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Where were you born traducir español

405 traducción paralela
Who were your parents, and where were you born?
¿ Quiénes fueron sus padres y dónde nació?
- Where were you born?
- ¿ Dónde nació? - En Indiana.
Where were you born?
¿ Dónde nació Ud.?
Where were you born?
¿ Dónde nació?
Where were you born?
¿ Dónde naciste?
Job, where were you born?
Job, ¿ dónde naciste?
- Where were you born, Stella?
¿ Dónde naciste, Stella?
Just where were you born and raised, huh?
¿ Dónde naciste y te criaste?
Oh, yeah. Where were you born?
¿ Dónde nació?
Where were you born? "
¿ Dónde nació? "
Child, where were you born?
¿ Dónde nació, hija mia?
- Where were you born?
- ¿ Dónde naciste?
Where were you born, Eddie?
¿ Dónde naciste, Eddie?
Where were you born?
- ¿ Dónde nació?
Where were you born?
- ¿ Dónde nació Vd?
- Where were you born? - In kentucky...
- ¿ Dónde nació?
Where were you born?
¿ Dónde has nacido?
- Where were you born?
- ¿ Dónde naciste
Where were you born?
¿ Donde nació usted?
- 12 years. And where were you born?
¿ Y dónde nació?
- Where were you born?
- ¿ Dónde nació?
- Where were you born, Miss?
- Señorita, ¿ dónde ha nacido?
- And where were you born, Miss?
- ¿ Dónde nació?
Where were you born?
¿ Dónde ha nacido?
- Where were you born?
- ¿ Dónde nació usted?
Where were you born?
- ¿ Dónde naciste?
Where were you born, Miss lmbrie?
-? Dônde nació, Srta. lmbrie?
Where were you born?
- Antonio. ¿ Nacido en?
- Where were you born?
¿ Dónde naciste? ¿ En Inglaterra?
Where you were born, where you came from...
Donde naciste, De donde vienes...
If you could live where you were born and grew up, you'd be happiest.
Si pudieras vivir donde has nacido y crecido, serías la más feliz.
You know, Ed, I figured that where we came from we were born with our back to the wall and nothing more could happen to us and nobody could hurt us.
Sabes, Ed, creí que de donde veníamos nosotros nacimos con la espalda contra la pared y nada más podría pasarnos y nadie nos podría lastimar.
- United States. - Where were you born?
- ¿ Dónde nació?
It must be wonderful to come back where you were born, raised.
Debe ser maravilloso regresar al lugar donde ha nacido y crecido.
Our home. The house where you were born.
¡ La casa donde hemos vivido, donde tú naciste, chaval!
You were born and raised in Boston and you went to Harvard, where you edited the Lampoon.
Nacido y criado en Boston y fuiste a Harvard donde editaste la gaceta universitaria.
You must tell me where you were born...
- Quiero saber dónde nació. - Nací...
Oh, that'll be exciting, the house where you were born and grew up.
Será emocionante, la casa donde naciste y te criaste.
- Where were you born?
¿ Dónde nació usted?
You don't know where you were born?
Usted no sabe dónde nació?
Where you were born, how you came out west, where you got that dress, where you got your jewellery, what stories are true and what aren't.
¿ Dónde nació? ¿ Por qué se vino al Oeste? ¿ Dónde compró es vestido que llevaba en la fiesta?
- And where were you born?
- ¿ Y usted?
Where you were born.
Donde tú naciste.
Because you can't go on living defeated where you were born and raised.
No puede se puede quedar derrotado donde se nació y se crecio.
Then it's time you learned where you were born.
¡ Ya es hora de que aprendas dónde has nacido!
I tell you, it's a relief to come back to the place where you were born, once in a while.
Ya os digo, es un alivio volver a lugar donde naciste de vez en cuando.
You were going to tell me where you were born.
Iba a contarme dónde nació.
Home is not the place where you were born...
El hogar no es siempre donde uno nace.
Where were you then when Bonnie was born?
¿ Dónde estaba usted cuando nació Bonnie?
It's where you were born.
Es donde has nacido.
Doesn't it remind you of Niamey? In our country? Where we were born.
Dime que la laguna te recuerda a otra cosa, que te recuerda a Niamey, nuestro país natal ; donde tú naciste, donde yo nací ;

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