While you're there traducir español
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Since there will be a lot of people there, who knows... while you're stepping back, you'll catch a girl there?
Como habrá mucha gente allí, quién sabe... mientras estés alejándote, ¿ atraparás una chica allí?
If you think you can park me out here while you go in there and flirt with some dizzy little bank clerk, you're crazy!
¡ Si crees que puedes dejarme aquí mientras tú flirteas con esa tonta empleada, - estás loco!
Now get in there and give him that quinine and take a little yourself while you're at it.
Vaya a darle la quinina y tómese un poco también.
No, it's tough enough for a man. But I'll be riding down every now and then while you're there.
Os iré a ver de vez en cuando tal vez pueda venir conmigo.
If there's any looting or molesting of women while we're away, you'll answer to us when we get back -.
Ahora, chicos, saben lo que vamos a hacer.
Don't read my love letters while you're in there.
No leas mis cartas de amor.
Behave while you're there.
Comportaos mientras estéis allí.
Take him over and give him a shower. While you're there, take one yourself.
llévatelo a que se dé una ducha.
While you're swaggering here... there are more planes away there at Basra getting ready.
Mientras tú fanfarroneas, en Basra siguen preparando más aviones.
And get something for your nerves while you're over there.
Y de paso tómate algo para los nervios.
But outside there, I was just thinking that if, while you're in Paris, you keep remembering that I'm thinking of you, if you just remember that...
Pero allí afuera pensé que si mientras estás en París, recuerdas que estoy pensando en ti, - y recuerdas eso...
There's someone in particular whom Alec intends to see a lot of while you're away.
Hay alguien en particular a quien Alec piensa ver mucho.
Sure. While you're there, give her my, uh...
Claro, y mientras estés ahí, dale a ella mis...
Miss Libby, ain't y'all gonna have nobody to fix for you while you're up there?
¿ Quién se preocupará de usted mientras anda por ahí?
Because while you're there I can make up my mind which one of you I want permanently.
Porque mientras estés ahí puedo decidirme con cuál de las dos me quedaré.
There's food in the kitchen and while you're eating, I'll get out of my uniform and pick up my bag.
Tienes comida en la cocina y mientras comes podré quitarme mi uniforme y buscar mi cartera.
While you're there, will you put in a good word for Robert?
De paso, ¿ podrías hablarle bien de Robert?
- There's something else I want to check while you're here.
- Hay algo más que quiero revisar.
Well if there's anything there they'll find it Mr. Holmes. While you're doing that I'll take a look at the club car.
Descuide, si hay algo lo encontrarán.
There's one thing you must do while you're still in your present form.
Tienes que hacer una cosa mientras sigues siendo humano.
While you're looking us up in the Domesday Book, he's making a getaway. - Door there!
Mientras lo buscan en el registro, ya habrá huido.
Well, then you can catch my act while you're there.
Ya que estarán ahí, podrán ver mi número.
- Right. Check at the bar while you're there.
Revisa el bar cuando estés allí.
While you're there, we'll have the missis.
Y nosotros tendremos a tu señora.
Paint me a little church while you're there.
Píntame una iglesia cuando estés allí.
I have to know you're holding the A.F. of L. in there while I sneak the C.I.O. into the other bedroom.
Tengo que saber que tiene al A.F. de L. allí mientras atiendo furtivamente el C.l.O. en la otra alcoba.
While you're busy feeding the world, would there be a loose cup of coffee for me?
Mientras usted está ocupado alimentando el mundo, ¿ habrá una taza de café para mí?
Mientras pescaban por la tarde, picaban por la mañana.
I'm standing back here in this black hole taking all the abuse... while you're out there like a big man, with a view yet.
Estoy de pie en este agujero soportándolo todo.... mientras tú estás ahí como un gran hombre y con vistas.
Get me some cigarettes while you're there will you..
Cómprame cigarrillos, ¿ quieres?
- You're not welcome here. - One moment, Royle. While you're here, there's something we can discuss.
Un momento, Royle hablemos, ya que está aquí.
There's little I can do to comfort you while you're here, but whatever's possible, I will do.
Hay poco que pueda hacer para reconfortarla mientras esté Ud. aquí... pero lo que esté en mi mano, lo haré.
- Oh, and Taplow... while you're there, you might as well slip into Stewart's and have an ice cream.
- Oh, y Taplow... mientras esté allí, podría ir a Stewart y tomar un helado.
Is there anything more I may do for you, while you're here?
¿ Puedo hacer algo por Ud. mientras permanece aquí?
Esos chicos de allí. Van a dejarles dentro de un rato.
You're up here pitching with this doll, while I'm down there adlibing with that deep-sea claw machine.
Estabas aquí coqueteando con esta muñeca, mientras yo me peleaba con el monstruo.
While you're there, you might as well get yourself some work clothes.
De paso, cómprese ropa para trabajar en el campo.
While you're out there, will you turn on the gas?
Mientras estás afuera, ¿ encenderías el gas?
About yourself, there's nothing you can do, not while you're so afraid.
Sobre ti mismo, no hay nada que puedas hacer, mientras tengas miedo.
Say, Sorel, go get me the newspaper. And my glasses while you're there.
Oiga, Sorel, váyame a buscar el diario y las gafas, para que pueda leerlo.
If there's anything I Can do while you're around- -
Si hay algo que yo pueda hacer mientras está aquí...
While we're walking down there, you keep looking at us and smiling.
Mientras caminamos, siga mirándonos y sonriendo.
While you're sitting there phoning, you can tell the newspapers the status.
Aproveche para contarles a los periódicos cuál es mi posición.
Just to show you there's no hard feeling... while you're gone, I'll spade it up for you.
Para demostrarle que no hay resentimientos... - Removeré la tierra por usted.
Oh, and, by the way, unpack it while you're out there, will you, dear?
Bueno, pero acaba de desempaquetarlo allá afuera, ¿ quieres?
While you're there, I'll give you a ride.
Pueden aprovechar para subirse a algún juego.
Perhaps you'd like to sit over there while you're waiting. - Thank you.
Quizá quieran tomar asiento mientras esperan.
And while we're about it, there's another little thing... I think you oughta think about we may not even own this house.
Y ya que estamos, hay otro tema... que creo que deberías tener en cuenta.
And while you ´ re at it ask the fire department to be there waiting for us too.
Y, mientras tanto... dígale al cuerpo de bomberos que nos espere también.
Steve, while you're up there, see what the antenna damage is.
Steve, mientras estás arriba, fíjate qué daños hubo en la antena.
Kiyoko, get yourself a skirt or something while you're there.
Kiyoko, consíguete una falda o algo mientras estás allí.
while you're at it 123
while you're here 68
while you're doing that 16
you're there 132
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
while you're here 68
while you're doing that 16
you're there 132
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there it is 2912
there is no such thing 30
there aren't 60
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there it is 2912
there is no such thing 30
there aren't 60