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Wouldn't you traducir español

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If you can afford to leave an unfulfilling job, why wouldn't you?
Si puedes permitirte dejar un trabajo que no te llena, ¿ por qué no lo harías?
But you wouldn't stop breathing, would you?
Pero no dejarías de respirar, ¿ verdad?
No, I wouldn't fire you.
No, yo no te despediría.
You wouldn't have to go to a police station.
No tendrías que ir a una comisaría.
I mean, wouldn't you just bite it off?
Quiero decir, ¿ no lo matarías?
Don't tell me you wouldn't like to put the wind right up that pathetic piece of shit.
No me digas que no te gustaría largar inmediatamente... a esa patética mierda.
Wouldn't you?
¿ Podrías?
Ah, you know, "This nice lady barrister wouldn't be taking this on if she really thought this man had done something terrible."
Ya sabes, " El abogado de esta amable señora no cogería esto... si realmente pensara que ese hombre había hecho algo terrible.
You did tell Carrie that they wouldn't let me call the hospital?
¿ Le dijiste a Carrie que no me dejaban llamar al hospital?
You wouldn't have let me drive you to his house... if you'd meant to kill him.
No me hubieras dejado llevarte a su casa... si hubieras querido matarlo.
And, you know, Stiles wouldn't be okay with this.
Y, sabes, a Stiles no le parecería bien esto.
I wish I could be there with you, but as you know now, I wouldn't have had much time.
Desearía poder estar ahí contigo, pero como ahora sabes, no habría tenido mucho tiempo.
Something you wouldn't tolerate.
Algo que tú no tolerarías.
Mom said that you wouldn't be back until Thursday.
Mamá dijo que no volverías hasta el jueves.
I was worried you wouldn't make it before closing.
Me preocupaba que no llegaras antes de cerrar.
You wouldn't want that now, would you?
No querrás que eso pase, ¿ verdad?
Without you, this book wouldn't even exist.
Sin ti, este libro ni siquiera existiría.
That's because you wouldn't tell me the truth and you ended up in an underground bunker.
Eso fue porque no me contaron la verdad y acabaron en un refugio subterráneo.
I wouldn't have blamed you if you had turned in that file then or now.
No te habría culpado si hubieses entregado ese archivo entonces o ahora.
He'd have strong motive to protect you, wouldn't he?
Tendría un fuerte motivo para protegerte, ¿ verdad?
I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
No mearía sobre ti ni aunque estuvieses ardiendo.
I wouldn't have blamed you if you had turned in that file...
No te habría culpado si hubieses entregado ese archivo...
If you'd kept quiet, I wouldn't have checked the trunk and I would have driven straight to Spencer and the others with you in the back.
Si no hubieras hecho ruido, no habría comprobado el maletero y habría ido directamente con Spencer y con las demás contigo en la parte de atrás.
Because I knew you wouldn't.
Porque sabía que tú no lo harías.
I just gave you one, and you know I wouldn't be offering this unless what I was saying were true.
Acabo de darte una, y sabes que no te lo ofrecería si no fuera verdad lo que te digo.
Your ponies wouldn't want you to cry.
Tus ponis no quieren que llores.
Hello Kitty wouldn't want you to cry.
Hello Kitty no quiere que llores.
The unicorn on the stairs wouldn't want you to cry.
El unicornio en las escaleras no quiere que llores.
Marius, did you really think I wouldn't snap to a play like this?
Marius, ¿ de verdad creías que iba a picar en una jugada como esta?
-... you wouldn't let anybody touch it.
- no dejabas que lo tocara nadie.
That'd be a consistent theme for you, wouldn't it, given that you were married to a man who never existed?
¿ Eso sería un tema constante contigo, dado que estabas casada con un hombre que nunca existió?
I wouldn't have let him kill you.
No le habría dejado matarte.
You wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for my big mouth.
No estarías en este lío si no fuese por mi bocaza.
Maybe none of you can understand how I know that, but he just wouldn't do that to me.
Quizá no podáis entender cómo lo sé, pero no me haría esto a mí.
- Well, you bailed on that plan because your boyfriend wouldn't run away with you.
- No seguiste tu plan porque tu novio no quería huir contigo.
Do you know that Michaela and them wouldn't even talk to me at Wes'memorial?
¿ Sabes que Michaela y los demás ni siquiera hablaron conmigo en el funeral de Wes?
You wouldn't be in this mess unless someone was twisting your arm.
No estarías en este lío si alguien no te estuviera forzando.
You wouldn't lie to the police.
No has mentido a la policía.
Or you wouldn't have come round here.
O no habrías venido por aquí.
" He wouldn't think twice about dying for you.
No chistaría en morir por ustedes.
I wouldn't think twice if it wasn't Mikey, you know?
No me lo pensaría dos veces si no fuera Mikey, ¿ sabes?
You're telling me the world wouldn't be better off without Eddie King?
Dime que el mundo no sería un mejor lugar sin Eddie King.
Because if I was with Dustin now, then I wouldn't be here with you.
Porque si ahora estuviera con Dustin, no estaría aquí contigo.
I wouldn't jump if I were you.
Yo no saltaría si fuera tú.
I wouldn't have asked you to come back if it wasn't an emergency.
No te hubiera pedido que volvieras si no fuera una emergencia.
You know I wouldn't wanna ruin that.
No quiero estropearlo.
I just don't understand why you wouldn't...
Es solo que no entiendo por qué no...
Which wouldn't be such a problem if you two idiots hadn't lost the Longinus Medallion.
Y no sería un gran problema si ustedes, idiotas, no hubieran perdido el medallón Longino.
But then you wouldn't get what you want.
Pero entonces no conseguirías lo que quieres.
Wouldn't you like to know what it is?
¿ No te gustaría saber qué es?
- You wouldn't understand.
- No lo entenderías. - ¿ Por qué?

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