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Where were you traducir español

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Where were you last night?
¿ Dónde estabas anoche?
Akash. Where were you?
Akash. ¿ Dónde estabas?
Where were you last night around midnight?
¿ Dónde estabas anoche sobre la medianoche?
Where were you?
¿ Dónde estabas?
And where were you?
¿ Y dónde estabais?
- Where were you going?
¿ Para dónde iban?
where were you when I told you?
¿ dónde estabas cuando te lo dije?
Hey, Kenickie! Where were you all summer?
Oye, Kenickie, ¿ dónde te metiste todo el verano?
So, where were you in your dream?
Bien, ¿ dónde estabas en tu sueño?
Where were you all these days?
¿ Dónde estuvo estos días?
Where were you, boy?
- ¿ Dónde estabas, chico?
Where were you on June 30?
¿ Dónde estuvo el 30 de junio?
Where were you going?
¿ Adónde iba?
Where were you all this while?
¿ Dónde has estado todo este tiempo?
Where were you before?
¿ Dónde has estado antes?
- Where were you four nights ago?
- ¿ Dónde estabas hace cuatro noches?
Where were you born?
¿ Dónde has nacido?
Where were you yesterday when Tufo thought he caught a tail?
Dónde estabas ayer cuando Tufo notó que tenían una cola?
- Where were you born?
- ¿ Dónde nació?
Where were you last night, Rhonda?
¿ Dónde estabas anoche, Rhonda?
Where were you headed on that bus, Mr. ohta?
¿ A dónde iba en ese autobús, Sr. Ohta?
And where were you comin'from?
¿ Y de dónde venía?
Where were you when you last saw Mr Hagen?
¿ Dónde estabas la última vez que viste al Sr. Hagen?
- Where were you on waterboarding day?
- ¿ Dónde estaba usted el día el submarino?
So, where were you when it happened?
¿ Dónde estabas cuando pasó?
Where were you last night?
¿ Dónde estuviste anoche?
- Where were you?
- ¿ Dónde estuviste?
Where were you earlier?
¿ Dónde has estado antes?
Well, if you were $ 10 million in smuggled diamonds at a quinceañera, where would you be?
Bueno, si fueras diamantes de diez millones metidos de contrabando en una fiesta de cumpleaños, ¿ dónde estarías?
Where the fuck were you at, huh?
¿ Dónde rayos estás?
Where were they until you booked'em into evidence the next day?
¿ Dónde estuvieron hasta que los puso como evidencia al día siguiente?
If I were to let you leave right now, where would you go?
Si os dejase marchar ahora mismo, ¿ adónde iríais?
I wanted to live in a place where there were none of your fingerprints, Nothing reminded me of you.
Quería vivir en un lugar donde no hubiera huellas tuyas, que nada me recordara a ti.
Thank you not told where we were.
Gracias... por no decir a dónde fuimos.
Have you spoken to Alice? I spoke to Alice, to Lepre, to all your friends! Nobody knew where you were!
¿ Hablaste con Alice? con todos tus amigos!
You asked me where it began, and I felt that you were entitled to an answer- - to the truth.
Me has preguntado cuándo comenzó todo y he creído que te merecías una respuesta... la verdad.
Where do you think you were gonna sleep?
¿ Dónde creen que iban a dormir?
You know, the snakes,'cause, like, we... I don't remember where we landed on St. Paddy, but I remember snakes were involved.
Ya sabes, las serpientes, porque nosotros... no recuerdo en qué quedamos sobre San Patricio, pero recuerdo que las serpientes estaban involucradas.
I pulled video footage of our first interview, the one where you were lying about Miguel.
Saqué el vídeo de nuestra primera entrevista, en la que estabas mintiendo sobre Miguel.
So you sent your daughter away, but lived with your son and wife in the Cortez, back in L.A., where you were still being hunted.
Así que envió a su hija lejos, pero vivió con su hijo y la esposa en el Cortez, de vuelta en Los Ángeles, donde estabas sigue siendo cazado.
If you can all explain exactly where you were when you last saw Mr Hagen?
Si pudieran explicarme dónde estaban cuando vieron al Sr. Hagen.
We've spoken to your flatmate who overheard a phone call you made where you were upset, only she, and we, presumed that this call was to your ex, Dan Hagen...
Hablamos con tu compañera de piso, quién oyó una llamada telefónica que hiciste cuando estabas alterada... sólo que ella y nosotros presumimos que esta llamada era para tu ex, Dan Hagen,
You don't know the hospital where you were born.
Usted no sabe el hospital donde naciste.
Uh, he probably just went back to tell'em where you were.
Probablemente volvió para decirles dónde estabas.
Where the hell were you?
¡ ¿ Dónde diablos estabas?
- Where the hell were you?
- ¿ Dónde demonios estabas? !
You knew where and when they were going to be, they had everything on your side.
Ustedes sabían cuándo y dónde iban a estar, lo tenían todo a su favor.
- Where were you?
¿ Dónde estabas?
You know, where we were right before it was over.
Ya sabes, cuando estábamos justo antes de que terminara.
Oh, no, no, that's not, that's not where I thought you were going...
No, no, eso no, no es eso lo que creía que estabas pensando...
And, like I said, we're gonna drive you back to where you were.
Y como dije, manejaremos a donde estaban.

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