make you conceited.
Me he dado cuenta de que no podía dar una opinión objetiva, porque nunca...
I've often wished I could turn your head on a spit, over a slow fire.
Sólo sueño con clavar tu cabeza en una pica y asarla.
The funny little way you turn your head and the way you pull on your ear when you haven't got an idea.
Esa forma curiosa de girar la cabeza y el modo en que te pellizcas la oreja cuando se te ocurre algo.
Don't you turn your head back.
No mires atrás. Ve.
Turn your head a little more to the left, Dorian.
Gira un poco la cabeza a la izquierda, Dorian.
George, don't let him turn your head.
George, no dejes que se te suba a la cabeza.
June, if you're around when they pick me up, turn your head away.
June, si está por ahí cuando me recojan,..... no me mire.
Take your arm down and turn your head to the left.
- Baje el brazo y gire un poco la cabeza a la izquierda. - ¿ Así?
Turn your head the other way and keep it there.
Gira la cabeza para el otro lado.
Turn your head.
Gira la cabeza. Así.
Turn your head.
Gira la cabeza.
Turn your head to the left.
Vuelva la cabeza a la izquierda.
Turn your head to the last pack animal.
Mira al último animal de la manada.
"Turn your head up and to the left, Miss Murchison." "Now to the right, Miss Murchison."
"Gire la cabeza a la izquierda, a la derecha."
Turn your head away
Come on, turn your head away
¡ Vamos, vuélvete!
Don't turn your head too quickly, but if you look over your right shoulder, you'll see a man.
¿ Eh? No vuelva la cabeza demasiado deprisa, pero si mira por encima de su hombro, verá a un tipo.
So when you see a mirage like that, you're afraid to turn your head or blink your eye or even to speak.
Por eso cuando uno ve un espejismo, teme mover la cabeza, o parpadear, o pronunciar una palabra.
Turn your head and cough.
Vuelva la cabeza y tosa.
Turn your head.
God, please turn your head away.
Dios, gira la cabeza hacia otro lado.
Turn your head away just a little bit.
¿ Quieres darte la vuelta, por favor?
Now, turn your head to the right.
Ahora, gira la cabeza a la derecha.
Turn your head, and strike up a pose
Girando tu cabeza en pose te pondrás
You turn your head, and you strike up a pose
Girando tu cabeza en pose te pondrás
Turn your head slightly to the right, please.
Vuelva un poco la cabeza a la derecha, por favor.
- Turn your head back.
- No mires.
Turn your head and keep it there.
Mira al frente.
Turn your head, then stand up and act surprised.
Gira la cabeza. Entonces se levanta, sorprendida.
Please turn your head for a moment.
Date la vuelta un segundo.
Turn your head there a bit, dear.
Girá tu cabeza un poco, querida.
Turn your head, darling.
Girá la cabeza, querida.
Do not turn your head away.
No se vuelva.
- Go, and don't turn your head away.
No te des la vuelta.
Don't turn your head back not even for a moment.
No te des la vuelta ni por un momento.
If you don't mind, 99, I'd appreciate it if you'd turn your head.
Si no te importa, 99, te agradecería que te dieras vuelta.
Turn from your place again, and I'II blow your head off.
Si dejas de nuevo tu puesto, te vuelo la cabeza.
You be careful, madam, or you'll turn my pretty head with your flattery.
Cuidado, señora, sus atenciones se me van a subir a la cabeza.
- What did I do to make your head turn so?
- To que tendre yo en la miroda para haberte loquecido asi?
Maybe it is your head you turn... and smile at me.
Quizá vuelves la cabeza... y me sonríes.
Why, Mr. Hutchins, you'll turn my girlish head with your flattery.
Hutch, siempre llena mi mente infantil con su adulación
Then you've never had your eyes fall out or your throat close up or your guts turn inside out from gas fumes, sand, and head.
No se te cerraron los ojos ni se te revolvieron las tripas por los vahos, la arena y el calor.
You halt, you slowly turn your back on her face her again, inspect her from head to toe as if you didn't see her
Te paras, y le das la espalda muy lentamente... de nuevo frente a ella, la inspeccionas de pies a cabeza... como si no la vieras.
Lord Dudley, your flattery would turn a young girl's head.
Lord Dudley, su galantería daría vuelta la cabeza de una joven.
No, just turn your little head this way.
No, simplemente gire un poco la cabeza así.
Brutus, you'll turn Casca's head with your flattery.
Bruto, harás que Casca gire y se vaya.
Yes, monsieur Peyrac, your wife will turn anybody's head.
Mi querido Peyrac, su esposa volvería loco a un santo.
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