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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / Why wouldn't i be

Why wouldn't i be traducir español

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If I hadn't sent you away on tour to get experience... You wouldn't be in this position now. That's, in a way, why I feel...
Sabía que eso sucedería, sabía que alguien trataría de hacer esto pensando que harían un favor.
- Why wouldn't I be, with a cargo like I got?
¿ Y cómo no estarlo con este cargamento?
Why wouldn't I be?
¿ Por qué no iba a estarlo?
You know, I don't see why they wouldn't be crazy about you.
Sabe, no entiendo por qué no les volvió locos.
Solomon, I wouldn't be surprised to see myself in the freighting business. Why, I thought you was aiming to own the biggest cattle ranch in Arizona.
Solomon, no me sorprendería acabar en el negocio del transporte.
Why, if it wasn't for Karl, I wouldn't be here.
Estoy aquí gracias a Karl.
"If anyone knows any just cause or reason why these two should not be united in holy matrimony..." I just wouldn't know what to do.
"Si conocen una razón por la que estas personas no deban ser unidas... ... en santo matrimonio..." Es que no sabría qué hacer.
- Of course I'm all right. Why wouldn't I be?
- Claro que sí. ¿ Por qué no había de estarlo?
Apart from the fact that I wouldn't let him build a chicken coop for me... I'd still like to know why I'm to be called Captain McGlue. - Of all the nincompoopish –
Aparte del hecho de que no dejaría que me construyera ni un corral... sigo queriendo saber por qué tengo que llamarme el "capitán McGlue".
You're a fine one to say that. Why wouldn't I be disturbed?
- Claro que estoy disgustada.
Why wouldn't I be happy with you too?
¿ Por qué no sería feliz contigo?
That's why I put my chains on, so I wouldn't be fooled.
Por eso puse las cadenas, para no caer en el engaño.
Why wouldn't I be all right?
¿ Por qué no iba a estarlo?
He sure has, why, I wouldn't even be sheriff if it wasn't for him.
Seguramente, por eso, yo no sería ni siquiera sheriff si no fuera por él.
Ross, I don't want to ask you what you've done or why, but if you have made a mistake, wouldn't it be better to...
Ross, no quiero preguntarte qué has hecho o por qué, pero si has cometido un error, no sería mejor...
- Why should you think I wouldn't be?
- ¿ Por qué pensaba que no iba a estar?
Why, I wouldn't be seen dead in it!
¡ No me verán con ella ni muerta!
Look, I'm on the level. What's in it for me not to be? Why wouldn't I believe them?
Te digo la verdad. ¿ Por qué no iba a creerles?
I've tried to understand why he wouldn't go with me, and it's got to be because of you.
He tratado de comprender por qué se negó a ir conmigo y ahora creo que es por usted.
- It was only to tell you why I wouldn't be at the convent that Sunday.
Fue sólo para decirle por qué no estaría en el convento ese domingo.
You'd be stuffed so full of the food i buy you from s. s. Purse and backus grocery. That's why you wouldn't.
Estaríais bien alimentadas con todo lo que os compro en S.S.Purse y la tienda de Backus.
- Why wouldn't I be able to?
- ¿ Por qué no puedo entenderlo?
Why wouldn't I be legally justified in killing the man who raped my wife?
¿ Por qué no es legalmente justificable matar al hombre que violó a mi mujer?
That's why I told Mr. Graves he wouldn't be coming back to school at all anymore.
Por eso le he dicho al señor Graves que no volverá al colegio.
Why, I know you don't, because if you did, I wouldn't be able to follow you.
Ya lo sé, por eso me ha sido posible seguirla.
And why wouldn't I be?
¿ Porqué no iba a estarlo?
Yeah, I wonder why? Well, I wouldn't worry too much about that, my dear, because I don't think we're going to be here long enough to find that out!
Bueno, yo no me preocuparía demasiado por eso, mi querido, porque no creo que estemos aquí el tiempo suficiente para averiguarlo!
Oh, I'd say, bein'it's a... pretty dead hole, why... Well, it wouldn't be a hell of a much. Would you say, Will?
Es un agujero muerto, no creo que sacáramos mucho, ¿ verdad, Will?
- A little but I wouldn't want to be alone here. Why not?
- Un poco pero no quisiera estar sola aquí.
Why, Becky, I wouldn't be...
Becky, yo no...
Why wouldn't I be?
¿ Por qué no iba a estar?
And I thought to myself, my God, what a stupid idiot, I thought, if you only knew why, you wouldn't be asking me.
Se aterró de lo que dijo el señor. Y yo pensé : " Qué estúpido.
Why, I couldn't take money from you Joan, that wouldn't be fair.
No puedo tomar tu dinero Joan, no sería justo. Pensaré en algo.
Why wouldn't I want you to be happy?
¿ Por qué no iba a querer que seas feliz?
That's why I sent the telegram, so that all these reasons wouldn't exist, so that my craziness would be irreparable.
Por eso envié el telegrama, para que no existieran todas esas razones, para que mi locura fuera irremediable.
Why wouldn't i be here? That's how milton left me.
Así fue como Milton me dejó.
Perhaps I wouldn't be glad, and say, now why did you come here?
Pero quizás tampoco estuviera contenta entonces, y te dijera : "¿ a qué viniste aquí?"
- Why wouldn't I be out? - No reason.
- ¿ Por qué no iba a estar fuera?
Yes, but wouldn't that be a little ridiculous? I mean, with a private investigator available, why would you need me?
Sí, pero no lo haría, eso sería un poco ridículo quiero decir, con un investigador privado disponible,
- Why wouldn't I be?
- ¿ Por qué no iba a estarlo?
- Are you alright? - Why wouldn't I be?
Un juicio moral de una máquina.
Why wouldn`t I be here?
Porqué no estaría aquí?
Why wouldn't I be?
¿ Por qué no estaría?
Why, if you wasn't here, I probably wouldn't be alive today.
Si no llegas a estar aquí, es posible que hoy no estuviera vivo.
Why wouldn't I be back?
¿ Por qué no iba a volver?
Why, I wouldn't be here if I didn't believe in it.
¿ Porque yo no estaría aquí si no creyera en él.
But, Leonard, why wouldn't I want to be a shaman?
Pero, Leonard... ¿ Por qué no iba a querer serlo?
I didn't know why, but when we came through the wormhole, I knew I wouldn't be returning.
No sabía por qué, pero cuando cruzábamos el agujero, supe que no regresaría.
Why wouldn't I be?
¿ Por qué no deberíamos estarlo?
With scientific data and information, I mean, for years we've always assumed. That there's no life on other Planets, but why wouldn't it be there
Durante años asumimos que no había vida en el espacio.
Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?
Sí. ¿ Por qué no tendría que estarlo?

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