When we were kids traducir español
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The last thing I told the wives is that we were working on Dad's withholding of affection when we were kids...
Lo último que les dijimos a las esposas fue que trabajábamos en papá que no nos daba afecto cuando éramos niños...
When we were kids and we were going on a car trip, he would set a time- -
Cuando éramos niños y nos íbamos de viaje en auto él elegía una hora...
But it's like that Tennyson po Mom had us recite for you when we were kids.
Pero es como ese poema que Mama solia recitarnos cuando eramos niños.
It smells like Christmas when we were kids.
Huele a la Navidad como cuando éramos pequeños.
Remember when we were kids and we saw Superman?
¿ Recuerdas cuando de niños veíamos Superman?
I just wanted someone to talk to... like we did when we were kids.
sólo quería a alguien con quién hablar... como hacíamos cuando éramos niños.
You know, like when we were kids? Yeah.
Ya sabes, como cuando éramos niños.
When we were kids... we always made it for opening day at the pool.
Cuando éramos niños... siempre se hizo para el día inaugural en la piscina.
I tell you what we used to do down here when we were kids.
Les contaré lo que solíamos hacer aquí cuando era niño.
I remember when we were kids, man this place really meant something, you know?
Recuerdo que, cuando éramos pequeños, amigo este lugar era algo especial.
Remember when we were kids?
Recuerdas cuando eramos niños?
- But when we were kids in the navy, he had such a bad case of the crabs we used to call him the Governor of Maryland.
Pero cuando éramos jóvenes, en la marina tuvo un caso de ladillas tan terrible que solían llamarlo gobernador de Maryland.
Oh, God, Tony, it's so much better than when we were kids.
Dios, Tony, es mucho mejor que cuando éramos jóvenes.
When we were kids they called me Tony uncle Johnny and him Tony uncle AI.
Cuando éramos niños, a mí me llamaban Tony de tío Johnny y a él, Tony de tío Al.
The thing is, Ms. Claridge, we did a lot of stupid things when we were kids.
Sra. Claridge, hicimos un montón de cosas estúpidas cuando éramos niños.
I want to push his face in the dirt like we did when we were kids.
Quiero empujar su cara contra el barro como cuando eramos niños.
I guess neither of us is doing exactly what we dreamed about when we were kids.
Creo que ninguno de los dos hacemos lo que soñábamos de niños.
Taking care of each other, like we did when we were kids.
Cuidar uno del otro, como hacíamos de niños.
It'll be like when we were kids.
Será como cuando éramos niños.
You lit a fire under my butt. And... I mean, in a good way, not like when we were kids.
Tú encendiste una mecha en mi trasero, pero en buena forma, no como cuando éramos niñas.
I can tell you something. We weren't any angels when we were kids.
Le puedo asegurar que no éramos angelitos cuando éramos niños.
I think you know that my dad died when we were kids.
Ud. Sabe que murió cuando éramos niños.
We had a cabin up there when we were kids.
Teníamos allí una cabaña cuando éramos niños.
This is nothing compared to what Dad made us do when we were kids.
Esto no es nada comparado con lo que papá nos hizo hacer cuando éramos niños.
Don't you remember when we were kids and Mom would sit you down in the kitchen for one of her chats?
¿ No recuerdas cuando éramos niños y mamá te sentaba en la cocina para una de sus "charlas"?
Ma used to talk bad about you behind your back when we were kids.
Ma solía hablar mal de ti a tus espaldas cuando éramos niños.
When we were kids, we used to play a lot together, huh?
¿ te acuerdas?
We would scratch our eyes out when we were kids.
Nosotras cuando éramos chicas también nos sacábamos los ojos.
When we were kids, my sister, Safran and I played kissing games behind the trees.
Cuando éramos niños, mi hermana, Safran y yo jugábamos a darnos besos detrás de los árboles.
When we were kids, we had a motorboat.
Cuando éramos niños, teníamos una lancha.
We used to come every summer when we were kids.
Nosotros solíamos venir cada verano cuando éramos niños.
When we were kids, we both said we'd get a rich man, right?
Cuando éramos niñas, ambas dijimos que conseguiríamos un rico, ¿ no?
Just like when we were kids, around me, you were regular old Matt... but around Steve and his friends, you were the Stiffmeister.
Como cuando éramos unos niños, conmigo eras el Matt de siempre pero con Steve y sus amigos eras el Stiffmeister.
Remember what Mom used to tell us when we were kids?
¿ Recuerdas lo que mamá nos decía cuando éramos chicos?
We met on holiday in La Baule, when we were kids.
Nos conocimos en vacaciones en La Baule, cuando éramos niños.
It was so much easier when we were kids.
Era mucho más fácil cuando éramos niñas.
Even when we were kids, this guy was...
Todo el tiempo. Desde que éramos niños.
Boy, you know, when we were kids, I used to be so envious of Tom Baker.
Cuando éramos niños, le tenía tanta envidia a Tom Baker.
I don't remember you out here when we were kids.
Jamás te vi aquí cuando eras niña.
We used to hang out here when we were kids.
Vivíamos acá cuando éramos pibes.
Ok, when we were kids we used to fight like crazy.
Cuando éramos niños solíamos pelear como locos.
That's strange, because when we were kids, Sarah and her dad were very close. I remember wishing my father and I would more like them.
Eso es extraño, porque cuando eramos niños, Sarah y su padre eran inseparables recuerdo haber deseado que mi padre y yo nos llevaramos tan bien
We lived on the same street when we were kids two houses down from each other.
Vivíamos en la misma calle cuando éramos niños A dos casas de distancia
I tried to swim out to the buoys, like when we were kids.
Traté de nadar hasta las boyas, como hacíamos de pequeñas.
I started calling Andrea "Squeaky" when we were kids.
Le decía "Chillona" a Andrea cuando éramos niños.
It'll be fun, just like when we were kids and spending summers at the beach house.
Será divertido, como cuando niños y pasábamos los veranos en la casa de la playa.
When we entered this relationship... we both agreed that we were both people who did not want kids.
Cuando empezamos esta relación estuvimos de acuerdo en que ninguno de los dos quería niños.
We need to look at the conditions when the kids were outside.
Tenemos que mirar las condiciones... cuando los niños estaban fuera.
When the kids were little, we went every weekend to the country.
Cuando los chicos eran chicos, íbamos todos los fines de semana al campo.
We were all kids back then when this happened... but we managed to grow from these ashes.
Todos éramos niños cuando ocurrió. Nos arreglamos para resurgir de estas cenizas.
We got out of Vietnam effectively when the lottery started and middle class kids were getting killed.
Salimos de Vietnam cuando empezó el sistema de sorteo y empezaron a morir chicos de clase media.
when we first met 137
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when were you born 26
when we were together 36
when we're together 26
when we were young 21
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