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Who wouldn't be traducir español

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Since Ms. Tae is someone who can see spirits... wouldn't she be able to see your problems clearly and comfort you?
Ya que Tae Yang es alguien que puede ver espíritus... ¿ no podría ver sus problemas claramente y consolarlo?
Who wouldn't be a politician with so fair a constituent to win?
¿ Quién no sería político para ganar un elector tan lindo?
This man may well be - when not engaged in the actual act of killing - a harmless, upstanding citizen who wouldn't hurt a fly.
Este sujeto bien podría ser... cuando no se encuentra en el acto real de matar... un inofensivo y encantador ciudadano incapaz de dañar a una mosca.
Who wouldn't be?
- ¿ Quién no lo estaría?
Who wouldn't be, carrying all that weight around?
¿ Cómo no iba a serlo, pesando tanto?
There are darn few of us who wouldn't be.
Hay muy pocos a los que no afectaría.
The kind of lady who comes on time really wouldn't be worth waiting for.
A las mujeres puntuales, no vale la pena esperarlas.
Who wouldn't be?
¿ Quién no lo estaría?
Well, who wouldn't be?
¿ Cómo no voy a enojarme?
Who wouldn't be mad?
- ¿ Quién no se volvería loco?
It wouldn't be fitting to thank a kind woman who saved my husband's life?
¿ No es apropiado agradecerle el salvar a mi esposo?
come, I'll go with you the way you look a face like an angel who wouldn't be fooled by this face which seems so innocent these eyes which look so true and behind all that nothing but lies!
Ven, me voy contigo... ¡ Qué aspecto tienes...! Cara de ángel...
Who wouldn't be inspired?
¿ Quién no estaría inspirado?
Wouldn't be hard to guess who either.
No sería difícil adivinar quién.
I wouldn't be surprised if the greatest love affair in the world was between a Chinaman wearing a pigtail and a girl who's missing two front teeth if you could measure it.
No me sorprendería si la mayor historia de amor del mundo... fuera entre un chino con coleta y una chica sin dientes... Eso no se puede razonar.
A man who couldn't forgive wouldn't be much of a man.
Un hombre incapaz de perdonar no es muy hombre.
Naturally we're thrilled. Who wouldn't be?
Claro que nos gustan. ¿ A quién no?
You wouldn't be after throwing'out... a poor, hardworking man who's been down on his luck, would you?
Usted no echaría a un hombre pobre, trabajador... que no ha tenido suerte, ¿ verdad?
I knew there'd be somebody from San Francisco who wouldn't let us down.
Sabía que habría alguien de San Francisco que no nos abandonaría.
I've never met a performer who in the long run wouldn't rather be a great guy than a great actor.
Nunca conocí un artista que a la larga no prefiera ser una mejor persona que actor.
If you knew who you were talking to, you wouldn't be so happy.
No estaría tan contento si supiera con quién habla.
But the point is, my dear young lady that there wouldn't be any tunnel. ... if it weren't for the men who are risking their lives. ... in creating it right now.
La cuestión es que no habría ningún túnel si no hubiera hombres arriesgando su vida allí.
Who wouldn't be, in my situation?
Me gustaría ver a cualquiera en mi lugar en esta situación.
It would be an extraordinary coincidence wouldn't it if more than one Naval lieutenant in Washington were to become engaged in the last few days to a girl from New York who's aunt was giving them the reception?
Sería una extraordinaria coincidencia que más de un teniente de marina en Washington fuera novio de una chica de Nueva York cuya tía va a dar una recepción.
You wouldn't be on a wooden horse if you'd go back to the people who know you.
No montarías un caballo de madera... si regresaras con la gente que te conoce.
Who wouldn't be livin
Quién no estaría vivo
A girl who changed her mind all the time wouldn't be much good.
Una chica que cambie de idea siempre... no sería muy bueno, no lo creo.
Who wouldn't be, living with that old screech owl?
¿ Quién no lo estaría, viviendo con ese viejo búho?
You know, Lawson, if my kids and all the other kids who are in this thing could fix it so this would really be the last one, your kid would get quite a break, wouldn't he?
Si mis muchachos y todos los otros muchachos implicados en esta guerra obraran de forma que fuera la última, su hijo estaría realmente tranquilo, ¿ no es cierto?
Who wouldn't be with all I've had to do today?
¿ Y quién no, con todo lo que hay que hacer?
Who wouldn't be?
¿ Quién no lo tendría?
The only person who wouldn't think me demented... because I believe a house can be filled with malignity. Malignity directed against a certain child.
La única persona que no me consideraría un demente porque creo que una casa está poseída por el mal... mal que ataca a una simple niña.
Oh, I wonder who that can be. Sure you wouldn't rather sit here, Bill?
¿ Quién será?
There isn't any woman who wouldn't be touched to be told that she could be of help to a man in your position in times like these...
No hay una mujer que no se sintiese encantada al decirle que podría ayudar a un hombre de su posición en estos momentos.
Well, I'm proud of your future marriage. Who wouldn't be?
Estoy orgulloso de tu futuro matrimonio.
Well, who wouldn't be, knowing there's a murderer in the house?
¿ Quién no lo estaría sabiendo que hay un homicida en la casa?
And who wouldn't be?
- ¿ Quién no lo estaría?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if Papa was the sort of Papa who understood what one was like and what one wanted?
¿ No sería maravilloso que papá comprendiera nuestros deseos?
And if he is who you say, he wouldn't be easily persuaded, would he?
Y si es el hombre que usted dice será difícil convencerle de que hable, ¿ no le parece?
People who wouldn't be seen dead talking to you or Colleoni.
Que preferirían morir, antes que hablar contigo o con Colleoni.
If people who read our magazines knew the facts of life, Mr. Marlowe... they wouldn't be reading our magazines.
Si los lectores de nuestras revistas supieran todos los hechos... no leerían nuestras revistas.
I'm mad, good and mad, and who wouldn't be?
Estoy furiosa, muy furiosa y ¿ quién no lo estaría?
Who wouldn't be... with that neat little routine you've got cooked up for me?
¿ Quién no lo estaría con esa rutina que has creado para mí?
- Who says so? You wouldn't be up to the hard riding.
No soportarías cabalgar a marcha forzada.
You wouldn't perchance be the one who wrote those letters?
¿ No será usted, por casualidad, quien las ha escrito?
I was afraid you'd be a frivolous woman who wouldn't know how to run a household.
Temía que no tuvieses Condiciones para manejar una casa.
Couldn't be he's the reason Colonel Desmond wouldn't come, wouldn't admit who he was?
Quizá es la razón por la que no vino el coronel y negó su identidad.
Who wouldn't be disgusted with love after the women we're condemned to start out with?
El amor daría asco si se tuviera en cuenta a las mujeres... [discrepo un poco del audio esp, pero no sé expresarme] que han sido la condena de nuestra iniciación.
If John and I were enough for you, you wouldn't be who you are... I know that.
Si John y yo fuéramos suficiente para ti, no serías como eres.
Who wouldn't be happy?
El mundo está lejos. ¿ Cómo no sentirse feliz?
There isn't a single person in such circumstances who wouldn't be afraid.
Son mis piernas las que tienen más miedo.

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