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We bought it traducir español

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Regarding the Acme Lumber Company... we bought it today.
Respecto a la compañía de maderas Acme, la hemos comprado hoy.
- So we bought it with our pocket money.
- Lo compramos con nuestros ahorros.
We bought it...
La compramos...
The little shop where we bought it?
iLa peaUeña tienda donde lo compnmos?
We bought it together.
Lo compramos conjuntamente.
We bought it from some agents back in Georgia.
Se la compramos en Georgia a unos agentes.
- Why, we bought it. - Where do you think? We bought it.
¡ Lo hemos comprado!
The same one, we bought it the other day
El que compramos el otro día
- What do you mean? We bought it together, this is yours!
¿ Lo compramos en sociedad no?
We bought it- -
Los compramos...
We bought it with both our money.
Lo hemos comprado con el dinero de los dos.
- We bought it.
Lo compramos.
Our spaceship was old when we bought it - it may not survive another trip.
Nuestra nave espacial era vieja cuando la compramos.
Well, as we're speaking out, ma'am, it's your behavior to my daughter-in-law, who's as good as you and better to my way of thinking, that's more than half the reason why i bought this property.
Ya que nos estamos sincerando. Señora su comportamiento con respecto a mi nuera una mujer que vale tanto como usted. Sino más ha sido una de las razones por las que he comprado.
It's swell, Charlie, but where are my dresses And things we bought today? - They're upstairs.
Muy bonita, Charlie, pero ¿ dónde está la ropa que compramos hoy?
We could raise the price of gold 3 times what it is now - pay for what we bought out of the profits and come out holding more gold than anybody ever had in their hands since the days of king midas.
Yo quiero lo que representan. ¡ Alto ahí! Nadie puede hacer eso.
I didn't want the mill, and we couldn't have bought it... if you hadn't pressed all of our friends for the money they owed me.
Yo no lo quería. No podíamos comprarlo y presionaste a los amigos en deuda.
If we would have bought directly from the East India Company, it would have been cheaper.
Si hubiera comprado directamente a la East India Company, nos habría sido más barato.
We've bought a surprise and it isn't wrapped.
Le hemos comprado un regalo y no está envuelto.
Yeah, we almost bought 6 feet of it apiece.
Sí, casi compramos dos metros cada uno.
It isn't much, but we all chipped in and bought you this little token of our gratitude.
- Sr. Maxwell. - ¿ Sí?
We bought a big bologna And though it's hard to take
Compramos salchichas Aunque cueste creerlo
If we bought all the insurance they can think up... we'd stay broke paying for it, wouldn't we, honey?
Si compráramos todos esos seguros... nos quedaríamos sin dinero, ¿ no, cariño?
We've taken Haskell's money... You can have the dough we get from selling the car but you're not going to keep me a prisoner. It's a good thing I bought the paper.
Te quedaste con el dinero de Hazkel puedes quedarte con el dinero de la venta pero no me vas a mantener prisionero.
No, I bought it. And if we get caught, don't go making up any stories that I did.
Si nos cogen no te inventes que la robé.
Well then I suppose it ´ s nothing but coincidence that on the last poem we received describing the dress Sandra bought in your presence your fingerprints were clearly marked
Supongo que no es mas que coincidencia que en el último poema que recibimos describiendo el vestido que Sandra compró en su presencia, estuvieran sus huellas claramente marcadas
It's a good thing we bought so many biscuits!
¡ Menos mal que hemos comprado galletas!
He closed it and doesn't want to reopen it. He bought it all and we're dying of hunger.
La cerró y no ha querido volverla a abrir, mientras nosotros nos morimos de hambre.
We got one stashed behind a barn. Bought it with our own dough. $ 12,000.
Tenemos uno listo atrás del establo, comprado con nuestro dinero.
Se llevó lo puesto y un vestido de gasa rojo que compró al llegar aquí.
We bought the house through the agent... The people who DID own it were named Hale.
La compramos por el banco, antes era de los Hale.
We bought the furniture with it, John and I did.
John y yo la compramos amueblada.
If we had bought it, it would have cost more.
Si lo hubieras comprado habría costado más.
And we bought the clothes and this new luggage, all white. And when Mr. Dow heard about it, he gave me a bonus, $ 50. - Who?
Compramos la ropa, unas maletas preciosas y cuando el Sr. Dow se enteró me dio cincuenta dólares.
And we bought their stuff even if it was dangerous.
Y compramos sus cosas aunque fuera peligroso.
We've bought it.
Tenemos problemas.
The kids knew we bought a house in Jersey, but this was the first time they'd seen it.
Era la primera vez que veían la casa de Jersey.
We've all three bought it. and you want to ride it only you two!
Esta la compramos los tres y quieren ir sólo ustedes dos!
And the carriage is all bought and waiting... and it won't be any time at all... before we'll be... taking him for walks together in the park... all the places that we used to go and know.
Y ya compramos la carriola y esta esperando... y no será más que un segundo... antes de que... lo llevemos a pasear juntos en el parque... a todos los lugares que solíamos ir y conocer.
We know how you bought it, with money from a jailbird.
Sabemos quién te la pagó. Un golfo recién salido de la cárcel.
I hope it will be enough, I bought a bit too fast this morning and we took the opportunity to steal.
Espero que baste. La he comprado a toda prisa esta mañana y me han estafado.
It was during the cocktail hour, and he mistook a small herd of them for the striped awning that we just bought from Abercrombie's.
Fue durante la hora del cóctel, y confundió una pequeña manada de ellos por el toldo a rayas que acababa de comprar en Abercrombie.
And yet you said it had been there when we bought the house.
Distorsiones. Como lo de la valla fuera de la casa.
It was there when we bought the house.
Pero mi preocupación resulta ser, muy específicamente,... un proyecto espacial, no un hombre.
- I bought it because we need it.
- También compre esto. - Te sirve.
Don't worry, Libby. We're not chipping in. Lakey bought it.
Tranquila, no lo pagaremos entre todas, Lakey lo compró.
Well, we may have bought ourselves a little time, but we still have to break that code- - if it's not too late.
Quizás conseguimos suficiente tiempo para descifrar la clave. Si no es tarde.
We bought a little house out of town and furnished it by degrees.
Compramos una casita en las afueras y la amoblamos.
That bought us the time we needed to destroy it.
Así logramos ganar tiempo para destruirlo.
We bought it in spite of the curse.
La compramos a pesar de la maldición.
I, uh, bought it in New York just before we left.
La compré en Nueva York, antes de salir.

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